What is worth viewing in Czech Krumlov?


The town of Czech Krumlov was shifted into my list of mandatory to visit places in the Czech Republic completely accidentally. I was preparing for the trip, the route was developed and reading the next information, I saw this name that seemed to me remotely familiar. I start to feverishly remember and the name Baloune comes to the memory ... Remember the novel "The adventures of the Brave Soldier Soldier"? So, Melnik Balun is from there.

Czech Krumlov is located in the south of the Czech Republic. I was planned for this city a year and a half - it is very small. With confidence I can say that it is necessary to spend the night in it - a one-day excursion is not suitable. This city is very big popularity, tourists walk crowds. But if you go for a walk late in the evening or early in the morning, when neither the soul on the street, the town will appear in front of you in the new world.

Reaching Prague by bus in three o'clock and settled in advance booked guesthouse, I went to walk along the streets - just like that without any sense. The main thing is not to turn your neck, because you give your head all the way. Narrow streets, multicolored houses, as if I got on the shooting pad. I constantly want to touch them with your hands and check that it is not a dream.

What is worth viewing in Czech Krumlov? 6041_1

Well, what not a fairy tale?:

What is worth viewing in Czech Krumlov? 6041_2

Consciously on the day of arrival decided not to visit any sights, just walked.

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Well, in the morning, with a fresh head and full strength went to inspect the raisins of this city-museum. The historical center is protected by UNESCO. Pearl, and you need to notice rightly, it is considered Castle Krumlov.

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It was from here that in the 13th century began the structure of the city. The lock is in excellent condition, the interior is preserved, yards. I advise you to change in the morning exactly there - there are no tourists yet. The castle is very popular and the crowd of tourists can be avoided only in the morning. It opens at 9 am. In winter, the lock is closed for visiting. Be sure to go down to the cellars, visit the basement prison, the Castle Theater - we'll just not list everything. The bridge connecting the part of the castle with the garden and the theater is called a plating - a very unusual architectural structure:

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Decoration of the city is considered Catholic church of St. Vita . Be sure to visit this bright place. The church is gorgeous with its gothic forms and its simplicity. In it, old frescoes have been preserved, as they think when they were written (the construction of the church began in 1340) - he captures the spirit.

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Modern administration is located in the building City Hall On the central square of the historic city center.

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It is surprising that at this place there was first three separate houses, but then the facades were connected and the building was one. All these manipulations were produced in the 17th century. It is unusual that in the basement of the building there is a torture museum - very nice! The building for visiting is closed, only a torture museum is available for inspection, a very specific place, for lovers to rinse the nerve - the most!

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Already falling down, I got into the gallery Egon Shile . I will say right away that I am not a great sense of art, I generally have no connoisseur. But this place was in my plans for a visit and I was not disappointed. Egon Shile did not survive up to 30 years, but left a very bright mark in art. Gallery is located in an old building, which once has been brewerous for a long time.

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It was the last thing I visited in Czech Krumlov. It was necessary to say goodbye to this town. But I will definitely return here, only in the summer months - when various carnivals and musical festivals are held on his streets.

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