What excursions worth visiting in fungivka?


Mribovka, one of the most popular and most affordable resorts for young people (in terms of breaking out for a couple of days and come in a couple of hours). Vacationers come to the Nikolaev, Kiev, Kherson regions, as well as here you can often find guests from Belarus and Moldova. The main flow of tourists falls on weekends and holidays, when noisy young companies or couples are chosen to hold a weekend at sea. Such a rest is becoming increasingly popular, and hotels and guesthouses, which are on the coast, have a lot of cases and bend cosmic prices. But no one canceled the private sector, where we can successfully remove accommodation for every taste and wallet, starting with partial conditions on the street, ending with modern comfortable rooms. Every year the infrastructure of the village is increasingly developing, creating camphor conditions for both children with children and young people. From my own experience I can say that we are always in such resort villages like fungivka, Ilyichevsk, Studdle, came exactly on the weekend, three days were enough to lean into the sea, it is in walking distance, and how not to twist anyway held on the beach! Here is a large selection of excellent beach entertainment - extreme and not very. You will be rolled on a banana or a bunch, will be offered to fly on a parachute or deltaplane, you can rent a catamaran or a boat. Beach holiday is, perhaps, the largest domain of the resort, the sea here is beautiful! In the evening you can have a great time in one of the nightclubs, or delicious dinner in the cafe. In general, if you are an active and energetic person, then in the fungovka you definitely do not bother. The main contingent of visitors, these are people traveling by their own vehicles or an organized group, which are collected in almost every city of Central and South Ukraine to relax in fungivka. Thus, if you arrived on your car, do not miss the opportunity to go to interesting independent excursions to Odessa and its surroundings, excursion tours in the most interesting places of Odessa, Nikolaev and Kherson regions are also organized in the village.

The most interesting excursions with fungi

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- Belgorod fortress - It is 43 km from the fungi in Belgorod Dnestrice, on the shores of the Dniester Limana. In ancient times, the fortress served as an excellent fortification built into the defense of the Moldovan principality, as well as performed an important function of the seaport. In the times of the Ottoman Empire, the fortress was an administrative center. Belgorod fortress became a theatrical platform for filming many films, as well as thematic knight and folk festivals carried out at its majestic walls. When planning an excursion to the fortress, it can be combined with a visit to Shabo.

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- Wine cellar - 34 km from the fungivka, on the way back from the Belgorod fortress, you can visit the "Culture Center" - for tourists conduct entertaining excursions with tasting of delicious Shab wines. You also get acquainted with the history of the winemaking of this edge, its traditions and old recipes from local winemakers. During the excursion, visit the roaming and royal basement, as well as visit the underground storage of almost 9 meters deep. Special attention deserves house champagne wines and brandy courtyard. And also, you can watch the process of cold spill of wines, and purchase it with you in the corporate store.

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- Odessa - As I wrote, in the summer season, not a problem with fungi will go with an organized group in Odessa, programs and excursion tours are diverse. Here they take into account both the wishes of adults and children. Individual tours are possible for companies or families with small children. If you are planning a trip on your personal car with the aim of examining the city, I recommend, arm a guide to Odessa from the Internet, leave the car in the area of ​​the railway station and go on the picturesque Odessa Quarters for an independent walk. Walking and inspecting the sights, you will certainly get to the most important street - Deribasovskaya - the heart of Odessa. An independent trip, as a rule, takes all day, with swimming in the sea. If children are resting with you, be sure to visit the Delphinarium "Nemo" from this to enjoy not only they, but you are. Marine animals show excellent program show. If you go on a tour with an organized group, you can offer such types of tours of Odessa: "Odessa Literary", "Odessa Evening", "Odessa Theater", "Odessa Crime", "Odessa Catacombs" and many other no less interesting places. After all, who understood Odessa, he fell in love with her forever!

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- Vilkovo - Few of tourists, resting in the Odessa region, knows about a small picturesque village, which in the people called the Ukrainian Venice. From the resort of fungivka, Vilkovo is 162 km away. Immediately I will say that the road here is not just bad, but completely killed. Therefore, if you decide on the trip it is better to use the services of the travel bureau. The village is small sushi islets, expensive channels, where the local population swims exclusively on Ukrainian gondolas, paved with wooden masonry, many bridges and houses drowning in greenery. We were in Vilkovo on the May holidays, it was an unforgettable trip, the purest air, the Danube delta, birds listed in the Red Book of Ukraine, and the most important thing is silence and grace, the locals are very welcome to tourists, and are always ready to assist or tell An interesting story about the native land. In the summer, this place is no less beautiful, but I think, compared with the spring, in the summer, the flow of tourists is very high here, and many streets breathe, turning into pedestrian.

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- Kulevcha village - It is 88 km from the fungi, this holy place is visited by many pilgrims not only from Ukraine, but also from the countries of the neighboring countries. Uniquely it is the fact that people coming out from everywhere to pray and to heal due to the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God, inside it are dry lilies, but by the beginning of the summer, the icon seems to come to life, and Lilias begin to give bulbs from whom they develop shoots by the middle of summer. For the holiday, the shoots are distributed to parishioners, so that everyone can pick up the home of God's blessing. I want to note that this is just one of the wonderful icons, here there is a mymming icon of Sofia, faith, hope and love, the mymming icon of Matronushki Moscow, the bleeding Iberian icon of the Mother of God and many others on the moth and miraculous shrines. The temple is very well maintained, many colors landed on its territory, on holidays, long queues are built up to icons.

As you can see, rest in fungobovka can be not only passive, but also informative, spiritual, opening tourists, beautiful corners of Ukraine.

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