What is worth viewing in Kislovodsk? The most interesting places.


Kislovodsk is a small city, but very cozy beautiful. It is famous for its mineral sources with medicinal water. Most tourists come here to be treated and reconciled. But, do not forget that Kislovodsk is not only therapeutic health resort, there are residential neighborhoods, office buildings, shops, restaurants, parks, alleys. I want to notice, despite the fact that a large number of tourists are resting in Kislovodsk, there are absolutely no fuss and concealment of people in the city. It is very pleasant to walk, there is a lot of interesting places that you should see. About the most, in my opinion, who deserve your attention, will tell in more detail.

What is worth looking in Kislovodsk?!

one. Resort Park - It covers an area of ​​about 1340 hectares. In one day you will definitely do it. First you need to buy a map where all the paths, cafes, toilets, exits from the park are marked. Because you most likely walking in it get lost. And they will not always be able to help, around you will be the same tourists, weakly understand where the way out and where to go on. There are many proteins in the park, they are already accustomed to people and willingly fit the treats. At the bottom of the park you will see the gallery of paintings from local artists. In general, this park would call the most real forest, there are many trees, shrubs and other greenery. For example, the blue spruce of the Kremlin in Moscow was mainly brought from here. Well, probably the main attraction of the park, it is annetic gallery. Where and most tourists come to drink healing water and see how she hits straight out of the ground. Also, I advise you not to be lazy and get to the cable car to see all the flavor and scale of the park.

2. Cottage Shalyapin.

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This is not exactly the dacha Shalyapin, as will seem at first glance. The house of everything was in total to them once, on a very not long term. Fyodor Chaliapin planned to build a dacha in Kislovodsk, but did not have time because of the revolution. But despite this, in 1988 the building was awarded the status of the Shalyapin Museum. Even the street on which the cottage is located, began to be called in honor of Fedor Shalyapin. The entrance ticket is currently 100 rubles. Once upon an inside, you can get acquainted with the personal belongings of the Great Opera Bass. Hear and remember Shalyapin's voice. Visit the veranda with which he arranged free concerts to everyone from the street. The museum is located at the address: Kislovodsk, ul. Shalyapin, d. 1. Open every day from 10-00 to 18-00.

3. Narked gallery.

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I already mentioned about her, but decided to stop in more detail. Since Kislovodsk is famous for its mineral water and tourists first seek to get here. The entrance to the Narzanian Gallery is free. Narzan here is in a cold and hot condition and is presented in several species. Tastes are different, there is such that it is simply impossible to drink, but there is very pleasant. There are plastic cups near each crane, but I advise you to come with your mug and drink pleasant and hygienic. It is not allowed to carry out water with you, but at the output you can give the instructor the tips and then there will be no problems with it. Also, I want to draw your attention that water should be drinking with caution and try to try. It makes sense at the beginning to consult with the doctor.

four. Resort Boulevard.

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This place is considered the main pleasure zone in Kislovodsk. The length of it near a kilometer. Mostly here and love to walk and residents of the city. Pretty eye numerous flower beds with flowers, poplar and other green plantings. There are many cafes and restaurants on the resort boulevard, stores with souvenir products. In the afternoon and at night, life does not make life. Walking, pay attention to Narzan sanatorium. In it, I was once stopped by Isadora Duncan and expected that Sergey Yesenin will come to her, which did not happen. But, nevertheless, tourists pay attention to this story.

five. Cableway to Mount Small Saddle.

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In just 8 minutes, you can go up the top of the Ginal Range, breathe fresh mountain air, admire the panoramic views of the city and nature around. In good and clear weather you can see the top of Elbrus. Only two trains work on the cable car, one raises, the other descends. On weekends, there are usually a lot of people here. And there are no seating sites in the trailer, everyone has to stand. And if the maximum number of people will be brought into it - about 25 people, then you will not receive any particularly emotions. Back, you can go down on foot, having previously lunching in the cafe, as a lot of strength will need a lot. Walk will bring a lot of impressions and will be remembered for a long time.

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