What excursions should be visited in Krakow? Where better to buy excursions?


Very popular in Krakow Tour of planam . It starts from the Wawel Castle. In the course of the excursion, you will boast around the Old Town, moving all the time along the alleys and parks, visit the ancient Jagiellon University, along the way you will come across different monuments. Excursion will end in the same place where it began - near the Wovel Castle.

Are you looking for the best place in Krakow for a pedestrian walk? Consider what you found it. His name is the plates.

Plates are a park ring (you can not say anything else), a shooring old city. In other words, this is such a large ring in the form of a ring, located immediately beyond the walls of the Old Town. Initially, the park was broken back at the beginning of the XIX century after the demolition of urban walls. Then the first trees were planted. And just a few decades, the park could already "boast" more than 10,000 different trees!

What excursions should be visited in Krakow? Where better to buy excursions? 59478_1

Now the planters are the perfect place to relax and distract from the fuss, sit on the benches in the shade of trees, listen to the singing of birds. Walking here, you can forget the attractions for a short time.

But if we consider the planters as an excursion, then it should still be leisurely. This is the same holiday.

Along the entire route there are many monuments to famous people, in particular, Nikolai Copernicus.

You will definitely see the University of Yagellonan. He is the oldest higher education institution in Poland and one of the oldest in Europe. Never changed his destination from the Middle Ages.

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The construction of the university began in 1364, then 11 departments were created. However, for a number of reasons, the university has been suspended. Educational activities in 1400 resumed due to the king of Poland Yagello, then the construction of other buildings continued. Initially, the university was called Studium Generale, a little later - Akademia Krakowska (Krakow Academy). I received my current name only in the XIX century. Now Yaghell University has 15 faculties.

Currently, the Museum of the University is currently in one of the buildings (Collegium Maus). However, its front halls are sometimes used in conducting particularly significant meetings or celebrations. In the interiors, the front and museum halls have so far been able to preserve the initial architecture and, importantly, historical decoration.

Walking along the planters, you will not pass by Barbakana and the Florian Tower, where at the time there was entrance to the city.

The overall length of the park ring is about 4 kilometers, and the area of ​​the territory is 20 hectares. As they say, there is where to walk. In the planters, they love to spend their free time Krakovchan, because for rest in nature, it is not even necessary to leave the city's limits.

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And at any time of the year, this magnificent park in its own way is unique: in the spring everything will be worse than a young greens, in the summer there is always cool in the shade of thick foliage of high trees, in the fall of yellow foliage foliage complements impeccable beauty, and in winter a snow landscape will not leave anyone indifferent ...

Excursion to the Jewish Quarter Kazimezh Also starts from the Wawel Castle.

She is very informative, but sad ...

So historically it happened that the Poles and Jews always lived next door. A typical example of such a neighborhood is the Jewish city of Kazimierzh, which only in the XIX century ceased to exist as a city, becoming part of Krakow. Yes, and the synagogue here is more than the Catholic churches.

In Kazimage, two different religions calmly coexisted: Judaism and Christianity. Perhaps, in any country of the world, you will not meet such a non-combined, as the intersection of the streets of Rebar Maizels and the Body of the Lord.

The most famous sights that you have to visit is the church of Holy Catharina, built in the Gothic style, and a very beautiful and large church of the Body of the Lord. The last stored picture of T. Klyabella "Worshilation of Magi".

Kazimierzh is the spiritual center of the Jews of Krakow. Here is the center of Jewish culture, as well as orthodox synagogues, Jewish gymnasium. I'm not sure that all these institutions need to visit, but to consider exactly the outside. Although guides are recommended to visit the synagogue of Romu and Synagogue Tempel to have an idea of ​​the religious activities and the lives of Krakow Jews. You can still go to the old Jewish cemetery.

Once in the Kazimier service after the old city and the Royal Castle, immediately striking the simplicity and lack of personality. Here the royal parties did not pass, so everything is under the one. And in general, the quarter looks very gray and "overcast." Some buildings are even specially restored as a reminder of military time.

In Kazimage, a large part of the filming of the famous film Stephen Spielberg "Schindler List" took place. The fact is that the real history of salvation of almost 1,200 Jews during the years of Nazi occupation is directly related to Krakow and the Kazimier region. Here during World War II, the Jewish Ghetto was organized. In the same area there was a factory for the production of metallic dishes of the German industrialist Oscar Schindler.

After repair and reconstruction in 2010, the Schindler Factory Museum was opened here. Among the exhibits of the museum there is a desktop of Schindler, the subjects of that time, as well as photographs of the surviving workers. But viewing the exposition of the museum of optimism does not add. Nevertheless, Schindler Factory, located on Lipowa Str., Is one of the most popular tourist facilities of Krakow.

During the excursion you will visit the new area (it is also called the Jewish Square), where it will be possible to eat and buy something to remember.

Excursion will end with a hangover with a subsequent walk through a picturesque embankment. Although, if you do not want, you can not go to the waw, but staying on the territory of Kazima. You never know where to.

Very popular Excursion from Krakow to Village . Great is about 15 kilometers from Krakow. It is there that the largest salt mine is located in Europe. It is numerous corridors at various levels with a total length of about 200 kilometers.

Salt mine in Village is a list of UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Currently, several tourist routes have been developed in the salt mine. Tourists show about 20 cameras (so called peculiar halls), sculptures from salt and chapels located in the mine. And some chapels are very old.

Words that come to mind after visiting the salt mine - surrealism and extraordinary!

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