Where to go to Agra and what to see?


Before "enjoying" an unforgettable agroy, we drove in Fatechpur Sicry - a ghost city with an exciting history.

Where to go to Agra and what to see? 5843_1

The city was invented, built and abandoned by akbar. He was born in Persia and spent the first fifteen years of life there, after which he was brought by Humayun back to India, where after his death became the emperor without power, who felt herself with the honorary prisoner in the palace. For five years, Akbar reigned, but did not rule, then he arranged a coup in his own state, captured the government and entered the history of the great mogul akbar. The young man, accustomed to the freight and latitude of views, married not Muslim and continued his father's case to unite India. He even went further, dreaming of creating a single religion. By 30 years old, Akbar never gained happiness: he managed to experience both betrayal, and treachery, and hatred, he felt lonely surrounded by friends who did not trust him, his life was full of contradictions. He loved to eat well and have fun, but spent 10 years of life in glorious campaigns. He loved to sleep, but it rarely managed him. He loved poetry and science, but was unlimited and therefore held at the court the whole staff of the readers (by the way, his magnificent library containing more than 20 thousand volumes was, alas, destroyed). He tried to find the meaning of life, tried to create a universal religion, but did not bother to break with Islam. Akbar lived in Agra, the capital of Mughal, but Agrhra hated, for she reminded him of the years of honor, she was a bit of the all-knowing and puzzled, it was here that his twins and sons died. Akbar dreamed of heir, but he had no children. Last nearby hermit-predictor and Muslim Saint-Salim - Salim Chishti predicted the emperor the rapid birth of a son. Akbar swore to build a city in the case of the birth of the long-awaited heir, and kept his promise - so in 42km from agra on a desert hill, like a miracle from an eastern fairy tale, literally over a few years there were magnificent palaces, parks, lakes and luxury gardens. The born boy in honor of the insane hermit called Salim, who later became Emperor Jahangir. Fatechpur Sicry was called up to become one of the most beautiful cities in the world and the new capital. The city was built the best architects of India and Persia. The main thing that I wanted to Akbaru in the new city is the worst of a military camp that can accommodate the army with its horses and elephants, and luxurious processions, and joyful crowds, so there are no narrow streets and grinds of the Middle Ages. On the contrary, a lot of squares, on the main thing a huge mosque of Jama Masjid, erected specifically for Salim Chishti. His luxurious and coupling tomb (mausoleum) from white marble is now directly before entering the courtyard of the mosque. Mausoleum Salim is always full of people who are praying for the birth of children, about the happy marital marriage and just coming down intimate wishesThe water supply system of the city was also developed in detail and very wisely: an artificial lake was broken out, from which the water went into countless tanks and diverged through the city of web channels, filling through the reservoir. At about 16 years, Fatechpur Sicry existed in the status of the magnificent capital of the great Mughal. Amazing in its beauty the city was abandoned during the year. The official version - water dried up, they say, came out somehow Akbar in the morning on the balcony and saw that the lake was dry, therefore he declared an urgent evacuation. I do not believe. It seems to me that this is another beautiful and touching Indian fairy tale, created for tourists. Judge for yourself: at the disposal of Akbar had the best engineers of the country, which, creating initially such a great water supply system, could not extend channels and grooves? Suppose that the lake washed overnight, which could not be, but in one night the water disappeared in all reservoirs and reservoirs? Such an energetic person like Akbar, who had an inquisitive mind and broad knowledge, surrendered and left the city overnight? Well, it does not glue. There is a version that Akbar received another prediction: the place is cursed by the gods and be a misfortune. In my opinion, much more like the truth. So what happened? I asked this question to our boy-guy, but he, only surprised her eyes and asked: "How do you know that?" "Smiled, stuck, and then answered evasively:" I do not know. This is the official version. "

Where to go to Agra and what to see? 5843_2

Where to go to Agra and what to see? 5843_3

I was impressed by the dead city. Maybe because I not only read a lot about him, but also mentally moved to his streets, becoming an involuntary witness of the heyday and tragedy? I really want to give you advice: Avoid guides! They not only stretch out of you money and stuff your heads absolutely not necessary and stupid information, but also you will declerate the most precious - your time. If you know at least just what I wrote about, you will not need a stranger, telling the same and ruthlessly disposed of your brains and time. As soon as we left the car, a whole pack of guides, enjoying our certificates and passionately wishing to relieve our pockets to us. Guys, do not come to a similar fishing rod, remember always that the Agra (and the neighborhood) is not only the most dirty city in India, but also the most expensive, the most criminally unfavorable and dangerous.

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