What should I see in the removal?


The city of Dellanych is located in the north of the province of Heilongjiang, 21.2 thousand people live here, nature here is superbly beautiful, this area belongs to the landscaped sights of the state. It is located at an altitude of three hundred meters above sea level.

Heilongjiang Translated from Chinese means the "River of the Black Dragon", this is the most unclosed district, there is a Chinese miracle of natural origin - five lakes, which are formed by many centuries ago, they are connected to each other. These lakes are close to the Chinese health resort, which is known for its cold thermal sources and unique climate conditions. In the removal, this balneological resort, should be taken at least to take a look at fourteen volcanoes located here, the most famous of which is Laohei Shan or Heilong Shan (that in the Chinese Dragon Mountain), as well The striking beauty of the local nature.

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The history of this resort is a story of eruptions and natural disasters. All this unique beautiful terrain is created by volcanic eruptions, which have been taking place here for a long time. Last of them - in the eighteenth century. Because of this eruption, the famous five lakes appeared, which forever changed the local landscape - after all, the river was here instead.

Mineral sources of volcanic origin are located in the removal, and more precisely, low-temperature sources of carbon-chio-magnesium type. On our planet, there are only three places: in Vichy, in France, in the North Caucasus - in Russia, and here - in the removal - in the People's Republic of China.

To date, this resort is the seven mineral springs in which there are six types of water. For one day of these sources, forty thousand tons of water flows, in local cold mineral water contains positive sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium ions, and negative ions - chlorine and carbon dioxide. In addition, it has trace elements useful for the human body - such as fluorine, chrome, zinc, copper, barium, iodine, manganese, iron and others.

Local water is a concentrate, which is a nutritious, healing and wellness drink. It is suitable for drinking, you can take baths in it and with it can be treated. It has good help with diseases of the nervous system, cardiovascular diseases, problems in the musculoskeletal system and at skin diseases, and also fights the problems in the digestive tract very effectively. Because of its healing properties, this spring water is called "holy water of a healing spring". Sources with mineral water are mainly located next to Mount Yaocyuanishan. The most popular of them are the northern booming source and reservoir South Source and Blue Dragon.

Nowadays, this natural miracle of the resort is widely used. The local medicine centers follow the Chinese traditions of healing, and the main emphasis on the treatment of mineral waters and muds, which are formed by volcanic lakes. The most popular of sanatorium is called the proletarian - "worker", and awakens the memories of the Soviet Union among Russian tourists.

And the local climate for the usual Russian tourist is not so familiar. Its characteristic features are prolonged winter and the hot summer characteristic. At the same time, the first frosts occur in September, they end only in the late spring. Temperature variation is rather big - it sometimes happens 60 ° C. In winter, the average temperature is approximately minus twenty, it happens above. Very cold weather in January. But in the summer, it usually happens thirty degrees of heat. In the period of June - August are raining. Some of the main local natural dicks - lakes are covered with ice in the end of October, and they are deprived of him - in May.

Cold volcanic thermal sources are a very rare phenomenon in the world of Balneology. At this resort, mineral water has an average temperature of two to four degrees. Usually bathe in more warm, and inside take water having about two degrees of heat.

A large number of dicks in the removal are created by nature itself. These are the caves that were formed because of the activities of volcanoes, and frozen lava, which turned everything around in the "Stone Sea", having an impressive view of the fallen volcanoes and, of course, the Buddhist temple - all this is an additional advantage of the resort of the removal.

"Ice caves" of volcanic origin

These caves have a natural origin, in the local places there are a large number. Here the most ordinary ice is turning to local craftsmen in the striking scenery of winter magic. When tourists in the midst of summer heat get into such a cave, the heat immediately disappears, and they appear the impression that they came to the underground ice palace. In these places there is a temperature of minus five to minus three, and those figures that are manufactured by local masters are maintained throughout the year. When you enter such a cave, most importantly - warmly dressing and once again test yourself in the absence of a fear of a closed space - there are sometimes places with very low ceilings. And between the high trees next to the base of the mountain, the Buddhist Temple works in our days.

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Statue of goddess Guangjin

Early in the morning, when Russian tourists are still under the rule of Morpheus, the locals are sent to sources under the bridge near the mountain, where the statue of the goddess is standing. In this place they wash away in order to give the whiteness of their skin, sharpness - vision and good mood - soul. And after that, they go to worship the statue of the goddess Guanin. She is honored as a patronage of a homely hearth and a female start. The goddess is assisted by the suffering, treats those who are infertile, and Mitrite those who are in hostility. When you are near the goddess, you just need to think about the problem that the problem is now worried and humbly bow your head.

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