What is worth looking in Stavanger? The most interesting places.


The small town of Stavanger "Sitting" on the Norwegian Peninsula, surrounded by the sea, mountains and forests.

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City of contrasts and incredible beauty. His story of the town leads to the beginning of the 12th century. By the way, this region was generally one of the first in Norway. Of course, the first inhabitants of this Rossian were actively engaged in trading and catching fish, actually, as well as today, but no longer as before. It is worth noting that in the 17th century, the city became an important center for the extraction of herring, well, until all this herring caught and stocks dried up, and then the fish turned into coastal waters again, and in the town they opened a factory for the manufacture of canned food, where smoked smoked Sardines in olive oil. By the way, this fisher industry supported the Economy of Stavanger until 1965, until the last sardine capital was closed.

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And then in Stavanger opened oil reserves - and the town instantly began to flourish! That was in the late 60s of the last century. In the city, oil-producing and oil and gas companies were played very quickly, as long as Stavanger did not become the headquarters of the largest international and local oil companies. After that, the city began to flourish in culturally, and in 2008 it was allegedly recognized by the European Cultural Capital. Overtack!

What is worth looking in Stavanger? The most interesting places. 59086_3

Well, for us, tourists, much more interesting than the beauty of this town. For example, Beach . And the beaches here are a miracle as good! With a white small sand, with shallow coastal warm waters. The beach strip stretched at 25 kilometers!

What is worth looking in Stavanger? The most interesting places. 59086_4

Then, fjords, mountain paths that will definitely love bicycle sports fans.

What is worth looking in Stavanger? The most interesting places. 59086_5

Golfists, if there are those among you, will definitely be delighted with excellent fields. Well, fishermen, for you just get along! There are even specially organized fishing tours to this area. The catch promises to be noble! The famous excursion "Norway fjords" begins, as a rule, it is from Stavanger. Therefore, do not be surprised that there are so many tourists from different countries. In addition, a pretty city with charming streets, squares descending directly to the sea and cozy houses are straightforwards the sophisticated travelers and photographers.

What is worth looking in Stavanger? The most interesting places. 59086_6

Of course, the first thing all tourists go to Cathedral Stavanger.

What is worth looking in Stavanger? The most interesting places. 59086_7

The Cathedral of St. Svitin and the Holy Trinity, built in 1100, after Sigurd Crusader (King of Norway) postponed the bishop's residence in this town. By the way, why it was there that the residence was postponed, it was unclear, because at that time Stavanger was an ordinary fishing village! But it is known that at the place where this beautiful cathedral is now minted, there was a more ancient church of the VIII-X centuries. It was after that the Cathedral was built, Stavanger began to wear the status of the city (from 1125, when construction was completed).

What is worth looking in Stavanger? The most interesting places. 59086_8

Svitin, who is devoted to the temple, was one of the first Bishops of the Winchester, and at the same time, he was the patron saint of the Winster Cathedral that in the UK. Well, his relics are just the same in this cathedral. The basilica was built with three nefs, in the harsh Anglo-Norman style, with massive columns, narrow windows. Once with the cathedral there was still a tower, but she was chapped during a terrible fire at the end of the 13th century. By the way, after that fire, the temple had to be restored, and he added even more gothic traits, from which he began to look still harsh. In general, the appearance is somehow preserved from the past centuries. For few changes after the reconstruction of the 19th century (although in the mid-20th he was tried to give a historical appearance).

What is worth looking in Stavanger? The most interesting places. 59086_9

Building, you know, really impressive! From gray stone, with two domes of light green, with round windows with stained glass windows, stone carvings and small statues in niches nearby. Well, for a minute, the oldest cathedral of Norway! Just in my head does not fit! In general, it is necessary to see everything with your own eyes. Look for this cathedral on DomkirkePlassen Street. The cathedral is open from 11 to 16 hours, except Monday and Friday.

After visiting the cathedral, stroll through Old city Stavanger.

What is worth looking in Stavanger? The most interesting places. 59086_10

It is located on the right bank of the bay and all built up with white two-storey wooden houses of the XIX century. Streets paved by cobblestones simply die. And do not even try to walk there on heels - it will not work.

Stroll B. Old urban harbor where ships from Bergen and Oslo arrive.

What is worth looking in Stavanger? The most interesting places. 59086_11

By the way, from there you can make a trip on pleasure boats in Luce Fjord (Very near the city, the most famous tourist attraction), where the famous rock is stuck and Mount Cyrag, under 1 kilometer height.

What is worth looking in Stavanger? The most interesting places. 59086_12

What is worth looking in Stavanger? The most interesting places. 59086_13

The beauty of this mountain is that it is quite cool breaks down to the surface of the water, so this place has become popular among the besjumpers (this is a very extreme sport when people jump with such a small parachute from all sorts of houses, bridges and mountains).

What is worth looking in Stavanger? The most interesting places. 59086_14

You can also look into Oil Museum (Norwegian Petroleum Museum) , at Kjeringholmen 1.

What is worth looking in Stavanger? The most interesting places. 59086_15

What is worth looking in Stavanger? The most interesting places. 59086_16

Naturally, such a museum simply could not not appear in this rich edge. In the museum you will learn how oil and gas are created in the depths of the Earth, as they are mined and processed. The museum also provides information on the technical achievements and development of oil production in this area. Films and interactive exhibits illustrate everything from the daily life of an ordinary oil transfer to dramatic incidents in this matter. For children, there are special excursions here, when they may feel part of this case, everyone to feel so touch.

Work schedule: June 1 - August 31: Daily 10:00 - 19:00, September 1 - May 31: Monday - Saturday 10:00 - 16:00 and Sunday 10:00 - 18:00

Entrance tickets: adults - 100 NOK (12 euros), children 50 NOK (6 euros), family (2 adults + 3 children) 250 NOK (30 euros), students and retirees 50 NOK.

You can visit Archaeological Museum (ARKEOLOGISK MUSEUM) With the universe of Stavanger (at Peder Klows Gate 30A), Sea Museum (Stavanger Maritime Museum) at Nedre Strandgate 17, Canning Museum (Norwegian Canning Museum) at Øvre Strandgate 88 or go to Theater (Rogaland theater) which is located near the BreiaVatNet lake in the heart of the city.

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