What should I see in Bucharest? The most interesting places.


In Bucharest today, there are quite a lot of interesting historical facilities and attractions to visit tourists. In order not to get lost in their set, I recommend making a priority visiting plan and include the following tourist places in it.

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1. In the very center of Bucharest, the Royal Palace is located one of the business cards of the city. His building forms a one-piece architectural complex, which also includes the Church of Kreszleschka, the famous Romanian Hall "Ateneum" and the building of the Central University Library. After the royal family renounced the throne, the palace building was transferred to the National Art Museum. Former luxury apartments of the Palace became exhibition halls, where more than four thousand paintings and engravings are exposed today. Particularly spectacular hall here is the European Gallery, which was opened in 1951. In total, there are 15 salons here, where the works of the most famous national and foreign artists are exhibited: from Velasquez and Titian to Rembrant and Rubens. The National Art Museum today consists, in fact, from three art halls: European art gallery, gallery of the ancient Romanian arts, as well as the gallery of modern Romanian art. But the richest is here a collection of medieval art, represented by products from textiles, various silver products, ceramics, as well as icons of valahia and transylvania 10-13 centuries.

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2. The area of ​​the revolution is one of the largest areas of Bucharest. It was named after the events of the Romanian revolution of 1989 - a famous anti-communist uprising, as a result of which the entire government of Socialist Romania was retired. This very place is important for the state institution. Among them: The National Museum of Arts (the largest museum of art of Romania), a well-known attenuum concert hall, a truly luxurious historic hotel "Hilton Bucharest" (which was built back at the beginning of the last century), the library of the University of Bucharest, the Central Committee building Romanian Communist Party (and today - the Ministry of the Interior of the country). In 1968 and 1989, there were mass anti-government performances on this square.

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3. The Cathedral of St. Joseph is perhaps the largest Roman Catholic church in Bucharest. Today, he is one of the most famous attractions of the city associated with religion, especially for Christian tourists. This cathedral was built in 1884. The author of the project is Alfonso Zhegers, a monk from Holland, an architect for education. The internal decoration of the cathedral was charged with the best artists of the time. For example, Mal Temple painted the painter from Munich Georg Roder, the famous Italian architects were stucco. Finally, the altar of the cathedral was made from Carrara marble, which is greater value, and then decorated with skilled carvings. In addition to unique architecture, this church is also known for magnificent acoustics. Today it is the most famous area in the country for the performance of works of organ music. There are constantly various concerts and speeches, which guests from different regions of the country come to. In 1999, this cathedral was visited by Pope himself, John Paul II. He served here for parishioners Sunday service. After that, the Cathedral began to enjoy considerable popularity and Catholics not only Bucharest, but also all of Europe.

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4. Church of Kreszzku is a small Orthodox Church, which was built at the beginning of the 18th century by order of Chancellor Creszchka, a famous leader of the Romanian Renaissance. Today, this building is one of the truly unique architecture and the oldest churches of Bucharest. The architecture of the Church is the mixture of Renaissance styles and the Byzantine tradition with rich, but very few scenery. This is the traditional Brynkovyansky style, which originated as a direction in art in the southern part of the country. The building is built of red brick. For several centuries, it is pleased with citizens and tourists with its interesting forms, as well as original details. The decoration inside the temple is distinguished among other Bucharest churches with its cozy beauty, thanks to the small room, as well as the well-preserved fresco-in-19th century. The door of the church today is open not only for all parishioners, but also for ordinary visitors who fascinate the beautiful appearance of this building.

5. Metropolitan hill or Patriarchate Hill. This is one of the 7 hills, on which Bucharest was once built, like Rome. The hill, which is located on the right bank of the local Dymbovitsa River, is famous for the complex of buildings of the Patriarchate located on it. The main decoration of the Metropolitan Hill is the Patriarch Cathedral of the 17th Century, which is considered the spiritual center of all Orthodox Romanians. His building, built in Byzantine style, was decorated with a set of elegant details that are inherent in traditional People's Romanian architecture. To date, the Unified Complex of the Orthodox Patriarchate here is: the Patriarch Cathedral, the Patriarch Palace and the Patriarchal Residence. The complex of the Patriarchate today is, perhaps, one of the most important attractions of the capital of Romania and in historical, and aesthetic plan.

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6. The Triumphal Arch of Bucharest is located in its northern part. This is perhaps one of the most picturesque and solemn monuments of the state. The construction is located near the largest in the city of Park and on the path of the main transport artery of Bucharest, named after Dmitry Kiselev, a famous Russian diplomat and general who participated in the process of uniting all Romanian principalities in the middle of the 19th century. This arch is similar to something on its famous analog, located in the capital of France, however, has a smaller size and age. A lot of tourists always crowind near this arch, who wish to capture themselves next to one of the most attractive sights of the city and the whole country.

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