What should I see in Chisinau? The most interesting places.


If you need to rest and I want, but there is no possibility or desire, then why not visit such a beautiful city like Chisinau? From other capitals of the former USSR, Chisinau always distinguished the special atmosphere, with the taste of Gypsy fun, the Jewish humor, Romanian temperament and Bulgarian soulful. Representatives of these nationalities, as well as Russian, Ukrainians, and, in fact, Moldovans, live the impact of centuries on this earth, bringing their national traits into the atmosphere of the city.

What should I see in Chisinau? The most interesting places. 58731_1

Chisinau's atmosphere once captured Alexander Pushkin, who spent several years in the Bessarabian link here, did not leave indifferent and me. According to the originality of the charm of Chisinau, it is possible to compare unless with Odessa. In order to plunge this atmosphere immediately into the ohwow, you can immediately go to the avenue of Stifana Count Mare, where a large souvenir bazaar is located, which in its essence and the atmosphere resembles the fair. In addition, here you can penetrate the unique atmosphere of the Bessarabian Fair, it is necessary to become the owner of original products from the vine, products with manual embroidery, pottery products, and prices will depend only on your talent to merge with a rapid flow of this sacrificing fair.

What should I see in Chisinau? The most interesting places. 58731_2

If it happened, you can sigh satisfaction - "I'm in Chisinau". And go on. Where to? The most correct solution, in my opinion, is to go to the "Wine Tour", and, preferably for several days. "Wine Tours" is a relatively new invention of tourist operators, which, however, has already found many of their fans. From Chisinau, the routes of several popular "wine tours" begin, book which can be booked in any travel agency of the city.

What should I see in Chisinau? The most interesting places. 58731_3

Behind the bazaars and the "wine tours" would not be difficult not to pay attention to the excellent architectural attractions of the city. This is, above all, the Mazarakievsky church, Blagoveshchenskaya, Armenian, Church of Konstantin and Elena, Harllabievsk Church, Cathedral, Synagogue. It is also interesting to take a walk along the Jewish quarters of the city, according to his excellent thematic parks that wear the poetic names of the "Melnitz Valley", "La Verry", "Pink Valley".

Museum lovers can visit the Pushkin Museum, as well as a very interesting and large-scale museum - the Museum of National Archeology and History.

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