Shopping in Mexico City. What can I buy? Where? How much?


Areas for shopping

In the capital of Mexico there are shopping centers, markets, boutiques - in huge quantities, do not borrow. The cost of goods in trade facilities is fixed, in the markets, as in other cities, it is possible to bring down the price. At the weekend Fair, which happens on Saturdays in the San Angen, you can buy products of local artisans - however, quite expensive. You can search for a sale of such a product and in other areas - if you want to buy something like coloring in memory of Mexico.

The city has "shopping" areas in which many outlets are concentrated. If the time is expensive for you, then far to travel around the city in search of the desired thing, you may not have. Shopping lovers attend areas of Polanko, Condez, Pinot Suariz, Center for Historical and Altavista. The largest trading places in the city - Liverpool, Sanbourne and Palazzo de Jerro. In Mexico City, you can see Walmart supermarkets - they are in different parts of the city. Standard work schedule of local stores - from 09:00 to 20:00, Molls work late. Among the most famous urban flea markets are such as Plaza del Angel, Mercado de Alvaro Obregon and Mercado de Artesia. Even in Mexico City there are Japanese, Korean and Arab trading points.

Features of local shopping

Shopping in the Mexican capital is three species: very expensive are hiking on brand boutiques; More or less budget - visits to various, not the most "steep" shopping institutions; Visiting the markets - there you are waiting for color and low prices.

In order for the journey to the capital Mexico to remember for a long time, look into local antique benches - there you can find anything original, in order to please relatives or friends.

In Mexico, on every corner you can see products from silver and handmade dishes. Souvenirs and different authentic things can be found on the Sabado market. As a memorable gift, the famous Mexican alcohol is also suitable - tequila made of blue guaava.

There are enough products from leather, copper, straw, onyx ... but! Always be alert, because local love to see gullible tourists, where you can earn money. Here, among other things, you can find a wonderful clay dishes, wicker baskets, fabric, hammocks. Pensive animal figures are Alebrijes, which are sold as souvenirs, are related to ancient Mexican legends.

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When you buy silver products, pay attention to the fact that, according to the law, the sample must be at least 925th. However, if you are not lucky, you can still slip the "piece of iron", covered with a layer of silver ...

If you want to get woolen blankets, choose the product of natural color. If the thing is strongly pins, then it can actually be Mexican, but Maid-in-Chinas. Toys for children should not buy here, and if you decide to buy - a pretty inspect the goods: in Mexico such things (although they are very beautiful here) do not comply with security standards and can be dangerous - due to sharp corners or speaking parts. Musical instruments are deserve attention: they are distinguished by high quality, it especially concerns strings and drums.

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At the cheap brand item, it is best not to pay attention - this is probably not licensed things. In addition, you should not buy souvenirs from the skin of Jaguar, the bird feathers are ketzali or from the shells of the shelter. Alive turtles are also prohibited from Mexico. If you caught on this when leaving the country, they can not only finish, but also to put in prison.

During the shopping in Mexico, you do not just acquire some kind of memory, you are familiar with the country, with its traditions, folklore, art - so try to choose not only cheap, but also a qualitative thing that the memory of this unique country is preserved on long years. Now a couple of words about the markets of the Mexican capital.

Mercado de la Merced

Trade in the territory where this market is located in our time there was also a place in the ancient Aztecs. Mercado de la Merced is the largest market not only in the Mexican capital, but also in all Latin America. About five and a half outlets, where you can buy anything. In the six branches of the market traded in various products, the seventh is a product where fresh vegetables and fruits can be sold.

In the middle of the nineteenth century, the La Merced district was almost completely made shopping shops and trays - so so that the street was completely blocked. In 1860, they decided to create an organized market - in the territory where the monastery of Convention de la Merced was located. At the beginning of the twentieth century, it was the most important wholesale market in Mexico, and nowadays - the largest retail place.

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The role of "attractions" does not pull this place. Every day, four hundred fifty tons of garbage remain as a result of the work of the La Merced market, it is essentially a city cloac. On the market is often frequently, when the police cover those who are illegally selling here, as well as hmm ... workers of an intimate service sector, which is there an unmerced number. Attending it is recommended to attend who wants to very tightly meet Mexican flavor.

The Mercado de la Merced market works without days off, the contact phone number: +52 55 5522 2444. To get to it, use the metropolitan - you need to go out at Merced Station.

Mercado de Medellin market

This market refers to one of the largest and most spectacular in Mexico City - it overshadows with a flavor, even such as Floral Mercado de Jamaica and popular thanks to Mercado de San Juan's set. In the outlets of Mercado de Medellin, you will find a variety of kitchenware, products and spices. Some shops are specialized on fresh juices, only pork heads or Chicaron are sold in other. When hungry during walks between the counter - look for a large banner of yellow color, it should be written there: "Los Canarios". Since 1968, meat on the grill prepares in this institution (and only so!). The cost of such a Kushan, like Filio-Mignon - the whole ninety peso, or seven dollars. Nearby there is an institution "Ostioneria La Morenita, they offer another, cheaper" yummy "- pancakes with shrimps for twenty pesos.

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