What you need to know going to rest in Hong Kong?


Hong Kong is a special administrative district of China, which covers an area of ​​1104 square kilometers. Until 1999, Hong Kong was an English colony, but later according to the contract he was returned to China. Hong Kong can not be called China fully, it is quite different from the mainland country, since the prolonged influence of England has had a great impact on its culture and development.

Hong Kong language

Officially in Hong Kong, two languages ​​are English and Chinese (Cantonese dialect). Not all locals are owned by English - taxi drivers, sellers and waiters do not always know at least a few words in this language. Guaranteed English knows hotel staff and employees of museums. However, despite this, you should not worry if you do not own Chinese (like most tourists). Tourism is an important article of Hong Kong's revenues, so much has been created in the city for the convenience of its guests. If you want to go somewhere at a taxi, ask the hotel staff to record the address you need on paper - you will then show her taxi driver and will understand where you need. Taxi Near the hotel most often for you will catch the receptionist, he will also explain the driver where you need. The hotel also has business cards with its address, be sure to take them with them, with their help you will easily get back.

Currency Hong Kong

Since Hong Kong is a special economic zone, there is its own currency - Hong Kong dollar (HKD). 100 Hong Kong dollars are approximately 10 US dollars. Hong Kong is one of the global financial centers. Such status, he did not become not least due to the fact that it is a free economic zone - it can be imported to its territory and export any amounts without declaration. You can change money at the airport, the truth there is not a very profitable course), as well as in exchange offices that are easy to find throughout the city - the Commission for the exchange in them is 5%. Exchange points work on all days, including Sunday and holidays. Also, money can be exchanged in banks, but it is worth considering that a higher commission for the operation is waiting for you. The most profitable currency exchange rates are offered by Standart Chartered and Hang Seng banks.

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Unlike mainland China, it is customary to leave tips on the territory of Hong Kong. This is absolutely optional, but it is possible if you like the service. Most often, tips leave taxi drivers (just rounded the sum of the trip), porters in hotels and airport, as well as in restaurants. The usual amount of tips is not very different from that in Europe - it is about 5 - 10% of the amount of the account.


Hong Kong's authorities rigorously fight smokers, from July 1, 2009, a ban on smoking in public places was introduced on its territory - on the street, in bars, clubs, restaurants, hotels and toilets. Almost the only place where you can smoke is the hotel number (you need to order a room for smokers in advance, since they are far from all hotels). The fine for smoking in public places is rather big - 1500 Hong Kong dollars (that is, about $ 150), and the penalty for smoking in clubs, bars and restaurants is even higher - about 5,000 Hong Kong dollars. In general, in Hong Kong smoke very little, smokers are not visible at all. The attitude is more loyal to tourists than to citizens - if you have a room in the wrong place, then for the first time you decide to a warning, if you continue to do it even after the comment - you are fingered.

By the way, the penalties are also provided for the garbage that thrown past the urn, so, being in Hong Kong, observe the cleanliness.

Transport and Movement around the city

The cheapest version of Hong Kong movement is public transport, which includes the subway, the network of buses and trams. In my opinion, it is easiest to understand the Metropolitan - its network covered the entire city, so that you can get to the subway anywhere. The ticket can be purchased in the machine, as well as at the checkout. The ticket is purchased for one trip, you will need to select the final station, the type of ticket (for an adult or for a child) and pay the required amount. Do not throw away the ticket until the end of the trip is to exit the station, you will need to lower the ticket to the turnstile. If you lose it, you will have to pay a penalty for a short-free passage.

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The network of buses and trams is also well developed, however, to get there somewhere, you will have to deal with the following route. Buses in Hong Kong new, clean, many are air conditioned.


Also in Hong Kong is developed a taxi network. Taxis can be called by phone, but usually everyone catch it on the street. Payment in taxi is fixed, according to the meter, the price rolls for each kilometer. It is also worth considering that every place of baggage is added to the cost of the trip (that is, the suitcase), you will also have to pay extra for pets and travel along a taxi tunnel (this also applies to those who are traveling from the airport or to the airport). Most taxi drivers do not speak English, so you will write in advance the address you need on a piece of paper. However, if you are going to some famous place, for example, Ocean Park or the Hong Kong History Museum, then you will be understood without translation into Chinese.

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Communication with locals and security

For Hong Kong, a high level of service is characterized - all employees and hotel staff are friendly, always ready to help. In a cafe or hotel you will definitely ask if you like the service, which was not so that you need to improve.

Safety in Hong Kong is also at a very high level - there is practically no street crime, there are almost no pockets, and you can walk around the city at any time of the day.

Locals are quite friendly and completely unobtrusive. The inhabitants of the mainland China are distinguished by a large restraint - they are not noisy and generally more Europeanized. The Europeans and tourists as a whole attitude is normal - no aggression and negative in their address, and in addition, in Hong Kong there is no high attention to Europeans - no one considers you as in mainland China.

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