Shopping in Agra: Tips and recommendations


Agra, this is not only the Taj Mahal and the Red Fort, but also all sorts of shops, workshops and of course markets. Anyone who falls into this city, necessarily buys themselves to remember any authentic things that will be long reminded of this beautiful city of India, but that would have a pleasant memories, you need to understand how to buy, where to buy and what to buy. Take about it and talk.

What to buy?

The first thing that removes each arrived in Agra is a lot of buildings decorated with skillful and beautiful carving on stone, and as a result, concludes that this art is widely developed in this city. In fact, it is. Stone carving, this is what the Masters of the city are famous for the whole of India and the whole world. So crafts from marble, soap stone, jade and other semi-precious stones. You can buy them in almost all trading places, in the markets, in shopping centers and small shops at workshops, but the most optimal place (on assortment and prices) is located near the Taj Mahal. This is a small village all the inhabitants of which are engaged only by carving on mramor and other stones. Its exactly will not give her name, but it is worth asking any guide or a local resident, they perfectly on the fingers will explain where it is. Yes, and you will find it very easily, because the flow of tourists is constantly moving in her direction. In addition to small statuettes, you can buy perfectly inlaid chess, caskets, figures with scenes from Kama Sutra and unique magazine tables from marble.

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The latter, like other bulky things in the plane, do not take with you, but it does not matter, because the delivery (for a fee) shipping by the sea will be offered. I did not try to order, but if you believe the reports of other tourists, there is no problems with delivery.

In numerous jewelry workshops, you can purchase products from precious stones, and separately precious stones, however, we must be able to understand them, and prices are still higher than on Sri Lanka.

Women will definitely be interested in clothes of the brightest colors and drawings from silk, cashmere and Bashmila. In a wide range, both just fabrics and all sorts of products are presented (bedspreads, blankets, scarves, shawls, and so on). Many girls, with great pleasure they buy a traditional Indian dress - Sari.

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Go to Agra and not to buy Indian spices and spices? It is unreal! With all the diversity of choice, which are offered in Agra, it is best to buy those that we have in our homeland or rarity, or are expensive. This is a shambal, asafetide, curry leaves, it is the leaves, and not the finished powder, different masses, but the last one is already an amateur of the Hindu cuisine. Fans of aromatherapy will find many incense for themselves.

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The carpet and carpets are widely developed in Agra. And if large carpets are extremely problematic with them, then small panels or embroidered patterns, it is quite possible to buy.

With regards to souvenir products in Agra, it almost all bears the images of the Taj Mahal, which seemed to me somewhat boring, although a magnet and a plate, still acquired.

Where to buy?

The question is largely rhetorical, because small shops are dispersed throughout the city and there are a lot of them, but it seemed to me that it was still better to go to shopping centers. There are many of them in the city, and the largest, it is Sadar Bazaar, Akbar International, dawn and Sadash. There are also several major clothing markets, which in Agra, as in all of India for some reason are located near mosques.

Bargain or not?

Be sure to bargain! Sellers Hindus are very good psychologists and those who for the first time in India see immediately, the price will be overestimated by 6-8 times, that's for sure. Therefore, buying a thing at the title price is not under any pretext. Travel, but with the mind. After you declared the price, call your time 7 below, and each step when trading should be reasoned. For example: - And how much will it cost if I take not only this thing, but also this (second)? Etc. Alternatively, you can ask to participate in the trading of third-party aborigines who will tell you the "correct" (real price). And in general, before buying, try to find out in advance the present price of things. Welcome while bargaining conversations for distracted topics and the like. Hindus get a crazy burge from bargaining, with both sellers and third-party observers.

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Several useful tips.

Calculations in all stores and markets occur only in local currency - rupees. Exchange on them the best US dollars (the best course), while the exchange is necessary only in banks or official exchange offices. All exchange operations are carried out only upon presentation of a passport and is necessarily issued a certificate certificate. It is better to save it, because without it will not make a return exchange at the airport, in case the rupees remained a lot.

In many stores and restaurants, they can refuse to take ribbon or dilapidated banknotes, so when the exchange requires to replace those if they were given them.

And last, slight observation. It is better not to ask the seller the price of things if you are not going to buy it. For some reason, the Indians are offended as small children. Well, if you still want to, warn in advance that you do not plan to buy anything, and you want to learn from curiosity, which compare it, for example, from the Russian.

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