Useful information about the holiday in Belgrade. Tips for experienced tourists.


Belgrade is a very friendly and friendly city. But for a full and productive recreation, it is better to know several things that can strongly help in communications and communication with both staff and residents.

Travelers from Russia and the countries of the former USSR here are traditionally with great warmth. Many people from the older generation still taught Russian schools, and will gladly remember him, communicating with you. Despite the fact that Russian, and Serbian belong to East Slavic languages, they are not mutually understandable, although much can be intuitively recognized. Great the number of words-false friends of the translator sounding in two languages ​​is equally, but in fact denoting completely different things (for example, "right" in Serbian means "straight", and "gonno" - our (for) right). All young people know English well and communicate with a tourist with great pleasure. It is quite customary to talk with unfamiliar and fellow travelers, feel free to ask them the road or advice - most often people will help and prompt all that is needed.

Belgrade is full of cafes and restaurants with delicious dishes and drinks. The prices are not very high, but you can pay as a local currency (dinars) and a card of any common payment system. Tips are taken to leave 10% in the amount of 10%, but they always depend on the quality of service, so the waiter you like it is quite possible to give more, and when discontent is not to leave anything. As a rule, it is understood by rounding amounts in favor of the tip.

Useful information about the holiday in Belgrade. Tips for experienced tourists. 61168_1

The Internet is provided by a variety of Internet cafes, as well as Wi-Fi networks in hotels, cafes and other places. Password can usually ask on a reception desk or at the waiter. You can purchase a local SIM card or call home from machine guns or post offices.

The police in Belgrade works very well, contacting the police on orientation issues in the city (the truth, not the fact that they will know Russian or English, but help will try sincerely). Walking around the city is safe at any time of the day, but it is necessary to maintain vigilance due to the risk of small stealing. However, its cases are rare enough. Almost all Balkan countries are quite safe both during the day and at night, but it is better not to enter industrial zones or unknown deserted places.

In Serbia ask where you are, in the order of things. Having learned that you are from Russia, a person will be delighted, express its respect, and in some case will begin to offer any services. Do not hurry to take them. Despite the sincerity of the Serbs, they relate to the Russians as sufficient to people, and this is often not the case.

Useful information about the holiday in Belgrade. Tips for experienced tourists. 61168_2

Attitude towards girls in Belgrade is trepidate, and every beautiful young woman (however, and ugly ... and not even young) will become the object of close attention of men. But the Serbs are cooled as quickly as passion, and it should be borne in mind when visiting the capital.

Belgrade begins to carry out laws and regulations for joining the European Union, so smoking space declined sharply in recent years. However, they smoke a lot here, and almost in any cafe or restaurant you can choose a smoking or non-smoking room. Smoking on the street is not accepted, like drinking alcohol. Both can sometimes lead to fine and misunderstanding - although it will most often be tactfully ignored.

In communicating with Serbs, you should not raise the topics of past wars, although they will talk about politics. The fact is that Belgrade still remembers NATO bombing, and many of adult men participated in hostilities. In view of the ambiguity of civil wars, no right, nor guilty here can be, so it is better to tactfully bypass such topics.

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