What should I see in Waddwe?


Vadduva, which is in 37 kilometers from Colombo, recently began its development, like a resort, and the popularity of this place is due primarily to the beautiful beaches, so it is not worth counting on a large number of attractions and mostly all excursion routes are out of this resort town. . So it will be more appropriate to talk about what you can see in Waddwe, but about what you should look in the area of ​​the resort towns of Waddow, Kalutar and others.

In general, Vadduva is a typical Buddhist town of Sri Lanka, in which the Buddhist temples were paid to the construction and planning of the city. They are in the town of a little less than 40! The main thing is that Temple Pridarkhanaramaye The striking of all vacationers with their greatness and beauty of the inner decoration. There is a cult structure on the outskirts of the city on the road leading towards another resort town of Kalutar, which is in 10 kilometers. The rest of the temples are not less beautiful, but inferior to the main dimensions.

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If you drive quite a bit along the road, which was mentioned above, you can get to Castle Richmonda , a very eclectic palace combining a mixture of British colonialism and Indian motifs in its architecture. The palace was built at the very beginning of the last century and belonged to a very rich landowner and the philanthropist with a terribly long and non-promotable name, which his descendants had been reduced, and now he is in all tourist directories and sightseeing booklets as simply a landowner Mudlims. The big family of the landowner lived in it almost until the middle of the 20th century, after which the castle was a house for a long time for high ranks of the British administration, and now he is a training center for children from secured families of the region and at the same time a museum for which excursions are held.

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We are moving on on this road and get to the city of Kalutar, the main attraction of which is the temple of Gangathilak Vihara standing on the very bank of the river Kalu Ganga. The temple is very young, if so you can talk about architectural monuments, it began to build it in 1960, and he is unique in its appearance. Gangeatilaka Vihara has a form of dagoba (stupes) of white. Before entering the temple, it is necessary to remove the shoes that not everyone likes, but those who do not do this cannot enjoy the surprisingly beautiful frescoes on the walls, as well as beautiful views of the district, which are opened when viewed from the windows Top, under the dome.

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Find this building is quite simple, because its snow-white dome is almost from all sides of the city, and the locals are happy to hold you to him if you get lost.

Since the Dagoba Temple is one of the cults of all Ceylon Buddhists, it is almost always filled with parishioners from all over the island.

A special sight is waiting for all those who come here in February, when the holiday of Navam Peraher is held in Kalutar. During his passage to the square in front of the temple, there are monks of a white elephant in chic outfits, on the back of the Buddha's relics. And with them, accompanied by monks, musicians and fakirov, he bypasses the whole city blessed by its inhabitants.

Interesting, many will seem the fact that the city of Vadduva received thanks to the Lekaryam Vedasm living earlier in the area in large quantities, and therefore to visit Vaddew and not to visit the Vedi tribe village, somehow not good. True, there are settlements of this tribe in many respects who kept their primitive way to 60-70 kilometers from Vaddwa, but it overcomes this distance quickly enough, and the excursion can be bought, both in hotels and in the travel agencies of the resort.

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Veda, are the indigenous population of the island and the main source of food and to this day they have a hunt, with the guns exactly the same as there were many centuries ago, these are axes, bows and spears. They still mined the fire with the help of two stones, which amazes, because the flow of tourists to parking the tribe does not dry up all year round. Of course, these are no longer the hondes that they lived here before the arrival of civilization, but largely their life remained unchanged.

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By the way, wishing not only to look at their life, but also hunt with them, they can take with them. True, it will cost a certain amount of money. Small quantity! But emotions get a lot.

Summing up the above described, we can say that it is still to a greater extent in Vaddow worth going if you want to spend most of the time on the ocean, and only a few days from all time of vacation is planning to spend attractions on sightseeing.

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