Where to go to Odessa and what to see?


Odessa is not just a city.

As one famous actor said, Odessa is a smile of God.

There is a lot of interesting things in Odessa. And what is extremely convenient, everything is concentrated in the historic center of the city. And the main street of the city is definitely Deribasovskaya ulitsa . Odessa is a young city and therefore centuries-old buildings you do not find here. Since Odessa was built during the reign of Empress Catherine II, then the main type of facades is designed in the style of those times. Just Deribasovskaya Street is a typical example of such buildings. Previously, everything was extremely launched, the plaster from the facades sat down. Now gradually everything changes for the better: the buildings are restored, the facades are restored in their historical appearance. According to its dimensions, Deribasovskaya is not very big street and not everywhere pedestrian. But always crowded and at the same time not "wrinkling" or calm.

Walking slowly on the famous street, relax in the shade of high trees in Gorsad. , throw a coin to the fountain to come back here. In the summer you can meet many artists in the Gorsad, and drawing your pictures for sale, as well as drawing portraits to everyone (humorous cartoons are particularly popular). There are several landmarks for Odessa monuments: a sculpture of a lion and a lioness with imprint, monument to Leonid Utösov. Also, a monument to the legendary 12th stool from the same name of Ilf and Petrov is also installed in the Gorsad. And on Deribasovskaya Street and in the area of ​​the Grasada there are many bars, restaurants, pizzerias.

At the very end of Deribasovskaya is located "Passage" . It was built as a gallery for walking, in which many different shops. I'm not sure that you can buy something to yourself (that is still an assortment). But here you can admire a really beautiful trim: a lot of sculptures, beautiful stucco on the walls, renovated glass roof. "Passage" is a real masterpiece of architecture.

From the "passage" the more logical, probably go to Cathedral Square . Here on the square built the largest Orthodox churches of Odessa - Savior Transfiguration Cathedral. In Soviet years, in 1936, the original construction was completely destroyed by the Bolsheviks. Now it is a recreated copy, which was built in the previous historical location after the 2000th year to donate the residents of Odessa. I will not say anything about the interior decoration, because although I live in Odessa, but never there was. At the Cathedral Square, many years have been gathering Odessans to talk about life, discuss the news of the Football Team "Chernomorets". Also here is the famous "Cathedra" - this is the largest flower bazaar in Odessa.

Next, to see the "pearl" of Odessa, you will have to go through Deribasovskaya again. Go to Richel'evskaya Street and turn to the left. Your gaze opens the majestic Odessa Opera House . This is a real masterpiece of architecture. He takes not the last place in the ranking of the most beautiful theaters throughout Europe. Recently passed the restoration and now the inner decoration simply shines from the abundance of gilding and marble.

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The Opera House is built in the style of Vienna Baroque (although the Vienna Opera is not similar to the droplet) and is a kind of business card of the city. Everyone who visits Odessa considers their duty to get on some kind of opera or ballet. The repertoire is very rich, Russian or foreign opera stars come regularly regularly. You can buy a ticket directly at the box office, you can use the official website. Usually performances begin in the evening at 19:00 (children's - at 12:00). Prices fluctuate from 30 hryvnia (gallery) to 200 hryvnia (the first rows of the parquet). Be sure to visit, you will not regret.

After inspection of the opera theater, go straight on Primorsky Boulevard . This boulevard is captured in many movies. Here you will see a monument to A.S. Pushkin, hear the famous Odessa Quarartians. Primorsky Boulevard is a favorite place of walking locals and guests of the city, as well as couples in love. The right is considered one of the best town planning ensembles throughout Europe. Immediately, in the seaside boulevard installed Monument to Duchoga Duke de Richelieu , one of the founders and the first urban of Odessa (they say, near Duke, you need to make a desire). It is very interesting to look at the monument from Luke near the entrance to the funicular. And from the monument there is a magnificent view of the Morvokzal, the Odessa Seaport and the Odessa Bay.

Further to us down. To the marine station descends The Potemkin Stairs 142 meters long, consisting of 192 steps. This is a unique monument of architecture, built in the XIX century. If you look at the stairs on top, only the platforms are visible, and if the bottom is the opposite, only the steps. Frankly, the bottom view looks great. Fans of difficulties up the Potemkin staircase can climb on foot, all the others - on the funicular (I do not remember the price, but inexpensive).

On the other side of Duke, there is a monument to Catherine II. It was she who is obliged to Odessa with its foundation in 1794. The Russian Empress considered that in order to expand links with Europe, a port is needed on the Black Sea. Before the collapse of the USSR, a monument to Potemkinians was standing at this place (now he is on the customs area).

If you continue the path to the Primorsky Boulevard, then "Bresh" in Vorontsov Palace . It is a small ambigu style building. Built at the beginning of the XIX century by order of Count Vorontsov. An exquisite building, which is a decoration of the city, here often conduct musical contests. Crowned Palace famous Odessa Colonnade . In addition to the fact that she is unusually beautiful, it is connected with it: if the lovers are kissing three times here, you are waiting for eternal love. Something like this.

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Straight from the colonnade you fall on Techin Most. . It was built in the 60s of the last century and was originally called Komsomolsky. The current name has several options for origin (local legends), but they are all fiction. But the truth is that he is the longest in Odessa. For some time, the lords of the couple began to hang the locks "for eternal love" on the railing of the dying bridge. When there was a threat to collapse, as the bridge "sank" because of the locks for several tons, it was decided to cut all the locks. But who does it stop? Since then, the locks completely cut off a few more times!

And after a walk along the bridge, go around the Vorontsov Palace on the right. First you will see a little fountain drop. Do not listen to fairy tales about the long-standing stories associated with it - this fountain is built quite recently. Further turn right to Vorontsovsky lane. In this alley you can see the famous House-wall . In fact, it is an ordinary house, but it looks like just a wall with one angle. Surprisingly.

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Vorontsovsky Lane will bring you directly to the Catherine Square, which is not the same name at all because of the Great Empress. The area has a memorial table, which states that the area is named after the Holy Great Martyr Catherine.

Everything, the circle closed. Further choose for you, where to walk. The bulk of interesting historical and tourist destinations Odessa is located in the center, so everyone can walk on foot, walking and admiring the beauties of the old city and listening to the unique language of Odessans.

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