Useful information about the holiday in Zakopane. Tips for experienced tourists.


If you yourself arrived in Zakopane by train or by bus, then you get to the station area (there is also a bus stop). Farther oriented simply: From here, Tadeusza Kosciuszki is moving away, and she, in turn, leads to the main street Zakopane - Krupowki (Krupowki). Well, in the city center, it is easy to understand, and there is always there, who have to ask.

The exceptions are buses of private lines Frej and Szwagropol arriving from Krakow. They stop on the street Kostyushka a little further.

At the station area there is a parking lot taxi, it is difficult not to notice. You can go to the parking lot and ask the driver, how best to get to your hotel (in the sense, to show the address or "poke" with your finger on the map).

And in general, it is useful to know in advance how far your hotel maybe, and you will not have any additional transport to use.

If you did not worry about the night in advance, then in the same place, at the station area of ​​the hosts of private houses are looking for customers. It is very similar to our Black Sea resorts.

If you have to get uncomfortable on foot or minibus, then in front of the parking of minibuses (next to the hotel), look for the riser of ordinary taxis. Distances in Zakopane are usually not large, so the fare is hardly high. However, still in advance ask the price of travel.

Just one block from the station area has Point of tourist information . Find it easy. Go from Square right on Tadeusza Kosciuszki Street (so that the stay of the route taxis remains to be left) to the first intersection. A beautiful wooden building is striking on the corner, in which there is a tourist information itself. To go for a short time, just a few minutes. At this point, you can get the necessary information on how to find your hotel or where you can stay in Zakopane. You can also get other information, including excursions, advertising avenues, printing of official addresses of various institutions. I do not know how now, but before you gave a free map of Zakopane. And, yes, the point of tourist information is open only during the day and closes early.

Main Street Zakopane is the streets of the Break . It's like the center of everything in this city. There are major restaurants, cramps, bars on the romper. Here is the most part of shops and shops, kiosks and stalls with different souvenirs.

At the end of the brew is located the largest market Zakopane, called "under the luxurious". In this market you can buy a lot of things, mainly from the products of traditional Polish crafts. I do not know who like, and we like to acquire the selected animal skins there. Lamby skar will cost you about $ 20-25. Local cows skins (depending on the size) cost from $ 100 to 250 dollars.

Useful information about the holiday in Zakopane. Tips for experienced tourists. 59455_1

Huge skins of Argentine cows will cost you about $ 400. I just can not understand why the Argentine cows ... and suddenly in Zakopane ...

But slightly disturbed. The streets of Krepuska passes almost through the entire city, and actually near the market and ends, then the road leads you to the mountain of Gipleuve (more precisely - to the lift). The crevice is a completely pedestrian street. A distinctive feature of the brew is inclined to each other lanterns. And on Christmas Eve is very beautifully illuminated by festive illumination.

Useful information about the holiday in Zakopane. Tips for experienced tourists. 59455_2

In Zakopane, tourists often ask Currency Exchange Question . Actually, it is precisely on a breakfast is the bulk of currency exchange points (Kantor) and ATMs. Basically, they are focused on the top of the street (as if above the urban mail). There is an ATM in the building of the bus station. However, all this is very inconspicuous, sometimes, passing around, you can not notice the inscription "Kantor". Look carefully on the sides. The exchange rate in all exchangers of Zakopane is about the same, it makes no sense to look for more profitable, spend more time for useless walking.

Even remark. Be prepared that near the Zapansky market, the exchanger is not possible to find, besides, on holidays and weekends they are still closed. Therefore, money needs to be changed in advance in one of the few exchange points. True, you can buy everything in the market for dollars / euros, but only relatively costly things.

Several comments about urban transport in Zakopane.

In Zakopane there are several routes of urban transport. It is important that City buses They are sent clearly and on schedule (unlike minibuses whose drivers will not start movement until the passengers occupy all the places). But the buses have a disadvantage - quite large time intervals between them and relatively low speed.

A bus ticket is purchased at the entrance directly from the driver. The fare depends on the distance: the signs are usually indicated by the price of travel between specific stops.

The bus station is located, as I wrote, at the station area. From here you can get not only at the place, but also to Warsaw, there is a route to Budapest, several times during the day buses depart in Slovakia.

Route taxi In Zakopane - the most convenient type of transport (with the above reservation). On minibuses you can go to the most popular Zakopane tourist sites in the area (in the sense, to national parks). Namely - on Olch (olcza), in the forge (Kuznica), to the Sea Oku (Morskie Oko) and others. The price of travel in the route taxis is usually not high - about 2 zł (about 0.5 euros), travel time is only 5-10 minutes. The fare on more extended routes can reach 5 zł, but the time in the way is slightly more. For example, then go to the sea OKU, the trip to it is almost 30 minutes.

In Zakopane, like everywhere, the network is valid Taxi . However, you will not "catch" the car on the street. Given the city specificity, drivers do not go around the district in search of customers.

The main parking lot of a taxi is their parking lot from the station area, but also in the center of Zakopane also sometimes stand taxi cars. Although, the most convenient to call the car by phone. If you do not speak Polish, you can ask you to make this waiter in the restaurant, the girl at the reception of the hotel or your household. And you can also order a taxi for a certain time in a particular place.

In completion, I will note that in Zakopane to go to the girl alone completely safely. Poland is a very cultural and very devout country. It is generally safe, if you do not get into an accident.

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