What should I see in Volgograd?


What should I see in Volgograd? 6094_1

My relatives live in Volgograd and I often visit them away. Therefore, I know Volgograd as a floor of a tourist - a semi local resident.

Imagine that you were born in Egypt in the apartment, the windows of which go to the pyramids. You see them since childhood, every day throughout your life. For you, this is not a miracle of light, just the usual phenomenon that for some reason attracts crowds of tourists.

This is how the Volgograds, every day rushing on their cars by or stand in traffic jams next to the monument of world famous - Mamaev Kurgan and the majestic statue of the mother-mother-mother and do not notice them, accept as a given. Meanwhile, this memorial complex annually visits a large number of tourists and guests from different countries. There were tasty battles in 1942. Here a lot of people died and literally every millimeter of the Earth is impregnated with blood. Several years after the war, it was a dead earth - the grass did not grow. The complex is really a grandiose, consisting of various architectural compositions.

What should I see in Volgograd? 6094_2

What should I see in Volgograd? 6094_3

In order to think about 4 hours thoughtfully to get around. You can bypass it yourself, and you can use the services of a guide and order an individual excursion. It is necessary to approach from above, saving time, and below - to go through the whole path step by step.

Most of the monuments of Volgograd - the echoes of the Great Patriotic War. This is a city of combat glory, a hero city, which is very proud of his victory. In the center of the city there is a "Museum-Panorama Stalingrad Battle", Pavlov House with a famous inscription "Save your native Stalingrad," in which the letter "R" was added, which turned the phrase to "rebuild you to his native Stalingrad." The mill building looks with its empty holes instead of windows, as a reminder to us that you need to try to avoid wars with all the might.

What should I see in Volgograd? 6094_4

What should I see in Volgograd? 6094_5

What should I see in Volgograd? 6094_6

A big misconception that the city during the war was destroyed to the ground, it is not. Some buildings partially survived and after the war were restored, in their original form. But in the 50s, the city began to actively rebuild, giving preference by monumental pompous buildings. Naturally, small houses in a new concept did not fit out and they simply equalized with the earth. But there are several old buildings, now there are various organizations. Basically, these are merchant houses. They relate to architectural monuments and are protected by the state.

What should I see in Volgograd? 6094_7

What should I see in Volgograd? 6094_8

What should I see in Volgograd? 6094_9

Volgograd stands on Earth, which has seen a lot: here the parking of an ancient man was found here, here the Tatar city of Khanov Golden Horde was located, but all this is buried under modern houses, schools and shops. Of course, you need to honor and remember your story, but life continues, the city grow up and you can not get anywhere.

Modern Volgograd suffocates from traffic jams, a city with a length of 70 kilometers (stretched along the Volga), the roads are broken, there is no bypass and all transit transport (multi-torrent) ride through the city. Naturally, it creates difficulties in the inspection of the city, but the authorities plan to build a road along the Volga, which slightly unload the center. Modern Volgograd is an unusual way of transport - underground tram; This bridge over the Volga, known as dancing; This is a beautiful embankment with the largest river port in Europe.

What should I see in Volgograd? 6094_10

What should I see in Volgograd? 6094_11

What should I see in Volgograd? 6094_12

Soon the Volgograd land will take the World Cup. New buildings will be built: the stadium, hotels, the airport is renovated. The city continues to live and life this saturated, interesting and very active.

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