What is worth viewing in Kerala?


Kerala, located in the very south in the historic location of Malabar, is considered the most prosperous and most "pure" state of India and in the description of almost all tourist directories, it is not called anything other than "Eastern Venice", which is the purest truth, because the whole state is simply "Out" with a whole network of lakes and lagoon, combined with numerous rivers. But not only natural (although there are many of them) Attractions are attracted here hundreds of thousands of tourists, but also historical.


To start an overview of Kerala sights, it is necessary to still with her capital, which is the city of Tiruvananthapuram, who, according to the tradition of Hindus, is considered the "house" of God Vishnu, and, as a result, the main landmark is the huge temple of Sri Padmanabhasvami, dedicated to this deity. By the way, not so long ago, just a few years ago, during the restoration of this temple, one of the largest treasures was discovered in the history of mankind, estimated in the amount of more than 20 million dollars. The entrance to the temple is allowed only by professing Hinduism.

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But not only this temple is famous for the state capital. The city has several former residences of kings who are stunning with their luxurious decoration, both outside and inside. In addition, in Tiruvananthapuram it is worth visiting the museum Drink, Gallery Sri Chitra, look at the secretariat building and Zoological Park. And after you have seen on the sights, then you can spend great time on the beaches of Cavalama.

Fort Kochi.

Located near the city of Ernakulam, the main port of the state and nominally is considered one of the areas of the city. It is famous for the colonial architecture and temples, the main of which is the oldest Catholic church of St. Francis, built at the beginning of the 16th century. In it, by the way, the world-famous navocator of Vasco da Gamma, the monument that can be seen here was originally buried. Subsequently, the dust of the navigator was taken to his homeland. History lovers will definitely be visited by the Indo-Portuguese Museum, which presents many exhibits of the era of Portuguese colonization of this area of ​​India.

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No less interesting to look at the synagogue of the paradesie, which appeared here in the 16th century. And those who will come here in the last days of December, will receive an indefunable pleasure from the annual carnival, which lasts 10 days.

Madurai city.

The unique ancient city, which is among the top ten most ancient preserved cities in the world. The history of the city began more than two and a half thousand years ago.

The main attraction of the city is the Temple of Sri Minakshi, dedicated to the wife of the Divine of Shiva - the goddess of Parvati. It is a unique complex of many buildings that are excellent examples of the architecture of the Devidian era, water bodies and sanctuations. The entire territory of the complex is decorated with more than 33 thousand sculptures of gods and mythological creatures and heroes.

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In addition to the temple complex in Madurai, it is worth looking at the Palace of Tirumalaya Nyayak, the unique creation of Italian and Muslim architects, built in the 17th century and at the Big Mosque Czimar, built in the 13th century.

Here is a very small list of what is worth looking in Kerala. I note that these are only man-made sights, and there are also natural, koim in this area of ​​the globe a lot. But about them, another time.

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