What is worth looking in Trondheim? The most interesting places.


Trondheim, one of the oldest and most interesting cities of Norway, which makes sense to visit on a couple of days in order to penetrate the eclectic combination of modern architectural innovations and old wooden architecture, which are bizarre, but at the same time they are harmoniously combined in this city rich history. As well as, it is possible to understand that Scandinavia, this is not always a harsh climate and a little boring nature. Due to the warm flow of the Golfstrum, which has a strong influence on the territory of the Tronheim fjord, winter temperatures are rarely lowered below the minus of two degrees. Trondheim is very original and interesting, and as a result of bright attractions in it quite a lot.

- Palace of Archbishop. One of the oldest buildings in Norway. Began to build it back in the distant 12th century. During its existence, the palace was repeatedly buried, passed from the authorities to others, it was repeatedly robbed and tried to destroy, but each time it was restored and reconstructed in the same form. The last reconstruction was carried out at the end of the last century. At the moment, the northern part of the palace serves for secular rounds and receptions, and all other premises are given to the museum and concert hall.

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- Nidaros Cathedral. located next to the Archbishop Palace. The temple is built on the site of the burial of the most great Norwegian king Olaf Triuggwason, canonized after death. His name was received by the old name Trondheim - Nidaros. And if earlier the cathedral was the place of worship of a plurality of pilgrims, now it attracts the attention of increasing and more tourists. In view of the fact that the temple was repeatedly subjected to fires, his architecture was also changing, in the present moment, in which the temple was built with him a mixture of Romanesque and Gothic style. The main pride of the cathedral is the two operating authorities, the first of which was established in the cathedral in the middle of the 18th century, and the second in the past century.

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The cathedral is the current Lutheran temple and to this day and it is in it that the coronations of the Norwegian royal family occur.

- Kristiansen Fortress. Artifact times when Norway belonged to the Danes. They built it on a strategically important on the orders of King Christian 5 in the 17th century to reflect all sorts of attacks. However, in direct appointment was used once during the Great Northern War. During World War II, the Germans who captured Trondheim used her as a prison and a place for the execution of the rebels.

Currently, the fortress is open to visiting. By the way, the status of the military facility the fortress was lost only in 2001.

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- Benedictine monastery on the island of Munkholmen. Initially, the monastery was a typical monastery of his time (the start date of construction is 1100), it was repeatedly burned and was actually ruined, but after five centuries (17th century) was significantly strengthened and turned into a fortress. In times, when Norway was ruled by Denmark, the monastery was used as a prison. Subsequently, during Napoleonic wars, was modernized in accordance with the fortification innovations of that time. During the Second World War, it was actually the base for submarines of the German army.

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- Museum of Ringwe. It is in Trondheim that is one of the most famous music museums and music tools around the world. Very interesting place for music lovers. The collection has more than 2 thousand tools from around the world. Interesting and the fact that the founder of the museum is nee from Russia - Victoria Bakka, in the greatness of Rostina.

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- Bridge Gamble Bibro. . The second name of this bridge is "Bridge of Happiness". In Trondheim there is a believer that if you walk along this bridge, then all the commemorated desires will come true. Believe it or not, this is your business, but the main thing is that it is from this bridge that a stunning view of the fjord and the city opens.

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- Royal Palace Stiftshond. It is the active residence of the Norway's monarch of the Norway, and part-time the oldest wooden house in Europe. It is an eclectic two-story building made in the Rococo style.

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Alas, but for excursions it is not available, even at the time when the royal family does not live in it. So you can enjoy only appearance.

How do you like the number of historical and sign places for a relatively small city with a population of a little more than 17 thousand people? In my opinion, very much, and this is despite the fact that not everything is listed. In general, in Trondheim it is worth going to take a walk and enjoy the advantages of architecture and a measured rhythm of life.

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