What excursions worth visiting Ivanovo? Where better to buy excursions?


Ivanovo is not only known as the "City of the First Council", although architectural monuments and sculptural compositions resembling a lot of revolutionary past. Recently, Ivanovo is one of the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia. You can look much here. If you travel with children a very informative will be an excursion to the Museum of Industry and Art named after D. Burylin, a famous patron and manufacturer. A museum is located on one of the old streets of the former Ivanovo-Voznesensk - Baturin Street. It is in the very center of the city. Here opposite the Museum of Ivanovo Sitz. The cost of tickets within 70 rubles for adults and 25 for children.

A lot of other marked places in the city, but I would like to tell about excursion trips from Ivanovo. Of course, many sightseeing tours are south oriented in the Krasnodar Territory - Anapa, Gelendzhik, Lazarevskoye, Loo. You can purchase such tours in the travel agencies of the city. Enjoy the services of the Agency "Globus". A trip to Gelendzhik is organized on a comfortable bus. The cost amounted to about 8,500 rubles.

For those who do not like long-range moving, the excellent option will be a trip to the next from Ivanovo, glorious by their long-standing history. Such trips to coincide with the weekend. They are actually called - weekend tours. You can buy them in many agencies, but I bought most of the tours on the advice of friends to the "note-ben". For group excursions make a discount. Therefore, you can get together a large company and spend the weekend with benefit, learn a lot of new things from Russia's history.

I really liked the trip to Rostov Great. In terms of cost, it cost 600 rubles. As part of the excursion, Rostov Kremlin was visited, a row of museums located in its territory, including the Fieldification Museum.

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Next we were taken to the Savior-Yakovlevsky monastery. There was a free time to visit the temple, holy source. The apogem was a trip on the ship on the famous Lake Nero. Freshwater lake, very large-scale, not at all suitable for swimming. The bottom in it is or remained, covered with a layer of sapropel, which is used as an organic fertilizer.

On a trip to Rostov, you can safely go with children. For them, it will be cognitive to see architectural monuments that tell about the greatness of Russia. It is from Rostov Velikov, according to a number of historians, the history of the country began.

Another sign trip from Ivanovo to Suzdal. I went in winter on Carnival, as well as in July for the holiday of cucumber. Suzdal is an old Russian city, in which every corner is almost a monument of architecture and architecture. This city is the "pearl" of all cities of the Golden Ring. Finding here, they immediately recall the frames from the film "Marriage Balzaminov", which was filmed in Suzdal. This city is saturated in the meantime. The presence of cars, the buildings of the Soviet period, of course, changed the appearance of ancient Suzdal, but still he remained patriarchal, quiet, cozy. This is the open-air museum. It is worth come here and more than once. The cost of a trip is 700 rubles, but it is better to come on your own.

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Another of the loved directions - Ples. This is an old, Russian city on the banks of the Volga. Recently, a ski resort is still organized here. Therefore, the Ples can come all year round. So here is an excellent rest that every year the number of tourists from different parts of the country is only increasing. There are tours that suggest not only a visit to the plend, A and Kostroma. These are united trips. You can also purchase them in tourist agencies Ivanovo.

In the Plea a large number of temples. Certainly you will see them. One - the Assumption Cathedral is located on the top of the Mountain of Freedom (now the Cathedral Mountain). This is a mound manual shaft. He was an obstacle to the passage of Tatar-Mongol deep into Russia.

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The city in recent years has been very modified. It became a popular tourist center. There are many new guest houses and hotels here, there are those that have been preserved from Soviet times. Therefore, rest in the Plesa for every taste and wallet. There is a central embankment, which is so loved to slowly walk holidaymakers. Immediately on the embankment several museums. One of the most popular Museum of the Landscape, as well as the art gallery of I. Levitan. Next to the trading area is the oldest merchant street - Kalashna.

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Now there are trading rows. Here you can buy souvenir products that will resemble a trip to the Ples. On weekends, the "City of Masters" unfolds on the embankment. Handmade products from batik, Gzheli, clay, painting - everything can be found here. And in the city there are many jewelry stores, for example, the Almaz Holding. Prices are very acceptable. Everyone is embossing Ples and in every season it is attractive in its own way. In winter, it is very quiet here. For those who are tired of the fuss of the metropolis, a couple of days spent here will become a great rest. In the summer there are many tourists, actually as in the fall. Golden Ples looks luxurious, and from the observation deck of the Cathedral Mountain, unique views of the Volga and the surroundings are opening.

Many still tours are organized from Ivanovo - to Kazan, Karelia, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yaroslavl, Kostroma. Each of them is interesting in its own way. The choice is, the main thing is to decide on the route.

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