What excursions worth visiting Veliko Tarnovo?


In this article, consider some popular excursions to the famous Bulgarian resort "Veliko-Tarnovo"

Sightseeing tour from Odessa: "Veliko-Tarnovo: Control with Eternity"

In the trip program:

The first day:

Departure from Odessa at 14:00 by bus.

Second day:

In the morning, we arrive in the city of Veliko-Tarnovo, which was the capital of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom. We are located in the hotel, breakfast, before lunch - free time. After lunch, we will perform a sightseeing tour of the city, visit Sarafkin Kyiya, a Turkish prison - a museum, we will visit the craft street (Self-known Charshiya). Upon return - dinner in the hotel, free time, then disco.

Day Three:

After breakfast in the hotel - we go on a tour of Veliko-Tarnovo, we will visit the Bulgarian fortress on the Tsarevets hill built in the Middle Ages, in the village of Arbanasi, where we will get acquainted with the unique architecture of the ancient buildings from the stone, in the Church of the Sainry Martyrs, where representatives are buried Half of the local ruling dynasty. We have lunch on the road. After returning to the hotel - dinner and disco.

Church of the Sainry Martyrs:

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Day four:

After breakfast in the hotel we are going to the Shipka, where we will get acquainted with the ancient, sheedy legends, and the modern beauty of the southern foundation of the Stara Planina Mountain, which is near Kazanlyk. We will pass in the footsteps of the bold Russian soldiers and warriors of the Bulgarian militia. On the bus tours we will have a chance to visit the temple - the Monument of the Nativity of Christ, in which the fallen Russian warriors were buried, as well as on the mountain top of the Shipka, which is related to the heroic milestones of the Russian-Turkish confrontation of 1877-1878 (in this area, the picture filming " Turkish gambit"). We have lunch, on this excursion - dry paja. On the way we will eat in the ethnographic complex "Etra", or "Ether". It is unique to southeastern Europe with an ethnographic park-museum under the open-air. It is located at a distance of eight kilometers south from the central part of Gabrovo and is in a quarter, which has the same name, on the Sivek River, in three kilometers from turning to the chip, is located on the territory of approximately seven hectares. In 1971, the complex "Etch" declared a cultural monument. Here you can fully learn about the everyday life of the usual settlement in Bulgaria and a half years ago. Upon returning to the hotel - dinner and rest.

Mount Shipka:

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Fifth day:

Breakfast, the day is completely free - walk around the city, acquire local souvenirs. In the evening - dinner.

Day Six:

After breakfast, we go from Veliko Tarnovo at 10:00. In the way, we will have free time in the city of Varna, which is the sea capital of the country (there are visits to confectionery, shopping institutions and cafeteris). We dine and continue the way.

Seventh day:

We arrive in Odessa - approximately 09:00.

Price excursions: For accommodation in 1/2 DBL - 230 euros, 1/3 trpl - 215 euros, for children from two to twelve years - 170 euros.

The price includes: moving from Odessa to Bulgaria and back by bus, accommodation in hotels, meals - breakfast, dinner, two departures on the buses - the first to the top of the Shipka and to the ethnographic museum complex of the etch, and the second to the medieval Bulgarian fortress " Tsarevets "on the eponymous hill, in the village of Arbanasi and the Church of the Sainry Martyrs. The cost includes guide and Russian-speaking guide, medical insurance and visa support.

The trips price is not included: the cost of consular fees and a Bulgarian visa, entrance tickets (approximately ten euros), entrance to the pool (two euros) and other personal expenses.

For excursion, it is necessary to have at least forty tourists in the group.

Excursion from Pomorie: "Arbanasi and Veliko-Tarnovo"

We go on a trip from Pomorie at 07:00. At 11:15, arrive in Arbanasi. This ancient village is characteristic of its monumental buildings and churches that have a luxurious internal decorative decoration - wood carving and wall painting of the sixteenth-seventeenth century period. We will visit the Holy Monastery, in which the miraculous icon "Holy Virgin Troochitsy" is located and many other icons of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. After that we will visit the Petropavlovsky monastery. In the city of Veliko-Tarnovo we will arrive by 12:30. First we will go on a pedestrian tour to the historic complex and architectural reserve "Tsarevets". Then you will have free time, at 17:00 - lunch and departure back to Pomorie.

Arbanasi is a unique architectural and historical nature reserve, which is located in four kilometers to the northeast of the resort of Veliko-Tarnovo, on the elevation, from which the panorama of the Tsarevets and Trapezian hills is visible. Arbanasi is very famous among the guests of Bulgaria, as there is a large number of ancient buildings and churches. Such vintage cultural monuments are dated by the sixteenth-eighteenth centuries, and therefore today Arbanasi is the terrain of national importance.


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The most ancient buildings are similar to Tyrnovsky Boyarsky houses - they were erected from the stone, they are similar to small fortresses having an inner staircase and a good stone gate. Not only these buildings are striking, but also sources for drinking with large sleeves of roofs are such as Cocon and Pazar. Extremely notable and seven churches located in the village.

Veliko-Tarnovo is the administrative center of the Greothesky region, this resort city is located in the Yantra River Valley - on the rocky slope.

Noteworthy is the fact that before this city was the capital of Bulgaria, so its inhabitants have a weighty reason for pride. It is also a very old settlement. Or rather - at these places there was the capital of the Second Bulgarian Kingdom - from 1186 to 1393. In this place, the Bulgarian kings were crowned, Archbishop lived, and from the 1235 he was appointed Patriarchs.

The excursion is designed for one day, its value is 109 Bulgarian levs per person, it is held on Thursdays and Sundays.

The price includes the price per transfer, payment of guide services, medical insurance and organized food - lunch.

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