Rest in Sovat: pros and cons. Should I go to Sovat?


It is most likely possible to be called a resort, but a resort, because almost all tourists come here not to relax, and then to correct your health. Geothermal lakes that are here, for a long time they are famous for their healing properties, and these properties have both water and dirt. In the comfort of five such lakes, which differ not only by names, but also the color of water, from which some and are named. It is "black", "red", "green", "Alunich" and "Ursa". The most popular of them are 'Ursa' 'and' 'Black' ', on the shores of which balneological hospitals are located. The main focus is the treatment of infertility and various kinds of gynecological diseases, the effectiveness of which makes the resort as best in Romania in this area of ​​medicine. It is not for nothing that there is such a belief that a woman sweeping in Lake Ursa can become pregnant without the help of a man. In addition, treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and psoriasis is treated.

Rest in Sovat: pros and cons. Should I go to Sovat? 61043_1

The Zhovet is located in the Carpathian mountains, in the area more famous called Transylvania. For many, the name of this region is associated with the name of the Mystical Count Dracula, whose lock is 175 kilometers from the Zea. Part of the Transylvania population is Hungarians, so all road signs and other signs are written in two languages, Romanian and Hungarian. In addition, a few kilometers from the village is the Slate Shaft "Pride", which I will also tell below.

Rest in Sovat: pros and cons. Should I go to Sovat? 61043_2

As for the Lake Ursu, this is the largest geothermal lake not only in Romania, but also throughout Europe and occupies an area of ​​four hectares. His uniqueness consists in a high salt content, because of which the name of the "Dead Sea of ​​Romania" was entrenched behind the lake. The salt concentration is really very high and fully immerseed into the water is quite difficult, moreover, at the depth of one and a half meters, the water temperature is about +50 degrees. Swimming in the lake is allowed only from July to September, during the rest of the time it is closed to visit. The entrance is paid and swimming is limited by time, which is given three hours before lunch and three after. Moreover, after every fifteen minutes of swimming, it is necessary to go ashore and slip the body under the fresh shower to prevent the body's dehydration from the effects of salt. To control the time, the big clock is specifically installed. To enter the water, the wooden flooring is equipped and it is impossible to get to the bottom at the bathing place. But because of its own characteristics, even those who do not know how to swim, including children, whom water simply keeps on the surface. The swimming zone is highlighted by buuks, for which it is not allowed to swim, follows the rescuers on boats. Although it is more correct to call them not rescuers and looking, since it is simply impossible to drown here, despite the fact that the depth of the lake reaches eighteen meters. For greater calm, especially for children made a small fence where finely, something like a frog. The entrance ticket for the whole day is worth twenty Romanian lei for adults and fifteen for children under 14 years old. Work schedule from 10.00 to 13.00 and from 15.00 to 18.00.

Rest in Sovat: pros and cons. Should I go to Sovat? 61043_3

Nearby there is a smaller size, but an even more salt lake "Alunis". It works without a break for lunch from 9.00 to 17.00. A visit is also paid and makes fifteen lei for adults and ten for children from three to fourteen years. In addition, you can rent a chaise lounge, the cost of which is fifteen lei.

Now, with regard to the Salt Mine "Pride".

Rest in Sovat: pros and cons. Should I go to Sovat? 61043_4

It is located a few kilometers from the Zea. Its length is about 400 meters and it goes to a depth of 120 meters. Judging by the information, the age of this mine has about a thousand years, where salt was mined for a long time. After the reserves have been exhausted, it began to use it for medicinal purposes. The main purpose of its visiting is the treatment of diseases associated with respiratory authorities, including bronchial asthma. Mine herself inside looks like a whole town, with sports halls, playgrounds for children and adults, amusement parks, museum, and even with their church. On the tunnel to the lower level every hour runs the bus,

Rest in Sovat: pros and cons. Should I go to Sovat? 61043_5

After that, you still go down the steps down and enter the real underground kingdom, and the height of the arches with a five-storey house.

Rest in Sovat: pros and cons. Should I go to Sovat? 61043_6

It is difficult to describe these words. A large plus of this salty mine is that compared to analogues that are located in other European countries, there is a fairly small number of tourists, which makes it calm in it. The temperature inside the mine, regardless of the time of year, is within + 14 + 16 degrees, with air humidity 60-70%. The cost of visiting the shaft is twenty lei.

Rest in Sovat: pros and cons. Should I go to Sovat? 61043_7

As for the journey itself in Sovat, you can come here as a trip acquired through a tourist company and on your own. The choice of sanatoriums, hotels and private sector is quite large.

Rest in Sovat: pros and cons. Should I go to Sovat? 61043_8

Usually coming independently, tourists settle in the private sector and separately agree on the procedures on therapeutic bases located in the village and on the shore of the lake. Here is an extract of the procedures provided by the urban healing base, which is located on the shore of the Lake Ursa.

Gynecology ten slave. days - 120 euro / person; Five slave. Days - 68 euros / person.

It includes: two medical consultations appointed by a doctor of procedures, such as: baths with salted water, mud tampons, irrigation with salt water, electrotherapy).

Medical rehabilitation course (balneology) five slave. days - 30 euro / person.

It includes: medical advice appointed by a physician five procedures, such as: therapeutic massage, electrotherapy, electroplating baths, zaverite, etc.

Recovery package for the reversal apparatus for ten slaves. days - 90 euro / person; Five slave. Days - 59 euro / person.

It includes: two medical advice, procedures appointed by the doctor, such as: bathing with salted water, zaverite, electrotherapy, medical massage).

I want to note that medicines and laboratory tests are not included in this value. There are of course a small problem of this resort associated with the language barrier, but with a small knowledge of the English language you can always find a common language.

It is worth noting at the end that if you find yourself in the winter in winter, you can visit the ski resort, which is 5-6 kilometers from the village. The tracks are truth not as extreme as other resorts of Romania, but for beginners and lovers are quite suitable.

Rest in Sovat: pros and cons. Should I go to Sovat? 61043_9

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