Features of rest in Saka


There is such a common cliché in the description of some resort zones - pearl. But in relation to the Crimea, this is not a scratched phrase, it is really the pearl of the entire Black Sea basin. It is unique here all, ranging from culture and monuments of ancient history, to unique nature. The combination of mountains and steppes, stone and sandy beaches, ancient and modern cities. You can and must be recognized that the Crimea is unique. And to give it under the gangster management - criminal. But what happened, it happened, and I want to tell a little about the small town of Saki, which is located between Sevastopol and Evpatoria.

Not even about the city itself. He is not much remarkable. Noteworthy of its surroundings. On the outskirts of the city there is a Saki lake with unique healing mud. Dimensions are small: three five kilometers. At the bottom of the lake, dark gray ils are accumulated, their top layer is the same healing dirt. This dirt, with its proper use, is almost a panacea in the treatment of skin diseases and joints. She, in the literal sense of the word, puts on the feet of patients who can no longer help doctors armed with super-modern means of traditional medicine. During the Great Patriotic War, by order of Hitler, during the occupation of the Crimea, more than 200 cars of Sakska mud were exported to Germany. One of the resorts of Baden-Baden to this afraid uses it.

The Dead Sea, his dirt, in something similar with the muds of the Saki Lake, made the Dead Sea by the world center of the mud. Although the climate of Israel is not very suitable for year-round visits to his balneological resorts by the elderly. The climate of Crimea is in a more advantageous position. Yes, and do not fly for thirty lands. Enough for us to live on the proverb - there is no prophet in my fatherland. There is! Only you need to make knowledge, finance, will, and all costs will be rejected by a hundredfold. Moreover, the generally recognized fact that the Dead Sea rapidly loses its level, in the near future, it will simply disappear. But on the Saki lake there is a hydrogeological production station, whose employees are followed by the level of the lake, if necessary, "adding" in the lake of marine water.

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With Evpatoria, Saki connects the railway branch, laid through a narrow strip of the coast, separating the sea from the so-called Saksky Limana. This is another of the sights of the island. 12 kilometers from Saki, towards Evpatoria, there is a station with an excellent name - "Sunny". Here, the sea and Liman shares 500 meters of sushi. At the beginning of the estuary there are natural reservoirs with very salted water. Water in salinity slightly inferior to the Dead Sea, and the temperature in them in the summer is comparable to a very hot bath. But!!! If in the Dead Sea life, if present, then at the level of microorganisms, and here it is!

I lived in a teenager in Simferopol, and the sun was our favorite site "Tusovka". Here in the summer holidays by our company we went with tents constantly. Moreover, a trip for a week, I got up, a maximum of one ruble per person, a ticket for an electric train from Simferopol. Yes, and the ruble sometimes saved - they went with "bunnies". And products took a minimum. And rested, I open a secret. Probably, for Soviet times - not very correct, but youth - Beszhabashna.

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Came, on the shore put a tent. One group went to the sea for mussels on the Pier, and for the Rapana with the mask and flocks on the stones near the buoy. And the second group with a mask went on the ponds of Limana. Numerous holidaymakers from Russia did not know why the boys go to Liman. And we went for the goods. In these very salty lakes, if you dive with the mask and weighing, you will see a large number of large stone crabs. These crabs, despite these there are almost nothing in them, enjoyed in great demand among holidaymakers. There are crab in the sea, but sandy and small. Cook them immediately, in salted lifric water. Some of the largest, buried in an anthill, the next day, a chic souvenir was obtained for sale. Agrows in the day pulled out all meat, shells and claws were covered with NC-222 lacquer, and such a souvenir was sold from 2 to 3 rubles. And a large shrimp is found in Liman. In the water, it is not visible, it is only pilotched by the hairs on the body. And this is the next earnings. It takes march 2 per meter, and it is right as a non-child at a depth of 1.5 meters. For one approach - grams of 250 large shrimp. Beef lovers of beer - tearned with their hands - the handpie gun. And we are a chance, and resting - the service. But, this is a lyric retreat, pleasant memories.

Liman stretches to the horizon. For natural inhabited lakes - separated by dams, also up to the horizon, white-white salt. Here it is mined. We do not recommend walking on salt. If the leg fails - it will take medical care. The temperature of the rape (saint solution) under the top of the salt can reach up to 95 degrees. And under salt - inexhaustible reserves of precious Sakso-Evpatoria medicinal dirt.

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