How much will rest in Sergeevka cost?


The village of Sergeevka would be considered not a bad resort place if somebody, even ever did it. Everything here is thrown on the deposit of the local residents and entrepreneurs themselves, who are not very trying to put this, wonderful resort in order. The village itself is in not far from Odessa, in Belgorod-Dniester district. By the way, in contrast to the same type of resorts of Odessa and the Odessa region, this resort is still well-healthy and therapeutic muds of Shabolat Liman. According to his healing qualities, mud baths of this estuary are not inferior to the analogues of such a famous mudhouse resort like Saki. In general, this resort is rich in different kind of healing procedures. The water of Shalebolsky Limana is already healing and has long been used for the preparation of mineral wellness baths. Here is the mass of healing sources from drinking water, some of which are similar in their qualities similar to the mineral, healing waters of the flavored and the Truskavets. But, it's all abandoned and not being developed in due measure. But not everything is so bad as it may seem at first glance. And in the village of Sergeevka, civilization came, at least what happened before (horror and devastation) is gradually refined and put into order. Not as big pace as on the Crimean coast, but the moves are visible.

How much will rest in Sergeevka cost? 5909_1

In addition, this resort is relatively different from the Crimean pricing policy, and the conditions provided (in some separately taken places) are even better than in Partenit or Simeiz, the same southern shore of the Crimea.

The village Sergeevka is separated from the cherished sea coast of Liman and to get to the beach you need to "stupid" every day through a kilometer concrete bridge.

How much will rest in Sergeevka cost? 5909_2

Enontending "Businessmen" and here found the benefits of a "compass" a couple honestly earned Denyushki with holidaymakers, setting a stationary post with two "pioneers - guards." The passage on the personal motor vehicle was worth 20 UAH., Western 3 UAH. Amount is certainly not big, but the money itself goes unknown to where and is unknown to whom. No receipts can not even demand - they are not. There is both a boat that departs from the small pier every 10-15 minutes.

How much will rest in Sergeevka cost? 5909_3

Price 5 UAH (3 US dollars) per person. So that someone is more convenient to get to the sea.

Residential Foundation The village is diverse. From the private sector to boarding houses and children's camps. But the boarding houses themselves are so in a deplorable state and the bottom of the bottom is so shapling that the desire falls on them away from one species. Another thing is the private sector. Very budget and quite comfortable. The place of accommodation can be found from 30 UAH. (US $ 3.5), of course the conditions will be Spartan, without any additional comfort, but very cheap. I would like to recommend future vacationers camping ray. This wonderful structure was spread in the park area of ​​the village, very enlarged and landscaped. Three-storey pension with fairly cozy and comfortable rooms is very convenient for family holidays.

Removed the economy class number.

How much will rest in Sergeevka cost? 5909_4

It's just charm. A completely wide number with a sufficient quantity. True, there is no TV and a refrigerator in the rooms of the economy class or type "standard". This service is provided only on the floor. Since there are only eight numbers on the floor, the influx of people as such is not and you can not stand in line to enjoy all the benefits of civilization. The room is just the most essential of the furniture and most importantly bathroom with a shower. Water is served from a well and constant both cold and hot. You do not need more in the resort, you came to watch TV. And the price of such happiness is meager 50-60 UAH. (7 US dollars), which is very budget for such a range of services. In the campsite there is almost everything, meal in the number. On the territory is the Express Cafe, where a separate board is provided for a fee. If you take a breakfast in cash equivalent to a family of three people (2 adults and 1 child) 70-90 UAH. (10 US dollars). Everything, of course depends on the appetite of holidaymakers. Dinner is a bit more expensive, to 100-120 UAH. (11-13 US dollars). But, portions are very nutritious and calories. Very similar to home food. Tasty, acceptable at the price. It is possible to order food, which is especially great if necessary for a child anything diet.

But here you can save a little. On the territory of a well-equipped kitchen with everything you need. Prepare yourself, no prohibitions from the administration. The only, use of the kitchen and kitchenware is paid. Price, purely symbolic - 10 UAH. (1.2 US dollars). Although admitted for all the time staying in the campsite, the units were preparing themselves, only to small children of Kashki and soup. Basically, everyone was fed in a cafe. I repeat, portions are huge and disappoints, even for children.

The beach of the resort is a long, sandy braid, without any distinction for property.

Clean, not from what is cleaned (although not without it), but because there are not too much vacationers. Even in the midst of the spa season of places on the spit abundantly for everyone. Vacationers can choose from, or swimming in the beautiful sea, or on the other side of the braid to splash in the choir liman and take mud baths. But, all the same, I do not recommend swimming in Liman, in the water there is a lot of different living things in water, including snakes. But the sea is above all silence. Clean, beautiful and fairly warm.

How much will rest in Sergeevka cost? 5909_5

If you come early in the morning you can see the dolphins of the "indulgent" practically at the coast.

How much will rest in Sergeevka cost? 5909_6

In the evening, a little boring, there is no nightlife at all in the resort. There is, of course, a couple-triple of institutions, but that's all. They saved, again in the campsite, all in the same cafe "Express". Two open dance platforms and one indoor platform, with live music, plus everything is not bad and not expensive bar, more, probably nothing and do not need in a quiet, family resort.

How much will rest in Sergeevka cost? 5909_7

By the way, again within the framework of savings. On the market, in the village you can buy not expensive fruits and vegetables, and so as not to pay for the passage on the bridge on personal transport, the watch should be put forward to the market at 18: 00-19: 00. The market still works, but the "pioneer post" turns on the bridge.

Everything else time is the beach, beautiful sea and healing mud baths. Satisfied with rest.

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