What should I see in Kaluga? The most interesting places.


Sometimes I am very glad that my work is conjugate with traveling by our immense country. Visiting a variety of large and not very city of Russia, I am always amazed as much of our entire interesting and informative. The only noticeable minus is the lack of service, but the kindness of local residents, often it compensates with interest.

What should I see in Kaluga? The most interesting places. 60418_1

The trip to Kaluga was completely spontaneously formed, but I had time to visit the list of main attractions, here's just a time to visit me, unfortunately, not enough ...

What should I see in Kaluga? The most interesting places. 60418_2

The first thing you will advise to visit every Kaluzanin (this is the so-called residents of this old city) - Kaluga Holy Trinity Cathedral which is located in the city park of culture and recreation. I wish you very much to be lucky. The park itself is very beautiful and walk will deliver a tremendous pleasure, but the cathedral, built in 1818, simply amazes with his grandeur and his article. I am not a big connoisseur of architectural directions, but the inner decoration of the cathedral even led me to the thrill. The main shrine is the miraculous icon of God's Mother.

Museum of Architecture Crafts and Life (ul. Kirov, 45/16) will like not only to those who are interested in history. We all know that before people wore Napti, the vest was outdated, the spoons were extended - in general, practically everyone did them with their own hands. The museum contains vintage strands, oak barrels, tours, various kitchen and household utensils.

What should I see in Kaluga? The most interesting places. 60418_3

Here you understand that every thing is made not only by hand, each shower of the manufacturer is invested. I highly recommend buying a tour with a professional guide, a museum, though that is small, but about each subject workers of the museum give out such a scale of information that it seems to be difficult for you a wooden spoon, and some complicated mechanism.

I visited the next museum completely by chance, on the recommendation of one of the locals. Museum of 1812. Located, as it is not surprising on Suvorov Street in House 42.

What should I see in Kaluga? The most interesting places. 60418_4

The first thing that rushes into the eyes is the museum building - an old house. Then surprises the price of a ticket - 70 rubles. Despite the small sizes here there is something to see, but the greatest advantage of the museum is his staff.

What should I see in Kaluga? The most interesting places. 60418_5

They meet the visitors with such warmth and joy, which for a long time you will not see in large museums, where everything "delivered to the flow"

The next museum is simply impossible not to visit, as it is the first in the world and the largest in Russia - State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky (ul. Academician Queen, 2). Museum, without exaggeration, wonderful.

What should I see in Kaluga? The most interesting places. 60418_6

Here you can see real spacecraft and ammunition of cosmonauts, which had the honor of visiting space. Absolutely real primer from the moon, space food, spaces and many other things can be seen in this cognitive and absolutely not boring museum.

Until the next place I really wanted to visit, you need to get on a bus or car - Art Park "Nikola-Lenivets" which is located 80 kilometers from Kaluga in the village of Nikola-Lyavets. Imagine (and better go and see everything with your own eyes) territory in six hundred hectares of land, where various landscape installations are located not only from domestic, but also foreign authors.

What should I see in Kaluga? The most interesting places. 60418_7

It is very convenient that there is where to stay for the night, because in one day to see everything will be difficult. But there are also various entertainment and pastime to the park: yoga classes, cycling, film, diverse master classes.

I really liked the city with my own identity.

What should I see in Kaluga? The most interesting places. 60418_8

Just walking through the streets, you can see the former Kaluga due to the old buildings and merchant mansion. These are real architectural monuments protected by the state and I very much hope that they will not be demolished to build another faceless shopping and entertainment center.

Monument to Peter and Fevronia which is located at the church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, although it has been delivered recently - in 2012, but already managed to love both Kaluzan and guests of the city.

What should I see in Kaluga? The most interesting places. 60418_9

As local residents told me, the monument always stands fresh flowers, which speaks many things.

It can not be said that I managed to see everything in Kaluga, but those places that I managed to visit, gave love for this city and I will definitely come back here and it will be the non-working trip "Running", but a full-fledged trip to study this beautiful town With his unique face.

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