Rest with children in Amsterdam. Helpful information.


In Amsterdam you can safely go with children. A sufficient number of interesting places will not allow young travelers to miss. Children will fascinate time on numerous playgrounds.

Rest with children in Amsterdam. Helpful information. 6101_1

They will love to walk on the water bike through the canals or the letters of paper ships. The main thing is that the weather does not fail.

Girls will enjoy visiting a flower bazaar that rocks on the waves of the Channel Channel. It is located on boats between Muntplein and KoningsPlein. In this place you can see a lot of beautiful colors and the process of their cultivation. Those who wish can buy the bulbs of the plants liked.

In Amsterdam there is a rather unusual cafe. It works specifically for children. The secret of this place is that the waiters and assistants of the cook in this institution are children. Everyone who wants a kid over 7 years old can try himself in the roles like. Called Cafe KinderKookkafe And it is located at Oudezijds Achterburgwal, 193. The establishment has been running from 10:00 to 17:00.

Children, undoubtedly, will like the excursion to Museum of Science Nemo. . This is not just a museum, but a real playground. Even adults with enthusiasm let soap bubbles in this place, what to talk about children. Young visitors with great pleasure put experiments in laboratories, study the human body from the inside and let the bubbles. The most unusual corner of the museum is the roof. In addition to the fact that it offers a magnificent view of the historic part of the city, so here you can play with water or in huge checkers. Works NEMO from Tuesday to Sunday from 10:00 to 17:00. The museum is located on Oosterdok, 2.

The next point in the tourist program can be Zoo Artis. . It is considered one of the oldest zoos in Europe. In this place the unique atmosphere and a large number of inhabitants.

Rest with children in Amsterdam. Helpful information. 6101_2

After watching animals, the kids can play on one of the kindergarten of the zoo. Also on the territory there is aquarium, planetarium and two museums. You can get to the zoo on the tram. Artis is located on Plantage Kerklaan, 38-40. Tickets to the zoo are 18.5 euros for adults and 15 euros for children over 3 years old.

Boys can entertain visiting Maritime Maritime Museum . They will be able to see several hundred models of various ships and visit a copy of the real ship of the Amrdam clipper. The museum is located at Kattenburgerplein, 1-7.

Near the curved in the form of a pretzel bridge Koekjesbrug stands Children's Theater de Krakeling . In this place, the presentation for children is held in a game form. Even the children who do not know the Dutch receive an unforgettable impression of performances. You can get to the theater on the tram 1 or 5. The cost of the ticket is the envy of the child's age and is within 9-17 euros.

In essence, adolescents may like a visit Houses Rembrandt, Tussao Museum and Amsterdam dungeons (Amsterdam Dungeon). In a terrible place a ticket for a teenager costs 12.5 euros, for an adult price will be 17.5 euros.

Rest with children in Amsterdam. Helpful information. 6101_3

Do not forget about windmills. Without a photo shoot, one of them travels to Holland will be incomplete. And in Amsterdam their 8 pieces. Many are located in the heart of the city and can even look into their inner world.

If the trip to this beautiful city is scheduled for the winter, then it can be adjusted to the celebration of St. Martin's Day. Interesting and unusual traditions will enjoy children of any age. Especially fascinating for children will be gathering sweets in the basket. At the beginning of the winter, numerous fairs are opening up, and on December 6, all Amsterdam celebrates the arrival of Santa Claus. In these parts it is called Sinterklas. At the same time, the Fair Museum begins to work. Typically, children really like all what is happening.

Buy products for children in Amsterdam can be in small supermarkets that work until 22:00. There are no large stores in the city, but there are benches selling environmentally friendly products.

In the park Vondel is located Cafe "Big House of Milk" . In this place, young travelers will be able to put delicious dishes and play on the playground. A B. Pannenkoekenhuis Upstairs PannenkoEkenhuis The whole family will be able to try various types of pancakes.

What to think about. Amsterdam is suitable for traveling with children!

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