The most interesting excursions in Norway? What should I see?


Norway is a country known to its fjords and vikings. Many she attracts the beauty of the Northern Lights.Although there is very beautiful nature, but in this country you will not meet standard attractions. Norway is not famous for the beautiful palaces, historical museums and medieval palaces. Although they are, but it is not the main thing in this country. But she takes the soul to other - astounding beauty by nature.

In addition, Norway is famous for its most cozy capital of Europe - Oslo, fashionable ski resorts and delicious cuisine. And all this is diluted with a magnificent excursion program, which is designed for people with different tastes and requests. Many tourists in this country also attracts the kindness and hospitality of local residents who try to do everything for the convenience of foreign guests.

In this cold country with a kind heart there are several attractions that cannot be visited.

Historical Museum in Oslo

Three museums are located at one roof. There are richest exhibits - such as jewelry, coins and artifacts of the Viking era. In the ethnographic part of the museum there are exhibits from around the world.

It should be noted that the entrance in this museum is also free as almost in all other museums of the Norwegian capital.

On the first floor of the historical museum you can see the ancient exhibits that were found in the country. The most ancient of them is about 10,000 years. The magnificent helmets of the Vikings retain the greatest interest, they are very well preserved.

The most interesting excursions in Norway? What should I see? 59007_1

In the hall of the coin presents coins with deep antiquity of the country and to modern. But there are not only Norwegian money, but also from other countries. The most remarkable coins refer to the Carthage era, which is now on the territory of Tunisia.

It is interesting to visit the halls belonging to the history of ancient Egypt. This museum presents a rich collection of ancient mummies. Most of them were presented to the Swedish king. And it remains only to guess where they came from him. Apparently, in the era of the looting of Egypt, Europeans and the Swedes did not remain aside. And now, even in a cold Oslo, you can see the mummies of the beautiful South Priestess Nofret.

For the convenience of tourists in the museum there is a cafe and shop.

Cathedral Oslo

This cathedral is the main temple of Oslo. Compared to other landmarks Oslo, it is undeservedly in the background.

The most interesting excursions in Norway? What should I see? 59007_2

Most recently, there was a restoration and can be admired by the restored ancient interiors. After all, this cator has been more than 300 years. Sometimes in this cathedral is carried out by organ music and there can also be a schedule for these concerts.

Norway Maritime Museum

This museum is located on the Begden Peninsula and you can make sure that the statement that for each Norwegian there is at least one boat, close to the truth.

The most interesting excursions in Norway? What should I see? 59007_3

From the exhibition of the museum it is clear that for the inhabitants of this country, the sea is all. There you can learn about various methods of fishing. Their number is amazing. There are rooms in which many ways of building ships are represented. The oldest and amazing exhibit of more than 4,000 years. And this is not all that can be seen in this amazing museum.

Road trolls

This very colorful and dangerous road in Norway is still called the staircase of trolls. The road connects between the two Norwegian cities - Ondalsnes and Valldal. When lifting a height of 858 meters, the road commits 11 cool turns. But when the tired traveler overcomes the path, as a reward for his efforts, he gets a wonderful look. And not the top of the mountain, it is also waiting for shops of souvenirs, cafes and, in fact, the viewing platform with which this wonderful look opens. In winter, such a journey will be impossible, because because of the big danger, this road is simply closed. It is necessary to visit this country from May to September to admire the road trolls.

Troll tongue

Norwegians adore trolls and in honor of them love to call their sights. And this huge stone ledge has not exceeded.It is located at an altitude of 800 meters by Ringedalswatnet, not far from Lake Oddo. It looks like a narrowed language, of course. This can only be troll. If you're lucky. then to the destination can be reached on the lift to Mount Skyeghedal. But if it does not work, you will have to go on foot, and dear very exhausted. In any case, it will be best to climb the forest path that passes along the funicular. Even if the tourist is afraid of height, he will definitely need to overpower and climb into this language. After all, it opens a stunning appearance. This wonderful lifting also needs to be planned at the time when there are no snow in the mountains. The most important thing is not to get there during the fog, and instead of a beautiful view you can see solid milk.

Top Galhapiggen

The height of this vertex is 2469 meters and it is the highest point of Norway. This is also the highest and most summer ski center of the country. Climbing this vertex is allowed even for children from 6 years. At the top there is a room where you can buy food, drinks and souvenirs.

Vigeland Park

This is the most visited landmark of Oslo. And I must say that there are not only tourists. This park is still loved by local residents.And all this thanks to the sculptures of Norway Gustav Vigeland. This Norwegian sculptor created about two hundred creations for this Park. The most famous sculpture of Vegeland is the Monolith monument. He very realisticly depicts the whole senselessness of the race for success. It is also a very beautiful open-air museum. In addition, the park landscape is made very thoughtful. It is comfortable to walk and relax. There are many comfortable places and beautiful paths for this place. It is advisable to come here in the evening. The rest of the museums are already closed at this time, and here you can make a miraculously time. Especially in the evening, very beautiful illumination is included in the park. The entrance to this wonderful museum is free.

In general, Norway is very good for those tourists who do not love heat. And from the summer bkek, many rush to Norwegian fjords and other attractions and wonderfully spend time in this amazing and hospitable country. But it must be remembered that this is one of the most expensive countries in the world and a trip to Norway requires significant costs.

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