Where to stay in Mexico City? Tips for tourists.


Mexico attracts travelers from all over the world, and no wonder - after all, the ancient civilizations of Aztecs and Maya once developed here, wonderful nature and many architectural monuments. The situation with the safety of tourists in the state of the state - Mexico City - on a more or less acceptable level, although in general, crime is a big problem. If you do not look at the outskirts and ignore those who want to get acquainted in the city center - problems can be avoided.

Sightseeing attractions, but the main question on arrival in a new country, of course - where to stay? In Mexico, there are no problems with the choice of hotels - here there is a familiar classification for "stars", which the state controls us. Customer service level is quite high. Accordingly, your requests can pick up and housing.

Hotels of different categories

In a two-star hotel, there is usually a swimming pool, a high level service, the attitude towards guests is friendly. If you settle down in three-star - then your services will be a 24-hour service, a local bar or a restaurant at a institution, a sauna-jacuzzi pool ... who loves to relax actively, will also find appropriate offers - Majting, windsurfing, diving and so on in the same vein .

There is another category of hotels for wealthy travelers - called Granturismo. Such institutions are whole complexes - with a set of all that can only be needed to customers, from outlets in the territory to helicopter sites. Special hotels are still "cooler": visitors have the opportunity to receive exclusive services - for example, you can offer a free diving tour on your own island.

Where to stay in Mexico City? Tips for tourists. 58673_1

If you are an ordinary normal tourist, then in Mexico, the doors of inexpensive hostels, small family hotels and hunting houses are open for you - with spacious rooms and good mexican cuisine. In one-two-star hotel, simple amenities will provide you, and not so important "options" - the type of ceardis, the telecision and new furniture - there may be no. In the three-star will be more comfortable, however, there is one problem that you will tide in them in the same way as in cheaper is the problem of language. The staff mostly talks in Spanish. So or mean to negotiate with the help of facial expressions and gestures, or learn the language. Well, or pay for a more expensive hotel, where everything will be on tiptoe in front of you walk.

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Question price

In a cheap hotel, the minimum price of accommodation begins somewhere from ten dollars per night. If you settle down by the company in the room in the hostel, it may turn out even cheaper. The most inexpensive institutions are located in the center of historical.

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If you want more comfort - then the room in the "Middle" hotel is preparing to lay out about a hundred dollars per night. Options with prestigious institutions will cost you from two hundred bucks and above - depending on your solvency and requests.

Pleasant stay in Mexico City! Get ready for the trip in advance, choose the appropriate hotel for your pocket, and spend your vacation time with pleasure.

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