What is worth viewing in Izhevsk? The most interesting places.


Izhevsk does not enjoy great popularity among our tourists and very much in vain. In this city, so much interesting thing is that I have a circle of my head from what he saw. Izhevsk we visited along with the spouse, during our amateur tour in Russia. Why amateur? We just traveled by ourselves, and our own route was paved. So travel is much more interesting and more profitable. Of course there are a number of inconveniences in such a tourism form, but they do not go to any comparison with the received drive. So actually, Izhevsk and what can be seen here.

Izhevsky Zoo . There is a zoo, on Kirov Street. The area, which is relieved under the zoo is quite large, and unfortunately the exact number in square meters or in hectares, I could not find out. The construction of the zoo was rapid, since it continued only for two years. The solemn discovery, this paradise for animals and visitors, took place the tenth of September two thousand and eighth years. In construction, the best specialists from many countries of the world were involved. The initiator of construction is the head of the Udmurt Republic - Alexander Aleksandrovich Volkov. In this very young Zoo of Russia, you can see how professionals work with animals, they can be fed or just admired. Devora from walks on the kingdom of animals in full delighted, especially I liked one boy, the years of Four, who became friends with the monkey and demanded from Mom, whatever she would certainly take his new friend to them home.

What is worth viewing in Izhevsk? The most interesting places. 60300_1

Holy Mikhailovsky Cathedral . This cathedral can be seen if walking along Karl Marx Street. It is noteworthy that this temple is built at the highest point of Izhevsk. I will add it to all the fact that his height is sixty-seven meters and then I do not have to explain why this cathedral can be seen from anywhere in the city. The cathedral itself is very young, since it was built and consecrated in two thousand and seventh year. Needly, near this giant, there is a lower temple of faith, hopes, love and their mother Sofia. Initially, at this place where the modern temple stands, there was a temple of the Holy Trinity, which was built in one thousand seven hundred eighty-fourth year. The building of the original temple was completely destroyed by fire in one thousand eight hundred tenth year. In one thousand nine hundred and fifteenth year, on the site of the temple destroyed by the fire, a new temple of Archangel Mikhail was built. They were erected by the temple, at the expense of workers, but he unfortunately did not exercise a long time, because in one thousand nine hundred and thirty-seventh year he was destroyed in favor of the Soviet authorities. The modern cathedral, impresses with his scope - the luxurious facade, the most interesting architecture, rich inner decoration. His crowned cathedral, nine domes of different height and shape. Transfer all this magnificence with simple words, it is not possible and therefore I will limit the fact that we just strongly recommend you to take a look at this cathedral at least the edge of the eye.

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Monument to Izhevsk gunsmiths . The monument is at the corner of Sverdlov and Soviet streets. The opening of the monument was held in August two thousand seventh months. The sculptural composition consists of two men's figures that are dressed in the caftans, and they have cylinders on their heads. This monument depicts caftenhers who were the best gunsmiths in the royal times. The initiator of the construction of this monument was Vladimir Grodetsky held the position of General Director of Izhevsk Mashazavod. They created a monument on old photos of quite real people. The figures are dressed in Kaftana and this is a sign of differences, since such a tsarist caftan in those times sewed to special orders and wearing it could only be the best masters. Mandatory attributes for Kaftan were cylinder, cane and gloves. In the smallest details, this monument was worked out and created, architect Irina Khodyreva and sculptor Pavel Medvedev. What would give a bronze monument of some age flying, it was covered with patination.

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Alexander Nevsky Cathedral . This cathedral was erected on an accurate copy of the Kronstadt Andreevsky Cathedral, according to the project of architect Andrei Zakharov in one thousand eight hundred and twenty-third year. In the thirties of the last century, the cathedral was looted and closed. This cator was lucky much more than others, as it was unlike many other Orthodox churches, but opened a cinema in his building. The temple was returned to believers, at the insistence of Bishop Palladia. Work on the restoration and restoration of the cathedral was launched in one thousand nine hundred and ninety second year. The restoration of the temple was safely completed at the end of one thousand nine hundred and ninety-third year, and at the very beginning one thousand nine hundred and ninety-fourth year, the cathedral was consecrated and open to parishioners.

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The embankment of the architecture dudina . I just adore cities in which embankments have. A better place to walk, perhaps it is simply impossible to find, as there is everything for a comfortable mice - fresh air, beautiful sunsets, and so on, and the like. The coastline in this very place where the Izhevsk embankment is now formed for quite a long time, namely in the eighteenth century with invaluable help of the Izh River. Since it was formed for quite a long time ago, according to quite well-deserved law, it is considered the oldest street of the city. One thousand nine hundred and seventy year, the coast were strengthened, and from April of the month one thousand nine hundred and eighty-eighth of the year, she is called the architect.

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Who was this Dudin, that in honor of him called the embankment? And he was the first architect of the city of Izhevsk and therefore quite deserved such honors. More recently, in two thousand tenth year, the embankment produced a complete and large-scale reconstruction, and the field of these works is difficult to find the place more popular for hiking. The embankment is just great. Especially here it is pleasant to walk in the evenings. Even despite the fact that in the evening there are quite a lot of walking here, you still feel comfortable as if at home.

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