What is worth looking in Lodz? The most interesting places.


Attractions in Polish Lodz are above the roof. That's what you can see:

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral (Sobor SW. Aleksandra Newskiego)

What is worth looking in Lodz? The most interesting places. 59512_1

This Orthodox Cathedral was built in 1884, near the railway station of the Lazz. The Church in the Russian-Byzantine style turned out to be quite spacious, could accommodate up to 850 parishioners. It is possible to note the exquisite and rich inner decoration of the church - stained glass, stucco, beautiful iconostasis and carved oak doors. To greatly fortunately, during the Second World War, this cathedral was not injured, and from the 71st year of the last century the Cathedral was listed in the lists of architectural monuments of the city.

Address: Kilińskiego 56

Basilica St. Stanislav Bonfire (Bazylika Archikatedralna SW. Stanislawa Kostki)

What is worth looking in Lodz? The most interesting places. 59512_2

What is worth looking in Lodz? The most interesting places. 59512_3

The luxurious Catholic Cathedral stands on the Square of John Paul II. Seeing it from afar, more precisely, its 100-meter tower is visible. Basilica construction began in 1901, and lasted over the next 11 years. The project worked Polish and Austrian architects. Finally, in 22, the church was completed and illuminated. The church in the Gothic style was built of bricks of light-bug color, interior decoration is richly decorated with colored stained glass windows, arches, bas-reliefs, sculptures. In the temple, the most valuable works of art, gifts from rich local residents are stored. Unfortunately, during the Second World Basilica, they were plundered and turned into a military warehouse. However, after the war, the church was still reconstructed. Nevertheless, the second misfortune happened to this beautiful basilica more than 30 years later, when the building embraced fire - the roof of the church collapsed, furniture and decor items in the church were significantly injured. Repaired church for almost a year. Today the church appears in a luxurious spectacle to tourists, and it looks especially beautiful in the evenings when it is highlighted from all sides.

Address: Piotrkowska 265

Historical Museum Luza

What is worth looking in Lodz? The most interesting places. 59512_4

The museum is located in the building of the former residence of a local businessman, in the building of Poznansky Palace. The building itself is very impressive, it was built at the beginning of the 20th century and is a rich construction in the style of Baroque, with sculptors and a dome on the roof. Inside, you can see a chic ballroom, a dining room and a billiard room, and almost all rooms are decorated with stucco and marble, and pictures are hanging on the walls. The museum was opened in 1975. Actually, in the museum you can learn more about the history, culture and daily life of the town from the end of the 19th century to the time of the First World War - here and pictures, photos, and documents, as well as old furniture and household items. Another hall of the museum was created in honor of the famous residents of the Luza, including the former homeland owner, as well as architects, artists, famous Pianist Artur Rubinstein and others. You can also learn in this museum how the theater life of the city has developed, in particular, to dig in the halls imitating the wardrobe actors. And after visiting the museum, walk through the beautiful garden surrounding the museum - there are many beautiful sculptures in it.

Address: Ogrodova Street, 15

Lodz City Museum (Muzeum Fabryki W Lodzi)

What is worth looking in Lodz? The most interesting places. 59512_5

What is worth looking in Lodz? The most interesting places. 59512_6

The museum is located in an industrial and residential complex, built in the 19th century. By the way, the all the same owner of the house, where today is the Luz Museum. The textile industry was very developed in some years, well, the Museum will tell you exactly how the work at this factory was held, here you will admire the technique, see different photos and read the documents. That you mean, from cotton with fields - to the final product. Pretty entertaining, however, maybe the children here will not be very interesting. The factory closed in 2002 and became the shopping center "Manufactory".

Address: Drewnowska 58

Museum of Cinematography (Muzeum Kinematografii)

What is worth looking in Lodz? The most interesting places. 59512_7

What is worth looking in Lodz? The most interesting places. 59512_8

The museum was opened in 1976, and this is the only similar museum in Poland. He tells about the history of the development of Polish cinema. The museum is located in the 19th century house, which was once the property of the famous German industrialist. This house in the center of the old park is built in the Renaissance style. Interestingly, after the Second World War, this building, as they say, "went hands," and even somehow became scenery for the film crew. And all because the palace and the truth is beautiful, with unusual interiors, fireplace, stained glass windows and mosaic. In the museum you are kept by a rich collection of films on film and video cassettes, different technical devices, and so on.

Address: Plac zwycięstwa 1

Piotrkovskaya Street (Ulica Piotrkowska)

What is worth looking in Lodz? The most interesting places. 59512_9

What is worth looking in Lodz? The most interesting places. 59512_10

The main street of the city and one of the longest shopping alleys in Europe. Street length - almost 5 km! This street connects the Freedom Square and Independence Square. It can be said that the city has grown around this street, now large enough. First, Pörtrovskaya was exclusively trading alleys. Yes, until the 90s last century, the street was, in principle, the same as everything in the city, although it was still considered the main thing. And only after the 90s, the avenue began to actively redo and transform until she turned into an extremely fashionable place with bars, hotels, cafes, shops and restaurants. If there are some holidays and festivals in the city, then it is necessary on this street. Be sure to walk there! Street just luxurious !!

Villa Leopold Kindermanna (Willa Leopolda Kindermanna)

What is worth looking in Lodz? The most interesting places. 59512_11

Modern Villa is located in the heart of the city. She was built at the beginning of the last century for the means of a Polish businessman. The gray building with a red tiled roof, of course, is impressive, first of all, with its facade, decorated with floral parts, in particular, images of apples - because this building is sometimes called the "villa under apple trees." By the way, not only outside, but inside you can see a lot from the nature of the ornament in the form of chestnut leaves, poppies and roses, and other colors. Also inside are luxurious stained glass windows. Interesting the fact that all windows of the building are made in different forms, seriously, there are no two of the same. And some windows also "preoccupy" luxurious adhesives. Beauty and only. It is immediately clear that the means that rich in construction clearly did not regret. Today in the villa there is an art gallery of the Lazz.

Address: Wólczańska 31/33

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