Is it terribly in India?


And now a few words about the fact that it is quite natural to worry the traveler before a visit: whether it is terribly in India and whether to turn to the police in case of problems that have arisen.

First. Is it terribly in India? Go to India scary after all of what you read on the Internet. Now, no reason, I can assume that in all wild and ridiculous situations are those people who, probably, did not even bother to find India on the map before sitting on the aircraft. It is such people who sow panic, telling horns and scream on different voices about the dangers that lie almost at every step. It is these people who speak about the aggressiveness of the Hindus and the depreciation of human life (in particular, yours). It is such people "with knowledge of the case" will tell how quickly and deftly with you almost on the move will cut a backpacker backpack, and you will not even notice, and, putting a knife to the throat, pull out the last piece of a couple. While I collected information on India before the start of the trip, I simply read all the notes of the "experienced" and about a month of such a "subtraction" I fell into the despondency, which with a space speed turned into horror and splashed out for uniform hysteria. I was really frightened. I assure you: It is not scary in India if you follow the elementary precautions and do not climb on the Rogger. At least there is not terrible than on the streets of Moscow.

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Believe me, Indians are very peaceful and non-conflict. The fact that you are accompanied by views and look closely for you, does not mean anything other than banal curiosity: you are a white person and thus differently different from the aborigines. Remember, didn't we have not considered the most interested in the same hinds so long ago, which are so straightened from us? This is now we almost do not pay attention to them, and after all, we looked at a few years ago as a kind of wonder ... So in India. And it is not worth identifying similar views with a plump murder and robbery. There were those times when tourists were walking through the streets with packs of money in his pockets. The 21st century on the courtyard, gentlemen, the modern traveler keeps in his pocket not a pack of banknotes, but a bank card, and ATM now can be found in any zealous town, as for India, including. By the way, another of the delusional instructions received by me from the "experts" of India, that we need to take cash with you, as ATMs, they say, not finding the day with fire. Perhaps this was five years ago, now you will easily remove money from your card at least in the desert, even in the seaside village, and sometimes at a more favorable rate than in the tourist item Exchange. Believe me, we were in the risk zone by definition, because two women without accompanying men in someone else's country risks always, and nevertheless I declare with all the responsibility: do not be afraid of India, guys, for in fact she is afraid of much more. And it is not relatively, however.

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Second. Police work. Again on the Internet read before the trip that the police are inactive there. Not true. It is even actually acting, yes so zealo that sometimes it is necessary to defend in anything of the wrong person, which, just on the contrary, helps you. Again I will bring an example with our driver in Delhi. On his own initiative, and deciding to arrange a "Gulbu" on the money that I gave him to parking, Raj accompanied us almost across the old Delhi. The conflict occurred near the Red Fort. It cost us only to dwell on the cross, as a polisman was drawn right from under the ground, flew to Raja and almost started to unscrew his hands, however, for the beginning I demanded to present documents. With twenty-sixth senses, I hid a bad and politely inquired in the guardian of the order, what, in fact, the case and what he suffered from our zealous keeper of bodies and part-time driver. A policeman told me a story from which my eyes became even more. It turns out that they have established video surveillance cameras that this young man photographed us on the square, was with us from the very entrance to the fort and throughout our walk inside and so far with us. The police decided that it was not different as this young man is a sinister and extorts money from us, and therefore these two trusty tourists need immediate assistance to the police. In how! I still had to prove the polisman that we don't need a police that Raj is our driver that it cannot be taken in the area that he is a wonderful and attentive person that we will not get it without him to the hotel, etc. Honestly, I'm somewhat nuts. For the second time, the police intervened in our Indian life in Jaipur. Well, at the station I myself turned to the polisman for help. I had a mercantile interest: I had to get to a very expensive boutique hotel, and therefore it was sturder to take the first oncoming car. And it's stupid, perhaps, it's not so difficult to guess that the moneyless tourists do not stop in such hotels. Therefore, I should have enlisted the support of the polisman, which recommended us the car. On the way to the hotel there was a vigilant police stopped at the center of Jaipur, because two white tourists were sitting in the car! The fact is that in India, only cars with yellow numbers are accredited to work with foreigners, whose drivers must be dressed appropriately. Requirements for clothing in each city, but, in my opinion, a white shirt is obligatory everywhere. James was in a sweater, and the numbers on his car were not at all yellow, therefore he fell "under the tank". Thank God, he had permission to work in tourism, so he got a fin detail for violation of the form of clothing (!), And we got safely reached the hotelWe generally tried everywhere to contact the police with questions and for clarification. Indian polismen willingly go to contact, speak English and are always ready to help. Indian police not only not inactive, but always hurries to help foreigners. And the locals are well aware of this, and therefore the guardians are afraid of the order and try to destroy the situation without the intervention of the polisman.

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