What is worth viewing in Yaroslavl? The most interesting places.


Yaroslavl is a city with a thousand-year history in which you need to visit. Travel agencies have developed a lot of routes for schoolchildren, pilgrims, foreigners. But the inspection of the city with a crowd of tourists, even with a good guide, is not suitable for everyone. Yes, and walk along the laid other ways somehow is not very interesting - there is no spirit of research. After all, Yaroslavl is worthy that everyone opens it for himself. Here are full of different cattle and events that do not always fit into an organized excursion.


Yaroslavl is associated with ancient architecture, but also our contemporaries try to make their contribution to the decoration of the city. Monuments dedicated to the bear - a symbol of the city, there are several. One of them - "Decorating Bear" (ul. Pervomayskaya 55).

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Bronze Bear, who is constantly working "for happiness" some parts of the body so that they are already shiny, really roars at the beginning of each hour. At this time, the bear is always crowded. The unusual and amazing decision of the creators of the monument attracts tourists and locals as a magnet. But, the famous sculptor of Tsereteli, famous for his "rather big" works, decided that one monument to this mighty beast little and presented his version of the city symbol - "Bear with fish" (Yaroslavl Millennium Park).

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The giant monument is cast from the cast iron and differs from the previous one enough. Many locals were ambiguously reacted by a new Mishke, but with the time of passion, they had easier and his nose was burning. But this was not enough and in 2010 a new monument has appeared in the city only by a bear with Sobolem - "Bear Gazovik and Sable" (Moscow prospect 92).

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In this composition, the bear from brass and bronze stands in the equipment of the mining of the drilling rig, sable personifies Siberia. The monument is donated by the city Gazprom for the thousand-year anniversary.

In general, this venerable date has significantly enriched the streets of the city with new sculptures and various compositions. One of these compositions was the duet of Leonov - Kuravlev, dedicated to the popular film "Afonya".

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Favorite many paintings were filmed in Yaroslavl, which is the subject of pride of local residents. Money for a monument was going to the whole world and now these two characters - "Afonya and Kolya" (Ul. Nakhimson, d. 21a) please the Yaroslavls and do not allow to empty the eponymous with the film beer, which is located nearby. Well, it is simply impossible to pass by the sculpture "Don Quixote" (Volga Embankment, 23).

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The knight of the sad image sits in the garden, staring as a sad look into an empty hand, in which there was a chamomile before. Chamomile was stolen a few years ago, but in the spring and summer caring passersby necessarily puts into the iron hand of a live flower.


Where can I see the friendly sitting symbols of the two Olympiads (Moscow and Sochi) and a few more hundreds of Kosolapi in Yaroslavl? Of course in the museum "My favorite bear" (Soviet, 8).

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Here - a large collection of bears made from all possible materials is collected in an ordinary three-room apartment: Matter, porcelain, wood, plastic, etc. A visit to the museum will be delighted with any child, and adults will get the opportunity to fall into nostalgia at the sight of toys from his childhood.

"Museum of the history of the city of Yaroslavl" (Nag. Volzhskaya, D.17) introduces different stages of the development of the city. Each hall (of them only 6) is assigned under a separate topic.

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Here you can see archaeological finds, Soviet posters, household items, postal cards, personal belongings of famous people, coins, icons and much more. Various thematic exhibitions with master classes and costume events are held periodically.

And here "Private Museum" Music and Time "" (Nab. Volzhskaya, d.33a) more similar to the antique shop - so much of the old one here: irons, patephones, bells, gramplastics.

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All this was collected by the enthusiast, which later decided to create this museum. Thanks to his efforts, old things do not rot on the garbagers, and peeled and renovated admire visitors. Here you can hear the sounds of the scarmer, see the vintage musical instruments. The collection is constantly growing and the three halls are already not enough for her, so possible in the near future the museum will change the address.

The pride of the city is considered "Valentina Tereshkova Planetarium" (Tchaikovsky Street, d. 3), which is an honorary citizen of Yaroslavl.

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The planetarium is modern and equipped with all the necessary equipment. The building is located a small museum of cosmonautics, cinema hall, cafe. The pleasure of visiting and inspecting the amazing starry sky is guaranteed and an adult and a child.

As you can see, even just walking around the city, there is something to see and wonder. Yaroslavl is a stunning city with his face, with the richest past and exciting real. These are not only the majestic temples and churches, but also unusual monuments and interesting museums. Here are wonderful people who love their city very much and are proud of them. Come to Yaroslavl and make sure that yourself.

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