What is worth viewing in Bydgoshche? The most interesting places.


Bydgoszcz, the Polish city, which is the administrative center of the Kuivsky Pomeranian Voivodeship. It is located in the northern part of the country, sitting on the shores of the two rivers - Vistula and Brad. The exact date, the founding of the city is unknown, but there is a legend that they founded his two brothers who came from the south of the country to find a successful and comfortable place to base the settlement. It can be said that the brothers succeeded for a hundred percent. By the way, the name was Brothers - Byd and Gosch. At the present moment, Bydgoszcz, not only a city with a large port and a stunning ancient history, but also a rapidly developing business center. By visiting Bydgoszcz, be sure to inspect his sights. So, here's about the sights. I advise you to see everything you will offer a sightseeing program, but if you want to learn everything yourself, then the following information, you probably come in handy.

Castle in Crucvice. . It is located near the city of Bydgoszcz, on one of the most popular routes among tourists, which is called the "path of eagle nests." The castle was built in the fifteenth century. Immediately at the end of construction, the castle became, and well deserved and substantiated, the residence of the Polish kings. Why is well deserved and justified, will help to understand the story. The fact is that in the fourteenth century, there was no intermediary wars between the princes of Polish, as follows, the city was almost completely destroyed by Koleolev's king beoleste. The city managed to restore, but not at all for a long time, because in the fifteenth century he was chosen and safely occupied the troops of medieval crusaders. In those days, Poland, Casimir Great rules, and it was he who won the restless crusaders who gave an order that a reliable stone castle was built in the Crucvice, the main function of which was the strengthening of the borders of Poland, from the Militant Pomerania. After a century, namely in the sixteenth century, the castle has lost its value due to the lack of attacks and as a result, was completely launched and fell in full decline. In the seventeenth century, the Swedes attacked Poland, who almost completely destroyed not only the castle himself, but also the city in which he actually was. So, the ruins of the castle, stood for a very long time, gradually destroying under the influence of adverse weather conditions, and only at the end of the nineteenth century, it was decided to restore the castle. It was not possible to completely recreate the castle, but the observational tower called the mouse, they were completely reconstructed and it was exactly at the moment, is the main attraction of the castle.

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Castle Chelukhov . There is a castle in a town with the same name, which is near the city of Bydgoszcz. The Teutonic castle, which was built in the period from 1312 to 1365, as you already managed to guess, is the main attraction, this small provincial town. The story of this castle, quite troubled, and would even say that she was just stormy. Here, sudid yourself. In 1454, Polish troops were knocked out from the castle of the Knights of the Teutonic Order and three hundred years lived a calm life since from 1466 to 1770, being a quiet and cozy residence of the kings of Polish. The kings so calmly and comfortably lived here that in the period from 1633 to 1637, on the territory of the castle, built a new building from two floors, as royal orders. In addition to the fact that the kings lived here, so the castle also served as a fortress that protected the northwestern border of the country. In 1656, restless Swedes attacked the country and they managed to take possession of this castle, but they tried not for long, because after a year in 1657, the castle was repulsed and returned to the Poles. After a hundred years, in 1786, a fire has happened in the castle, which destroyed it almost completely, and which did not destroy the fire, destroyed local aborigines, disassemble the castle walls to their own needs. Already by 1811, from the once majestic structure, only a tower of forty-six meters is left only. In the period from 1826 to 1828, new construction was developed here. The idea was to build a Lutheran Church on the spot of the castle. Taking advantage of the surviving foundation and the tower. The idea was successful, the church was built, and the bell tower was arranged in the tower. In post-war times, the legend walked that the famous Amber Room, Hitler's soldiers were taken out and hid in secret dungeons, this is the castle.

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Archaeological reserve in Biskupin . This reserve of the period is 750 - 400 to our era, is open for free tourists. He is in the town of Biskupin, which is next to the passage. The story of its detection is as follows. In 1933, in the local places, archaeological excavations were carried out, during which traces of the settlement of the tribes of the Ludgean culture were found 750-400 BC. It was decided to bring excavations to the end and the ancient city fully restore. What restored scientists has shocked all of Europe, since this hail is the most ancient settlement - a fortress, on the territory of all of Europe. Regarding the population of the ancient city, there are two versions. According to one of the versions, the city inhabited one thousand inhabitants, and the other version, says that one and a half thousand Aboriginal lived in the city. It was possible to restore their maintenance of life. Basically, local residents have been engaged in trade, cattle breeding and agriculture. Trade was very relevant, since next to the settlement, the famous "amber path" was held. According to the archaeologists who explored this area, the settlement was destroyed by Iranian nomads. Surprisingly, it was completely possible to restore the lowest layers of the settlement in the form in which the locals left him, almost two and a half thousand years ago.

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Every year, in this very place, the archaeological festival is carried out, which is considered the most large-scale similar kind, the event in Poland. Be sure to visit this place, do not be lazy, because in all of Europe you will not find and you will not see anything like that. Amazing place in all respects!

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