When is it better to relax in Volgograd?


To feel comfortable in Volgograd, you need to know some nuances and then the weather does not overshax your holiday.


When is it better to relax in Volgograd? 6096_1

The city of South and Winter here is quite warm, but due to the fact that the climate is continental, even with a very low temperature in windy weather, it is not quite comfortable on the street. The Volgograd region borders with Kazakhstan, from which constant wind blows, without encountering no barriers to the circle of steppe. These winds are temperatures -5 turn into -20 - this is not a joke. The wind pursues to the bone and blows on all sides at once.


When is it better to relax in Volgograd? 6096_2

This is probably the most comfortable season. Spring comes so sharply that Volgograd fashion guards can change winter boots on sandals in one day. There are practically no precipitation, everything is green, dry and beautiful.


In early June, Volgograd comes to attack called Moshka (and is called). This is a petty bat, which climbs into the eyes, mouth, ears. There is no salvation from it - no creams, sprays do not help. The bites are very painful and not pass weeks, the place of bite is very swelling and constantly itches. Moshka terrorizes the city at least two weeks. It is located on the street is simply impossible, so at this time in Volgograd it is better not to come.

When is it better to relax in Volgograd? 6096_3

In July and mid-August, very very hot. The thermometer column rises to 40 degrees in the shade. Trees and grass burn out, in the city of dusty. At the end of August, the wild heat falls and is already quite comfortable to move around the city. All summer natural inconveniences are compensated by cheap fruits, vegetables and berries: apricots, cherries, watermelons, tomatoes, and so on.


Volgograd autumn is not raining, warm. Before November, you can safely come to the city, the weather will surely be pleasant.

When is it better to relax in Volgograd? 6096_4

In general, the best months for visiting Volgograd: April, May, August, September and October. This time is comfortable not only for tourists, but also for fishermen, because the city is at the junction of two Volga and Don rivers, which are known for their fish abundance.

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