What is worth viewing in Cancun? The most interesting places.


Golden time for Cancana - a scored fishing settlement - it has come in the seventies of the 20th century. Nowadays this place is one of the most important resorts in the Caribbean coast. There are five-story hotels here - mainly on the island "Appendix" Zona Hoteles, which with large land shares nine kilometers of marine waters.

This is a narrow sandy braid, twenty-five kilometers long. Come to this elite resort is best in the November-April period. Cancun is mainly popular as a beach holiday place. The snow-white sand strip stretches on a lot of kilometers. Local beaches are federal property, so everyone can rest on them. Only hotels should be used by resolution or after payment.

At this resort, you can not only indulge in the beach rest and "to test" in clubs, but also to visit Local sights . About them now let's talk.

Vintage city Tulum

Tulum - the ancient city of Maya - was at the peak of his development in 560-1521. This popular archaeological place is located in the state of Kintana Roo, on the coast, on the distance of one hundred and thirty kilometers from the city of Cancun (southern direction). The local remarks - the pyramid that previously performed the functions of the Mayan vessels held between the coral reefs, the two-storey temple of the frescoes, the house of Chultun (the word "Chultun" denote the tank in which there is fresh water), the temple of the descending God, the temple of the wind god, the house of Senote (Senotez means well), House Khalach Winik, sentigious towers, which are in the corners of a protective wall, which is safe to this day.

You can order an excursion in local travel agencies (it costs $ 99, for children of five or twelve - 61 dollar). Also, you can go here yourself - on the sake of shit, it goes from the city pier every day, or rent a car.

Ancient city of Chichen-Itza

The ancient center of the Mayan culture, the city of Chichen Iza enters the List of UNESCO World Heritage Site, and is also a candidate for the title of one of the new seven wonders of the world. It is located at a distance of 205 kilometers from the city of Cancun.

Chichen-Itsa was founded in the III century. BC, and he reached the peak of development in the VII century. Local population honorable god rain. Chichen Itza was repeatedly captured. One of the last conquerors was the Toltec tribe, under the influence of which the cult of the feathers of the snake and the custom of human sacrifices appeared here.

Pyramid Kukulkana - Hasive, she is the most important in the ancient city. Consists of nine platforms. In the height of the pyramid reaches thirty meters. It is surrounded by four stairs, each of which has 91 steps. The stairs are focused on the sides of the world, and the total amount of their number, as it is easy to calculate - 364 (if they add another platform on the top of the pyramid, then we obtain the number 365, equal to the number of days a year). Get the top of the pyramid is possible only by one of the stairs. The pyramid was built in such a way that on the day of spring or autumnal equinox you can see an unusual spectacle: the shadows of the Röber pyramid fall on the stones of balustrades, so the impression of the movement of the "Feather Snake".

In the twenties-thirties, the 20th century was carried out on the reconstruction of this historical monument, as a result of which the two sides of the pyramid were restored. Since 2006, the National Institute of Anthropology and History (InAH) was introduced a ban on a free inspection of the pyramid. Before the tourists were allowed to climb on it and visit the temple located at the top.

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Other significant buildings of the complex are the observatory, a ball for playing the ball, a sacrificial lake, the temple of warriors, the temple of the Great Priest, the Temple of Warriors, the Temple of Orlov and Tigers and the Palace of Nurses.

Here from the city can be reached by car, using the 180D (paid) route - it will take two and a half hours, or on the 180th track (free). An organized excursion for children from five to twelve will cost $ 45, adults pay 90.

Warrett park

Distance from Cancun to this ecological park - 74 kilometers. Before the Spaniards (in 1517th) set foot on the local land, it was the Mayan ceremonial center, as well as the corporate port of Kintan Roo.

In the park, the carket can be visited on the orchid farm, in the Botanical Garden, birds park and on a turtle farm. Also among local entertainment - alloy on the Underground River Maya, communication with dolphins and bathing surrounded by flocks of coral fish. Every day, an impressive idea is arranged here, its beginning is at 17:30.

The park walked ha

The National Ecological Park is located next to Cancuna - at a distance of 122 kilometers, an hour away from the city. Local attractions include a wonderful aquarium located in a mountain cave, and an old Maya port dated to the eighth century. More entertainment - snorkeling.

Women Island

Located at a distance of eight kilometers from the resort. The scale of this small island is 7.5 km by 0.5 km. Called it with the "island of women" due to the fact that once the conquistadors found a large number of Indian statues of the Goddess of fertility on it. The northern part of the island is sandy beaches, and South is a rocky shore. The main local notableness is Garrafon-Punta Sur Park, surrounded by seaweed. Here is the possibility of a relaxing holiday for tourists, for tired of the raging cancun. A visit to the turtle farm is offered. You can relatively cheap food from seafood, souvenirs here are also less than in Cancun. Snorkel lovers have the opportunity to swim between coral reefs.

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An organized excursion costs from $ 65 from a single tourist. You can get to the island and yourself - the boat leaves from Cancun from Zona Hotera with an interval of thirty minutes. The cost of the trip is $ 8.5.

Kozumel Island

This coral island is also not distinguished by large sizes - just 53 by 14 kilometers. One is twenty kilometers from Cancun. Cozumel Island is great for engaging here snorkeling and diving - in a huge underwater park, where you can see corals and marine inhabitants. Also for such observations there is an attraction - a transparent SUE Explorer capsule.

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