Where is the best way to stay in Partenit?


Partenit - the town is very small, but it has a really extraordinary Sanatorium "Aivazovskoye". "Fishka" Sanatorium - Park, the newest of the parks of this magnitude in the Crimea. It is built on the principle of "time travel". There is an antique glade with the groves of old Omlin, which grew in PARTENIT long before the emergence of the park.

Where is the best way to stay in Partenit? 6118_1

There are medieval hanging gardens, the lawn of the Renaissance era and the era of romanticism. In the Renaissance Arbor, the Park Pearl is hidden: Italian marble sculpture depicting the priestess under the finest bedspread.

Where is the best way to stay in Partenit? 6118_2

Over time, a terraced Japanese garden will appear here.

The entrance to the park is paid, but vacationers in the sanatorium can walk on it how much will want - undoubted plus.

The sanatorium is suitable for those who do not plan to travel a lot in the Crimea: with public transport in partenitis is quite tight, especially not in the season. For those who plan to get here for leisurely meditative recreation and climatic treatment, on the contrary, the sanatorium conditions are fit perfectly. It is better to include a full board in a ticket: Restaurant in Partenite find not easy.

You can also recommend the Sanatorium "Rock" on the cape of a cry. This health junction includes an old corps built in the form of a small castle under the Red Roof - the former Palace of Princess Gagarina. Stopping there is expensive.

Does it make sense to plan accommodation in the private sector of partenita? Only if you have a personal car, because, I repeat, with the transport in the village there is a tense. For the same money it is better to stay a private hotel or at the locals in the neighboring Gurzuf: this city is more picturesque, and his embankment is not captured by sanatorium parks.

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