What excursions should be visited in Urumchi?


The fact that the Chinese resort Urumchi is marked by the Guinness Book of Records, like the largest city from the sea, is already able to interest a curious tourist. He is the center of Xinjiang - the Uygur Autonomous Area and is located in two and a half thousand kilometers from the closest shores of the sea. It is located on the northern slopes of Mount Tien Shan, at the very edge of the Dzungarian depression.


What excursions should be visited in Urumchi? 5945_1

The central part of Urumchi's urban district is straightforward in an oasis, which is located between Tian - the Shan Peak Bogdo, the Greater Soler Lake and Pine Forest. In this area, a sharply continental, very hard climate. The average temperature in July here is twenty-four degrees, and in January - minus sixteen. In the summer, it is often hot, winter is cold, but there are no snow precipitation.

The most closest to Urumchi Center for Tourism - Shuyomo He is in five kilometers about the city. In this place, hot sprores are straight from the earth's decrees - geasers with medicinal water. The shuyman attracts a large number of vacationers - there are thousands of them here - thanks to therapeutic baths and amazingly beautiful surroundings. Since 1982, a physiotherapy massage treatment institution has been operating in this place, which is equipped with new equipment from Japan.


What excursions should be visited in Urumchi? 5945_2

Eighty kilometers from the resort Urumqi is the famous landscape area, which is called "Mountain Shirma" . High cliff, which really corresponds to his type of name to her, is located close to the entrance to the narrow River Valley of Craneman. It is free to settle, as much as the gaze is enough, beautiful shady thickets and thick herbal meadows, a rapid net river runs along the gorge.

Fifty kilometers south from Urumchi is Nanshan Natural Reserve which is an integral part of Urumchi - Nanshan Landscape District. Often, excursions are sent to this terrain, designed for the whole day, but there are cases of cases where tourists remain here and for the night. Survey travels around the surroundings are hiking and horseback riding. On the way there are stops for rest, where tourists are offered to eat in yurts from the local residents - in the menu dishes from Kazakh and Chinese national cuisines. In addition, visitors also have the opportunity to rent a yurt - on one day or longer.

Walk to Tianzhansky Zoo Wild Animals

This zoo is located in 75 square kilometers. This is the largest zoo of this type in the country. It inhabit more eighty species of animals. They live in the park, as if in natural habitats. Tourists carry on the zoo on specially designed cars. Here you can see bears and tigers, monkeys, mountain goats, ostriches and even an elephant.

For the entrance to the zoo will have to pay 22 dollars.

Excursion to Oceanarium "Xinjiang Green Pearl in Sea Desert Ocean World"

This trip is able to hit you, tourists here have such feelings as if they were in the underwater kingdom. Here you can see the trained sea seals, admire the fish and corals brought from the distant corners of our planet, and in conclusion - to see the show with the participation of sharks and underwater dances.

Entrance to the oceanarium costs 10 dollars, the cost of the tour - $ 70, transfer - $ 240. In the group - from four to eight people.

Excursion to "Yes Bazaar", or a big bazaar

This is an interesting place in Urumchi's resort - not an old monument. This is the market that has been erected in 2003, and its purpose is to attract the attention of visitors. However, this does not mean that there is nothing to look at the demanding tourist. Just the opposite. The bazaar is built in the traditions of Islamic style, it looks like a huge castle, with dips and towers. Here at your service - the largest variety of souvenir products, which can be found in Urumchi. If you show an excerpt and perseverance when bargaining, it will be possible to pay much less than the price seller it initially.

For parking in the market, it will be necessary to pay 5 dollars.

Yes bazaar:

What excursions should be visited in Urumchi? 5945_3

Trip to Museum of Xinjiang

In this cultural institution, tourists can see the local residential models, performed on a natural scale, the tools of labor and the things used in the midst of Xinjiang.

For parking on the territory of the museum it will be necessary to pay five dollars, and the entrance to the museum is free.

Trip to Hong Shan - Red Mountain

The neighborhood of "Red Mountain" is very beautiful. In order to look at them, it will be necessary to climb two hundred twenty steps. Hence the wonderful view of the city. The main thing here is not forgetting a small suspended lock - to perform one Chinese ritual. What exactly - about this tourists will learn on arrival in place.

The cost of the excursion is $ 70, a car shuttle costs $ 125, if in the group - from one to three tourists; If in a group of four to eight people, then it will be necessary to pay 240 dollars for the transfer.

Excursion to Turfan.

Turfan is located at a distance of eighty kilometers from Urumchi. This area is remarkable for many reasons. Her age is more than two thousand years. In the old age, this city was the first important point of the route on the central branch of the Shelkovaya Path. This area is the most hot throughout the state. Tourph brand is the second on the planet in depth. Dick of this place is the channels of artificial irrigation - kyariza. Their number is more than a thousand. The skill of the ancient builders causes respect and amazement. No wonder these channels for their importance for the local population are compared with the Great Chinese Wall. In Turfan, in the district, there are famous Baytziklik temples thousands of Buddhas that are in the caves. This is one of the largest buildings of the Buddhist religion located in the country. Temple - the cave complex has a very impressive look.

The cost of transfer for a group from one to three people - 280 dollars, for the entry of payment of $ 60, the excursion itself costs $ 70. If in the group - from four to eight tourists, the transfer will cost $ 400.

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