What is worth looking in Lima? The most interesting places.


The heart of the city is Weapon Square - One of the most beautiful colonial areas of South America. From her, the city began to build, in the XVI century, at this place, the Capital of the state was founded on this place. 140-Memory Armory Square - Main City Remarkable. Bright yellow stain stands out here Building of a municipal palace , successfully shaking other significant buildings. The contrast of the yellow and black colors of the neoclassical facade, which decorate carved balconies, the magnet attracts the views of passersby. Same attractive appears The structure of the Archbishop Palace With his charming baroque facade - he adjoins the building of the Cathedral. Despite the impression of the antiquity, the palace was built not so long ago - in the twenties of the last century. In particular, surprised by the beautiful carved balconies of the facade made of cedar. The Archbishop Palace and the Cathedral are connected through the courtyard.

What is worth looking in Lima? The most interesting places. 59324_1

Same Cathedral He is the most important and oldest building on the weapon area and in the whole Lima. He belongs to the Roman Catholic Church. The beginning of the construction of the first building is dated 1535th year. He was destroyed several times the earthquake, the building of the cathedral was rebuilt. What can be seen now in the capital of Peru is the third option. The construction is consecrated in honor of the Holy Apostle John. The Cathedral is the dust of the Conquistador-founder of the Peruvian capital - Francisco Pizarro. This is a rather unusual fact, however, the building of the Main Cathedral in the city in comparison with other similar buildings looks stricter and more modest. It was erected under the influence of several different styles - here you are gothic, and Baroque, and elements of the Renaissance ... It happened because the construction went through a fairly long time, during the process there were many renovations and reconstructions after destruction - under the guidance of various architects .

Aside from the Cathedral is located Palace of Government . This is an excellent building built in the Baroque style, took the whole quarter! It was built in 1937, in our time there is a residence of the president of the country. In the old days there was a palace of vice-kings, and before that he was founded by the Pizarro himself, so among the people there was another name for the construction - "Pisarro House". Daily at noon, presidential security, dressed in a beautiful form, produces a change of guard - this is a spectacular process to look at.

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On the square, in its very center, there is a landmark of Lima, which refers to one of the most ancient - it is an impressive Bronze fountain . It was installed in the 1650th.

The weapon area is surrounded by remarkable locations. In fact, here is the center of the Peruvian capital, her heart, the atmosphere of the colonial city has been preserved. The main square of the city surrounds the whole round of old mansions, buildings, similar to the palaces, which are decorated with carvings, equipped with a large number of towers and balconies, baroque churches with stone carved facades ... All these buildings create a unique flavor and charm of the capital of Peru. The raisin of the city is in its glorified carved wooden balconies. Looking at them, they just amazed a variety and abundance of this architectural beauty ... This element of buildings is a carved closed balcony - was brought from Andalusia, turning into a characteristic detail of the facades of local buildings. Because of this charming architectural "chips", Lima still retains its unique colonial spirit.

Monasteries and church

First of all, it is worth visiting the most famous complex called "Church and Monastery of Saint Francis" . From the weapon area to him - only two quarters, it is located on Ankash Street. For the entrance, visitors pay a little - 7 salts, and the attraction works from 09:30 to 17:30. The monastery was built in the seventeenth century, the outer part is equipped with a yellow-white neoclassical portal, and the baroque style reigns inside. To walk along the indoor gallery, visit the ancient library, admire the portals and dormants in the greenery inner courtyards, beautiful rooms, real Seville tiles and most importantly - to see underground catacombs - this is what can be done in the complex of St. Francis.

What more specifically concerns Catacomb, the point is that the church once built over these underground galleries, and before, in colonial time, the monks were buried in them. Remember that the photography in the monastery is under a strict ban.

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Another sign religious landmark of Lima is at the intersection of ul. Camana and ul. CONDE SUPERUNDA, very close to Plaza de Armaas: We are talking about Church and Monastery of the Holy Domingo . The entrance is only five salts, open from 09:00 to 13:00 and from 15.00 to 18.00. This amazing building is considered the most real Peruvian church of the city. She became famous thanks to the two outstanding individuals of the seventeenth century - San Martina de Presz and the Holy Rose Limskaya. As for the first, the life history of this person is very surprising: he, being illegitimate, besides the black mulatto, managed to turn into a full member of the Santo Domingo monastery. Thanks to his good acts, he was noticed and accepted into the brotherhood. Subsequently, since Martin performed holy things, he was canonized. The rest of this man also found in this monastery. This building is the most authentic, indeed Peruvian religious place. Good nuance: here you can take pictures inside. You can admire the statues of local saints, excellent gallery, rich in the trim of inner chambers. From the Basilica Tower, where it is possible to climb, you can see a panorama of the central part of the Peruvian capital.


If you are in Lima, you should not forget about urban museums! One of the most famous is Larko Museum in Pueblo Libre . It is located a little distance from the new Miraflores district, you will have to take a taxi. Schedule of this institution - 09: 00-18: 00, it is open daily. For the entrance you must pay 30 salts. The richest exposition of the museum is represented by historic subjects owned by another pre-counter epoch. The collection is very impressive, there are exhibits that belong to the oldest civilizations that existed on the territory of modern Peru - such as Naska, urine, parakas, chima, as well as others - even before the Empire of Inca ... This collection is one of the largest worlds - Among other museum expositions of such a destination.

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