Rest in Rostov Great: pros and cons. Is it worth going to the Great Rostov?


Why Great Rostov? Those who love history, and historical places, probably do not ask a similar question. The fact is that the Great Rostov is one of the most ancient cities in Russia. The first official mention of this city, dated 862 year. Imagine?

Rest in Rostov Great: pros and cons. Is it worth going to the Great Rostov? 60733_1

Since the city is pretty a preventive age, then for all this time he managed to promote enough attractions and monuments, which are three hundred twenty-six. The third part, these cultural monuments are honorary the title of monuments of federal significance.

Rest in Rostov Great: pros and cons. Is it worth going to the Great Rostov? 60733_2

And, precisely because of the huge number of historical doors, the Great Rostov was listed in the list of historical cities of Russia in 1970. Who read the "Tale of Bygone Years" probably remembers the excerpt in which the Great Rostov was mentioned, and if he does not remember, it will become a great reason to re-read this work.

Rest in Rostov Great: pros and cons. Is it worth going to the Great Rostov? 60733_3

Rostov the Great will be a great place to encourage children to history. Visiting such places, the defortion is much better absorbed by the course of history, for the simple reason that he had the opportunity to personally touch her.

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