Should I go to Simferopol?


Opened the page of the city of Simferopol - and offended by the city in which he lived for about 10 years. These were the years of youth, here eared high school number 10, one of the best in the city. And immediately, the attraction of the city, the truth, the former. During the Great Patriotic War in our school, first by the Soviet troops, then fascist, and then again our hospital was organized. And on the roof of the old school building, there were two anti-aircraft plants that defended the sky of the city. Therefore, the teachers asked us on change not to organize outdoor games in the old building. One day, in the summer, during the repair, I saw the inscription in German, apparently left by the wounded German.

Yes, Simferopol is not a resort town. And, hardly who will stop the city, to the place of recreation. But visiting the Crimea by car, not to drive past Simferopol. This is "Springboard" to all resort places of recreation on the peninsula. There are good hotels in the city, where you can stay in a couple of days if an interest in the city appears.

Gateway to the city is the railway station. Here is the museum of the trolleybus system of Crimea.

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Possessing a length of 96 kilometers, it is considered the longest trolleybus system in the world. It all started in 1958, when Nikita Khrushchev rested in the Crimea. And this initiative has become really useful. Until now, the trolleybus route of Simferopol-Alushta-Yalta in the spacious is called "Khrushchev". In the museum of more than 3,000 exhibits, the most interesting, of course, the trolley buses themselves, from the very first to modern serving this track.

400 meters from the station is located the most beautiful and largest holiday park named after Gagarin.

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Thematic alleys, the collection of the Crimean flora, many attractions. Everything for a full-fledged recreation of residents and guests of the city. There are some more parks. The largest park in the city is a green area on both shores of Saligira between Vernadsky and Gurzufskaya Street Avenue. Another name is Vorontsov Park. It can also be called a botanical park. In the park itself, not far from the entrance to the Saligira, Pushkin bench. And the oldest tree of Crimea is growing in the children's park - Oak-Giant "Bogatyr Taurida", the circumference of his barrel is about 6 meters, and the diameter of the crown is 30 meters.

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According to different estimates, the age of oak ranges from 600 to 750 years. And according to legends, it was he impressed by A.S. Pushkin on his famous "Lukomorier".

On the southern outskirts of the city there is a Simferopol reservoir. This is the largest artificial reservoir of the Crimea, supplies the city and visiting it as it were forbidden, but, nevertheless, is a popular place for resting citizens. For the ecological balance, the reservoir is risen, this is just a paradise for local fishing lovers. But it is allowed only from the shore. But, even with restrictions, fishermen without a rich catch do not go.

In the city center there is a kind of Simferopol "Arbat" - pedestrian street named after Pushkin, Pushkar in Spatrical. So it is called Simferopol, without offense, Comrade Pushkin.

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This is a favorite place for walking citizens. Describe the face of the street, the occupation is difficult. Not in vain compared with Arbat. As for any Muscovite, Arbat has its own and "Pushkar" for Simferopol. There is one more attraction of the city - the Drama Theater named after Gorky. It was founded in 1821 by the Moscow merchant Volkov. It at the noble assembly of the city leased the Shed, in his place and the building of the theater was built.

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Theater and during the Great Patriotic War continued its activities. His performances were agreed with the German administration, but did not agree on the activities of an underground organization, which theatrical "roof" was very convenient. So, the city, as far as possible, opposed the occupiers, but also carried the loss. This is described in detail in the Museum of the story of Simferopol.

The oldest historical monument of the city is the Cathedral Mosque by Kebir Jami.

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She is the oldest building of Simferopol. Built in 1508, which is talking about the inscription in Arabic over the entrance. The mosque did not surrender the onslaught of revolutions and wars. There are services to this afternoon, cultural and educational activities are conducted.

Speaking about the Crimea, it is impossible not to say that this is the edge of winemaking. On Kirov Street there is a shop with a warm title, which speaks for itself - "Sun in a glass". This is the business card of the company "Krymvino". Here are all the best wines of the Crimea. But not only these are famous for the store. Each hour of work on -1 floor is tasting, with interesting stories about each brand.

Mostly I told about the city itself. But there are very many interesting places around it, these are numerous caves, and real cave cities that are not recommended for visiting without an experienced guide. These are the ruins and excavations of the oldest city of Crimea - Naples Scythian, located within the limits of Simferopol. Unique Agrocomplex "Crimean Rose", where oilseeds of pink bushes are grown.

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It is here that the concept of "wind rose" is written from the capital letter.

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When the city blows the wind from the complex, the whole city fills the smell of roses. It makes real rose oil, and for the canning plant named after Kirov, in the Sevastopol highway, deliver petals of pink flowers to make it a magical, taste and aroma, jam.

And just take a look at the map of the city. Street names: chestnut, cherry, apricot ... and the map of Crimea, the names of the settlements: clean, grape, and this is a nice date ...

Where else is this ??? And the Peninsula Crimea tells us all - to a nice date !!!

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