What is worth viewing in Monaco Will? The most interesting places.


The main attraction of Monaco is his own geographical location. Monaco in popular guidebooks received the name of the Palace on the rocks. And this title is fully justified. The best architects of the world at different stages of the country's development, assessing the extraordinary natural beauty of this place, were able to enter their creations to the overall aesthetic type of rocks and the sea, not disturbing his pristine harmony. Resting in Monaco, it is, first of all, to visit the Cathedral, which is almost a natural addition to the Broadcasting Monaco. The cathedral is wondering, towering over the city and can be compared in appearance with a ship going to the sea. The cathedral was built in the period from 1875 to 1884 on the project of the architect with the world name Charles Lenorman.

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Continuing the inspection of the great structures of Monaco, you can see even more old, compared to the Cathedral, the temples of St. Carl and the Holy Martyr (Sainte Devote), built in that era, when Prince Carl III struggled for the religious independence of Monaco. Until this time, the principality was part of the church parish of Nice.

In its climate and geographical position, the Principality of Monaco, perhaps, occupies one of the most favorable seats on the Mediterranean coast. And this fully contributed to the fact that Monaco today is a country with excellent exotic vegetation. Almost all types of plants adapt to its soft climate, starting with African flora and ending with Arizona cacti. Residents of Monaco, connoisseurs of all exquisite, were able to combine the needs of urban growth with the environmental wealth of their land. And you, as a tourist, see these metamorphoses with a naked eye. It is thanks to efforts to maintain an ecological equilibrium of the territory of Monaco today is a very attractive place for tourism and leisure class "Lux". This is one of the most beautiful paradoxes of Monaco: the ability to take care of their history, not older, is combined with care about the conservation of nature, while not forgetting about the main goal - to be a modern and promising country, a model of Western civilization.

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The next point of your route is a business card of Monaco - an exotic garden, which is numerous tourists visiting the principality, call one of the natural wonders of Europe. It is located on a rock, which towers over the sea and the city at an altitude of more than a hundred meters. You will open a magnificent panoramic view of the entire city and its coastline. It is enough just to approach one of the numerous viewing sites of the garden. Prince Albert I created a small garden for plants acclimatization in the vicinity of the oceanographic museum. Thanks to the soft climate of this place, numerous exotic species of plants were able to acclimatize here. However, in 1913, this garden was translated into a new place, on the rocky hill. This zone is perfect, protected from the northern winds and the Western Mistral, over time gradually replenished with unusual exotic plants covering its slopes today. This is a paradise place that is located, by the way, on the latitude of New York and Vladivostok, was opened to visit the public in 1933, during the reign of the Great Scientific-Naturalist, Prince Louis II. Today in the garden you can familiarize yourself with the many fancy plant forms that exist here thanks to the proximity of the Mediterranean Sea.

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This exotic garden is a real Flora Museum. Thanks to his extraordinary microclimate, the plants acquire the dimensions that they reach in their homeland, and visitors of this amazing corner of nature (about half a million people per year) are amazed by the type of Mexican cacti or African euofers exceeding the ten meter height.

There is also a specialized scientific department, and the exotic garden often represents the Principality of Monaco at international flower exhibitions. This, in turn, serves as another confirmation of the exclusivity of the principality as one of the most attractive places in the world.

Visiting the garden paid. The cost of an adult ticket - 6.9 euros. Children under 6 years old enter the garden for free. Children under 18 years old and students (only upon presentation of the student ticket of the international sample) pay - 3.6 euros. Pensioners (over 65 years old) - 5.3 euros. Exotic Garden Operation: From May 15 to September 15 - from 9 to 19, and from September 16 to May 14 - from 9 to 18 hours. You can get here by bus number 1 or number 2 before stopping Place de La Visitation.

The next interesting to the visit to the object in Monaco is the Anthropology Museum. He was founded by Prince Albert I in 1902 to accommodate there a magnificent collection of petrified remains and prehistoric skeletons found in the caves of Bali Rossi, known today called Grimaldi caves, near the Italian border. Excavations and studies of the caves were conducted within six years. As a result, numerous valuable finds were discovered who added fragments to the picture of the prehistoric past: animals that disappeared from our fauna and two types of fossil human remains.

Among the exhibits of this museum, the value of which is difficult to overestimate, it is possible to note the Negroid skeletons found in the same cave of Grimaldi. On this basis, it can be assumed that African tribes and theromanon man who is closer to a modern person lived in the era of Paleolithic in Europe. All skeletons are in excellent condition. They were found among other prehistoric items, surrounded by numerous carved utensils. The material found in the grimalidi cave was later supplemented with objects found during the excavations in the quaternary periods in the gardens of San Marten, as well as those that were found in the deep grotto in the Gardens of the Monaco Observatory. All of these unique exhibits will appear to your breath on numerous museum expositions. The entrance ticket is 7 euros. Children under 6 years at visit the museum for free. Children 6-18 years old and students pay 3.7 euros. The time of work of the Archaeological Museum: from May 15 to September 15 - from 9 to 19, and from September 16 to May 14 - from 9 to 18 hours. You can get here by bus number 1 or number 2 before stopping Place de La Visitation.

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