What is worth viewing in Novosibirsk? The most interesting places.


Novosibirsk is a huge industrial city, a city is a million, the pearl of the endless Siberian region. This is a huge shopping, cultural and industrial center of Siberia, located on the Priobskoe plateau in the valley of the Ob River. He received his status as the city, Novosibirsk in 1903 and since then (unofficially) is referred to as the capital of Siberia.

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In the city, the mass of sightseeing firms offering excellent excursion tours (both individual and as part of groups). But all of them are narrowly directed, focused on a thorough inspection and study of only the special "famous" attractions of the city, therefore (I think) that if there is no need for an in-depth study of a particular attraction, you can fine with an independent acquaintance with the city.

I recommend it with the main attraction of Novosibirsk - the National Opera and Ballet Theater.

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This architectural miracle is located on the main square of the city - Lenin Square. This is not just a theater, this is an architectural masterpiece, the main symbol of Novosibirsk, striking tourists and guests of the city with its greatness, size and beauty. Local residents call "their" theater - Siberian Colosseum, to be in Novosibirsk and not to visit the Opera Theater and Ballet is considered a "bad tone." It's like to come to Moscow and not stroll through Red Square. The theater with the grandiose scope of the Stalinist era (remember the house of the congresses in the capital) was conceived by 1931 as a house of science, but later the project was revised and a new, no less grand project (awarded even the prizes of the Grand Prix at the exhibition in Paris) accepted. The Great Patriotic War prevented the final completion of the grand project. Only in 1945, the Opera Glinka "Ivan Susanin" the theater is finally (officially) opened, becoming a peer of the victory of the Soviet people.

But, not only the "theater one" is rich in Novosibirsk. In the city, positioning itself as cultivna, the capital of Siberia, the theaters are sufficient. Among them, the local theater of the young spectator (Tyuz) occupies a special place. It was founded in the distant 1930 as the first, regional theater. So would he stay with nothing noticeable, one of the many theaters of Novosibirsk, if at the end of the XIX century, then the authorities did not build the theater a new, original building in the form of a huge ship sailboat,

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That at that time was a very innovative solution. At this time, local Tyuz is renamed to the "Globus" and around this wonderful building is broken by an alley of bards. There are perpetuated by the great bards of the Soviet Union: Bulat Okudzhava, Yuri Vizbor, Alexander Galich, and in the center of the allee, as if peculiar to her - a monument to V. High.

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The most unusual sight of the city, at the same time, the original monument of Novosibirsk there is a traffic monument.

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This "architectural miracle" is represented in the form of a wicked policeman welcoming himself. The monument is open more recently, in 2006. It is located in the center of the city, on a large crossroads of Serebrennikovskaya Street, directly from the school. The choice of place for the monument is not accidental, it is at this place in this place in the distant forties of the last century the first automatic adjustor appeared.

Naturally, it is impossible to pass by the local zoo.

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This is one of the largest zoos of the country, visitors are presented by more than 10,000 different types of animal world practically from all over the world. Located on 70 hectares of land, where representatives of the fauna have decent care, the zoo continues to be replenished. Not so long ago, in 2008 the zoo was presented in the nomination "7 wonders of Russia" and did not quite reach the seventh place. But be that as it may, the locals still consider their zoo with the present, the National Miracle. The special pride of the Novosibirsk Zoo is undoubtedly tigers

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And the Caucasian Leopard, the representative of this species is not in any zoo of the world. Every year more than 1 million visitors come to look at exotic animals.

And not far from the zoo you can relax on an interesting alley of the dedicated memory of recruits.

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There is the above alley on the street refrigeration, where the district commissocarter was once located. Very extraordinary monument, but somehow great and organically fit into the surrounding reality. Our attitude (pure Slavic) to the military call is not that negative, but rather a peculiar one, therefore the monument has emerged to all generations of Novosibirsk, without exception. The sculptural composition, made of metal, is like a parting of a young pair in front of the "long separation". Here come to the alley just to relax or remember your "farewell with your beloved" almost all young people of Novosibirsk.

It is impossible, walking in Novosibirsk, not to honor the memory of the great soldiers who fell in battles for our homeland in the Great Patriotic War at the monument of glory.

More than 30 thousand Novosibirsk folded their heads at that time. It is in honor of them and undoubtedly in honor of the entire Soviet people built a monument. 10 meter pylons symbolize the years of that terrible war. Behind them is carved the sculpture of a grief mother

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And a huge bowl with eternal flames. 100 magnificent pines were planted for the grand memorial, in honor of 100 Nvosibirters - the heroes of the Soviet Union. By and large, it is difficult to convey your feelings while the monument of universal grief and memory. This is a combined feeling of great pride for our ancestors and a feeling of huge grief of our people. The newlyweds of the city became a tradition after marriage in the registry office to place flowers to the monument of the glory of our people.

It is impossible to go around the most beautiful museum of railway equipment.

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This is truly a storehouse of rabbles of the railway. After all, the city is obliged by its development, so no one was surprised at the emergence of such a museum in Novosibirsk. There is something here. Unique vintage wagons and locomotives of the times of Romanovs. Rarity, perfectly renovated (on the go) locomotives, in which only wheels are more human growth. Exhibits are simply affected. And on the territory of the museum made a separate platform for the exhibition Retro cars. In general, it is wonderful and great, so moving from the exhibit to the exhibit in the museum you can stay all day, before everything is interesting.

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