Where to go to Heviz and what to see?


Thermal lake Heviz is the most important center of therapeutic tourism in Hungary. This is the greatest medical lake in the European Region, having volcanic origin. Water in him warm, bottom - peat.

Where to go to Heviz and what to see? 6107_1

On the surface of Lake Heviz, you can see the lotuses, and in the period of the end of the summer - red lugs are specifically brought from India - then a very picturesque picture appears.

Next to Heviz is located Palace Feshetich - Count, founded today's resort. His residence is located in the list of the largest palaces in the state. In the castle there is a hundred one room having an old interior, as well as - musical premises, a chapel, a collection of weapons and a library with a collection of rare books.

Near heviza are located Remains of fortresses Shzyumg, Tatika and Sigley . In the first of them, in our time, knightly vintage tournaments are recreated, after which visitors treat dinner and drinks.

In Kessethey, which is located at a distance of six kilometers from Heviza, is Museum of dolls and wax figures kings, politicians and other famous figures. In the same place you can visit Balaton Museum , learn about the history and archaeological finds of the locality. In addition, it is recommended to visit Museum of Farming "Georgicon" where you can get acquainted with the history of winemaking and crop production, as well as Museum-Confectionery "Marzipan".

A wonderful view of Lake Balaton opens from a sightseeing platform located in Balathoryok, and in BalatonEerich you can visit Museum of Africa where many trophies brought from this continent are presented.

On the territory of the Valley of Egrel, which rises above the city, today you can contemplate the ancient monument - Temple of the era of Arpada which is the only witness to local ancient history. In January 2003, along with the Tikhan Peninsula and the mouth of the Tapoltsev, Lake Heviz became a candidate for the title of Treasury of World Heritage.

Roman Catholic Temple of the Arpadov Epoch

This church was built in the thirteenth century. It is located on a wine slide on the territory of Heviz. This wine slide during the Middle Ages was an independent settlement. During the invasion of the Turks completely destroyed it. Restored the village was in the seventeenth century by German settlers. Here at that time were engaged in the production of delicious wine, small taverns erected.

This church is an object that is under the protection of the state, it is one of the most beautiful among the Hungarian rustic buildings of this type. The church surrounds a civilian cemetery. On the remaining inviolable Balaton hill, there are three architectural buildings of historical importance, one of them is the temple of the era of the Arpadov Dynasty. For the first time in writing about it mentioned in 1341. The construction was subjected to strong damage in the sixteenth-seventeenth centuries. In 1731, repair work was made here, the church retained its medieval look. Here is the tower in three floors, richly decorated and having twin windows. The temple building is built from Pannon Sandstone, it is unique, has eight corners and a roof in the shape of a helmet. Interior decoration has been preserved from the times of the Middle Ages, there is a font, designed for the rite of baptism, as well as the Holy Cross. Wall painting also refers to the times of middle ages. It expresses the respectful attitude of the local population to religion.

Where to go to Heviz and what to see? 6107_2

Protective forest park territory

Warm waters of Lake Heviz are surrounded by the park. From the central part of the city A Deák Tér-Square Daek - tourists can go on several walking routes.

Protective wood paint zone that surrounds the lake is an important component of the local ecosystem. Part of this territory lying in the northeast, at the beginning of the last century was the wetlands - here Rosesa grew here. From the rest of the forest park zone, it was separated by trees. At the beginning of the twentieth century, this place was used as a pasture, the trees stopped stopped. And again began to plant the forest, the Graf family Feshtetich. The most curious tree here is a swampy cypress - he, unlike the rest of the half, is converted to the arrival of cold weather. In the autumn, the color of his leaves changes from the green to the bronze, and with the arrival of spring days, forest plantations again acquire a green color. According to the spring, marsh swells also bloom here, and it seems that a large carpet of flowers is raised under your legs.

Another interesting part of the protective forest survey area is located at the end of the walking alley, which leads to the park past the lake. During a walk through it you will notice the majestic, large planes. On the territory of the forest, you can meet representatives of the world of feathered and, possibly - protein. The bicycle path leads through the forest, it is possible to walk along the city of Keszthely, and also to get to a small Balaton, which has become famous in all of Europe thanks to unique natural conditions.

Church of the heart of Christ

This temple was built in 1995 according to the project Janosa Bochkoy. To the bell tower located here, which was erected in 1905, the church was attached. There are two bells here - the smaller of them cast in 1905 in Sopron, and larger - in 1937. In the process of casting on it, they celebrated the names of sixteen soldiers who died in the First World War. The rim on the bell has an inscription: "In memory of the dead heroes. Never forget you. Egred 1937 village. Near the temple on October 29, 2000, a memory fleet was opened, in which seventy wooden tombstones were installed, the killing thus the memory of the Egred warriors, citizens and the Jews who died during the first and second world wars.

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The formal title of this institution is the "Fountain Cinema". It is located in the center of the walking street opposite the fountain and the figures of Moll Károly, performed in bronze. The hall in the cinema is designed for a hundred four people, recently there were modernization of equipment with the use of digital technologies, so that today in this cultural institution there is a picture and sound corresponding to new international standards. This cinema is the best in the district.

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