Where can I eat in Mexico City? How much money to take money?


Mexican The kitchen is distinguished by the uphray th, however, not all the eats here are sharp here: for example, vegetable soup for which high quality products are used (to interrupt their fragrance with spices do not risk). In the use of spicy additives here Feature a sense of measure so the prepared dishes Different with the softness and harmony of taste . With sharp pepper, they also do not "remove", put it when necessary - and then not in all cases, especially for foreign guests.

The gastronomic traditions of this state were based on the use of corn, potatoes, tomatoes, pumpkins, beans, poultry meat (turkey, duck), chocolate, chili pepper and many kinds of fish, which is found near the coast. The formation of a local culinary tradition occurred gradually, she chose, absorbed the corresponding "trends" from other cultures. The beginning of the origin of the Mexican cooking dates from the distant times of civilizations of Aztecs and Maya.

Since the United States of America is located next to Mexico, the cuisine of this country also had its influence, however, the Mexican, for its part (largely due to the United States) spread throughout Bella. It is enough to notice that even the restaurants of Texan-Mexican cuisine "Tehmeh" in Mexico to detect is not so simple as in other countries of the world.

Now let's talk about those Gastronomic establishments of the capital Mexico, which deserve attention Arriving tourist.

Tianguis de Pachuca.

This is the catering area in the regional market, where on Tuesdays you can taste sharp Mexican cakes. Not everyone risks to eat - only the most desperate travelers who wish to penetrate the spirit of the country and are not afraid of possible consequences. It often happens that they eat in places where local are eating, not so dangerous - you only need to correctly choose places, and you can significantly save on food. The Condez Market is located near the Bosque de Chapulpec - the real forest in the heart of the metropolis and the largest park in Latin America (in which, by the way, the Anthropology and Zoo Museum are located). You can visit this market just after the cultural program - thirsty to get acquainted with Mexican cuisine will be able to experience the taste of cakes with lamb and Chile - Tako and Mixiotes.

Where can I eat in Mexico City? How much money to take money? 58670_1

This place is located on Augustin Melgar, Melgar Ciudad Universitaria. You can get to the subway to go to Chapultepec stations. It works only on Tuesday, from 10:00 to 16:00.

Café Mangia.

This cafe offers international dishes, so anyone will find anything to taste. In the menu - an abundance of various sandwiches of panini, all sorts of light dishes, salads, and to them - Fresh juices and beautiful coffee, all fresh and fragrant dishes! The collection of vegetables and fruits for the institution is produced on separate plantations, the products are environmentally friendly. The interior is decorated with paintings, design indoors and on the open terrace Café Mangia is made in the style of Bocho Art. It is possible to find this wonderful cafe with a row with a boulevard and an al-reform area.

Accurate address: Río Sena 85.

Antigua Hacienda de Tlalpan

The institution is a sample of colonial architecture style, it is located in the southern part of the city. The structure where the restaurant is located is a real phasenda of the eighteenth century. The situation in AntiGua Hacienda de Tlalpan is so authentic that the visitor can imagine himself with some slave owner of the old adventure novels about Wild America - a beautiful garden with a pond, with a pleasant eye of "lithium" - long-haired swans and peacocks. Kushany here are also offered enough romantic (lobster soup, pumpkin flowers, black beans, etc.), the names in the menu are quite courageous, so you can have a good time and relax the soul.

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The establishment works in all days, from Monday to Saturday - from 13:00 to the hour of the night, and on Sunday - until 19:00. Address: Calz de Tlalpan 4610 TLALPAN.

Boca Del Río.

It is suitable for fans of fish dishes. The Boca Del Río restaurant is located near the center. If you want to taste fresh seafood, come here early, before the opening of the institution - to nine o'clock. A special charm restaurant acquires thanks to its rude old-fashioned: in a huge hall there is a long metal table - here is the shrimp, octopuses and oysters. Each visitor provides a bottle of salsa, lemon and juicer.

Institution is located on Ribera de San COSME 42


There are restaurants that you nowhere, except in Mexico, will not see: they are called Comida Corrida. In Spanish, this means "fast food". However, with ordinary Mexican fast food, these institutions should not be compared. Here they offer something like comprehensive dinners, usually from several dishes.

Restaurant DZIB refers to such institutions. In this you can try lunch out of three dishes, and all of them will definitely be delicious: the first will be the bean soup, the second - rice or pasta, and as a dessert - some regular Mexican "surprise" (dish in different days can be any - Although even from seafood).

Where can I eat in Mexico City? How much money to take money? 58670_3

This institution is located in the heart of the city, close to Museo Del Estanquillo, at Regina 54.

El Cardenal

Restaurant El Cardenal is located in a three-story building. Begins to work with eight in the morning and it is famous for its delicious breakfasts - the most fresh buns with hot chocolate. If you get up sooner, you can appreciate the beauty of such breakfast, and if not - go for lunch to order a branded thing - Chiles Rellenos (chili with cheese or meat) or baked fish with corn grains, called Pescado a la barbacoa. If you have enough courage to get acquainted with the local exotic - try the larvae of ant (Escamoles). Another "plus" the establishment is that here you can listen to music - for visitors they are constantly playing on the piano.

The establishment is located in the old mansion in the central part of the Mexican capital, from here - one quarter to Museo del Estanquillo. The exact address of the restaurant: Palma 23. On weekdays and on Saturdays, El Cardenal opens at eight in the morning and works until 18:30, and on Sundays begins to work later, from nine hours.

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