What should I see in Urumchi?


Urumchi belongs to the Xinjiang-Uygur Autonomous Region, it is his administrative center. In the ancient-Mongolian language "Urumchi" means "beautiful pasture". This corresponds to the true situation of things, because the central part of the city is located on the territory of the oasis, which on the one hand is clamped by the pike of Bogdo's peek (belonging to East Tien Shan), and on the other, a large salty lake.

Urumchi is famous from the period of the flush path, it is a famous tourist destination. In this area, the city of Dhaban, famous for its national traditions of Erdaoqiao, wonderful alpine meadows Nanshany, Juyhuatay and a beautiful white poplar gorge.

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Signjiang State Museum

This cultural institution is in Urumchi, on Sibay Street (Lou).

This is a research and development center in which cultural values ​​are stored, as well as the historical museum of state importance. It was founded in 1953, and the official discovery occurred on October 1, 1963. The territory, which, in general, occupy all exhibition premises - 7,800 square meters. Here they retain more than five thousand antiques.

Nowadays, at Xinjiang State Museum, the exhibition rooms are constantly open to access.

1. In the hall of Xinjian ethnography, tourists have the opportunity to learn about the customs and culture of the local peoples, look at traditional clothes, to get acquainted with the life, wedding rites and funerals, with national cuisine, faith and other traditions.

2. In the hall of Xinjiang historical and archaeological monuments there are more than a thousand important exhibits of antique art and culture, which were found during archaeological searches on the site, which had previously passed the Grand Silk Road. Here you can see items whose age exceeds five thousand years - fabrics from thin silk and brocade atlas, terracotta, coins, ceramics, manuscripts and books, musical instruments and weapons, as well as much more.

3. In the hall of ancient mummy, tourists can see the famous Mummy of Beauty Lonean. The fact that her age exceeds three thousand eight hundred years is proven. Near the wax sculpture, which you can see what Lone was in life.

"Street lanterns"

This place is really China's exotic!

Throughout the day, this street is completely ordinary and unremarkable for tourists. However, with the onset of evening time, it is converted into a huge "paradise for an oven" in the fresh air.

What on this street you will not only see - crabs, crayfish, shrimp, snails - large and small, shells, larvae of a tide silkworm, a kebab from sparrow, octopus paws ...

All these treats are frying, climbing, and something else they even move. Of course, you may not risk and go to the usual tourist restaurant, which serve "normal", standardized dishes, and you can taste real Chinese eats ... Solve unequivocally - you.

Amusement park

This park with attractions is located in the south of Urumqi, on the natural territory of Yanervo.

It was formally discovered in 1987. Nowadays, this park is the largest entertainment establishment of a similar type in North China.

This park is located near the natural lake, so you can ride on the boat here.

The park is divided into two parts with a "Chinese wall stylized with antiquity". In the same park area, tourists have the possibility of a leisurely admissance by nature from comfortable arbors, and in the other - walks on the electrocars and cheerful holidays on various rides. In our time there are more than six dozen here, among them - "American slides", karting, a ferris wheel, having a height of fifty-eight meters, an attraction of free fall and many others.

Fruit trees, Xinjiang roses and grapes grow on the south side of the lake. A visit to this fleet with attractions will leave bright emotions and in children, and in adults!

"Salt Lake"

This salted lake is called the "Chinese Dead Sea".

Its territory is 54 square kilometers, it is located in the east of the Chayavopus depression, near the southern foundation of Tien Shangsky Mountains - in seventy two kilometers from the resort of Urumqi.

In addition to healing waters, this area is rich and healing dirt, which are the best cosmetic and medicine, as they contain more than ten useful minerals.

A specialized complex is built on the coast, which has a closed-type swimming pool, where saline water is used, as well as a salt cave.

Near the lake there is a wonderful thematic park, where tourists have the opportunity to get acquainted with such ancient occupation as the salt industry.

Near the shore there is a huge mountain from salt, which has twenty-meter in height, and territory takes 7200 square meters. It has weight - sixty thousand tons! In 2003, the salty lake was part of the "Golden Tourist Line", where the city of Turfan and Lake Tian Shea still belongs to the city of Turfan.

"Heavenly Lake"

At one hundred and twenty kilometers away from the resort of Urumchi, aside from the high-rise buildings and the bustle of shopping institutions, is located at an altitude of 1900 meters above sea level "Heavenly Lake" Tian Shea.

In length, it reaches 3.3 kilometers, and its largest width is 1.5 kilometers. The largest depth is 105 meters.

Lake Tian Shea was formed from the glacier, it looks like a crescent. To understand all the beauty of the most picturesque "Heavenly Lake", imagine a mirror surface and purity of the water of a highland reservoir surrounded by coniferous forests and white mountain peaks.

In Starina, Lake Tian Shea had another name - Yao Shi, or "Jade Lake" - as the romantic tale of the goddess of Wangs connected from these place. According to this legend, the Vlady man of Wangs, when he went on a date, performed the ablution in the waters of the lake.

Traveling along the shore, tourists come to a beautiful gorge, in which the local residents treat their young lamb, which is cooked on fire.

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