What is worth viewing in Ulan Bator? The most interesting places.


In Ulan Bator, you will find a lot of interesting objects and attractions that will be able to make your experiences from traveling to Mongolia brighter.

What is worth viewing in Ulan Bator? The most interesting places. 58796_1

Acquaintance with the capital of Mongolia Start with the Square-Bator area, which was named after the leader of the People's Mongolian Revolution of the Sukhä Bator. In the heart of the square you will see a grand monument, which is dedicated to this outstanding personality. In pre-revolutionary times, there was only an unproked open area where all sorts of natural markets often arose. Buddhist temples are located around, luxury homes of nobility and top clergy. Nowadays, the building of the Government Palace is located on the perimeter of the square. Pay attention to the sculptures at the entrance. These are the monuments of Genghis Khan and his two commander. The Opera House is also located here, as well as the building of the Mongol Exchange. But the main attraction on this square is the central statue. On a fairly high pedestal, surrounded by desert lions, the dry-bater himself was frozen on horseback, the hand of which is put forward at the time of saying the flame speech. By the way, the fragment of her text is immortalized in the pedestal itself.

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The next interesting object is GandantEgchenlin. This is the most majestic Buddhist monastery in Ulan Bator. The stone building of this temple was built in the middle of the 19th century. By the beginning of the 20th century, GandantEgchenlin was already the center of faith for the entire Buddhist culture in Mongolia. During the repression period, this monastery was closed. His new story began in the mid-20th century, when the urgent requirements of the believers who needed the place of pilgrimage, the building of the monastery was again open and remained the only functioning Buddhist Temple of Mongolia until 1990. In the early 1970s, at the same time, the monastery was created by one of the world's few Buddhist University. Another attraction of GandantEgchenlin is the statue of Bodhisatvia Avalokiteshwara 26 meters high. Today it is the main objective of pilgrimage in this monastery of thousands of Buddhists from around the world. Nowadays, the temple continues its usual work, and about 150 Buddhist monks continue to serve as it.

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Next, go to the inspection of the Memorial Zaisan. This grand complex was opened here in 1979, when the 40th anniversary of the victory in the battle of Halchin-goal was noted. He is dedicated to all the Soviet soldiers in World War II. Earlier on this hill stood a memorable obelisk. A large team of famous architects and sculptors of Mongolia participated in the construction of this memorial complex. Supervised the works of Architect A. Hisigt. Today the staircase leads to the memorial. You have to go exactly 300 steps. On all its spans, terraces and several viewing sites are arranged. At the top of the hill, pay attention to the concrete spire, which is crowned with sickle, hammer and soot (Mongolia emblem). The foundation of the structure establishes the figure of the Soviet soldier with the victory banner. And frames the sculpture decorative ring having a symbolic meaning. It is located on three supports and is the projection of the national focus - an ancient symbol of the Mongolian life. The ring itself is painted by various scenes. You can see the plots about the Soviet support of the Declaration of the Independence of Mongolia, about the defeat of Nazi Germany, about the defeat of the enemy army under the Khalkhin-goal river.

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Monument Genghis Khan is another business card of the capital of Mongolia. You will notice from afar. The colossal sculpture symbolizes the greatness of this National Hero of Mongolia, as well as the entire delight of the people who honor his "father of the nation". The monument of the whole three years was erected. Works cost four million dollars and 250 tons of steel were spent. But today the statue is rightfully considered to be an ornament and the main attraction of the whole country. The monument built with a scope was solemnly discovered in 2008. Genghis Khan, proudly squeezing on horseback is not just the biggest equestrian statue in the world (its height is 40 meters, and without taking into account the pedestal, which has a height of 10 meters). In the two-story base of the monument is located the National Museum, as well as a large art gallery and a small souvenir shop. Around the monument over time the authorities are planning to place a whole area from the National Yurt. According to the authors, he will be the thematic town where tourists will be able to get acquainted with all sides of Mongolian life. An unusual and local observation deck, which is arranged in the eyes of a horse Han at an altitude of about 30 meters. At the time when the spring begins the flowering period of tulips, it opens an extraordinary look. The place for the statue was also not chosen by chance. Mongols Since ancient times, they believe that on this hill where the monument is installed today, and their history began. According to the legend, at the beginning of the 12th century, the young Teuway (future Khan Genghis Khan) found a certain golden whip, which symbolized great luck. The Teuchuzhin regarded this find as a sign of the gods to implement his long-standing dreams - combine the Mongolian tribes. At the beginning of the 13th century, Genghis Khan proclaimed the creation of the Great Mongolian state, which later became one of the majestic empires in the history of mankind.

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Finally, another interesting object in Ulan Bator is the Palace of Godman. The Godshaft Dynasty Rules of Mongolia in the most recent years of the occupation of the country by the Chinese. Later, they became the "sacred leaders" - that is, spiritual mentors until the country joined the Soviet bloc. This palace complex is perhaps the most visited historical and architectural monument of the country. The Palace of Godman today is more like a museum, which tells about the activities of all generations of rulers. And built his last ruler of Mongolia, whose name was Javdzandam Hutugt. This is a whole complex consisting of winter and summer palaces. They are built in traditional Chinese style. The most diverse museum exhibits, but today the art gallery is occupied by the main place, where you can see portraits of all dynasty representatives and some of their personal belongings.

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