Tips for those who are going to India


About IT-Shnikov. How he worked, I will tell you! This is a genius! God, I heard that Indian Iustoms and programmers are almost the best in the world, but here I was convinced of my own. Blindly (!!!) checked-re-checking, set up, set up - the language I have a Russian on my computer, so he just asked to translate a couple of times, and everything else in his actions remains a mystery in his actions. Yes, even at the end I explained to me what problems I have with a computer, for what reason it slows down and what to do for this in the moment and in general to do in the future regularly. How?! How is it possible? Well, how can a person do not know a word in Russian? I take off my hat and bow my head! The engineer was broken between the laptop and all the boxes and devices installed in the corridor. Close there, I dial here, checked and picked up again, I gained ... The case ended in that he established me a great Internet, but - Confucus! - In the whole hotel, ironically, the Internet has grown out. Funny. Who would doubt that the local deity under the name engineer will quickly lead to the desired order! Up to our departure, the engineer came to the hotel daily to ask if everything was in order. It happens! .. And no money on the paw, no car mats, no - and the whole conversation.

About the fauna of india. You know, on the streets of Central India, in my opinion, more species of animals than in the zoo. Well, except that the giraffes are not visible here))) During our journey, we met cows (naturally!), Chipmunks (frequent phenomenon), monkeys, elephants, goats, snakes, horses, donkeys, pigs, cats (this is rarity), Dogs, rams ... And they all meet on the roads completely freely, without any leashes / collars; The pigeons (where without them) and a lot of different flirting liveliness (the world of insect is very diverse) here too, everyone is enough.

Tips for those who are going to India 5841_1

About the means of combating mosquitoes. In general, I want to assure you that all ways to deal with flying insects in India end with collapse. With the same layout, we have already encountered before in Indonesia and Turkey. You will be convinced that no proven drugs on them act are effective, they say, only local production - do not believe. Indian Odomos - as a dead kap. The only thing that somehow scares the Indian mosquitoes is the anti-mosquito spiral - a primitive garbage, twisted in the form of a spiral, is put on some pin, one tip is set on fire, and it begins to smooth, emitting is not very nasty smell.

Tips for those who are going to India 5841_2

Raptor is also quite effective, but it acts very original: in India, Indonesia and Turkey he does not "kill,", as manufacturers promise, and scares all these creatures, they continue to fly about two meters from the floor or clogged somewhere under the table But do not bite, I will say more - they become somehow frozen and closely not cleared. What is the reason, for me there is a mystery. But the fact that the Italian Raptor acts on the local mosquito in some kind of fading manner is three times a proven fact. I called this preparation "our native Russian" only because in Russia in Russia for many years so accustomed to him that, perhaps, there was not a single house, where it would not be used.

About the speed of sights. From dawn to dusk. With sunset, most stunning places in Delhi (and in other cities) are closed, it becomes incredibly cold, and the city envelops a thick, rather dense fog. I will explain the numbers. In almost all interesting places, the entrance is "guarded" by the vigilant tickets, and the cash registers work mainly until 17.00. Without a ticket, you will not fall inside, and therefore it is necessary to arrive at least half an hour to the closure of the Cass. It darkens pretty quickly, so in the area of ​​18 hours you need to hurry, and in 19 and leave the place at all. At night, not only incredibly cold (in winter), but also it is extremely dangerous to wander around the city.

About "business monkeys", With whom unlucky tourists come across here. The cunning Indians are interpreted to theft on theft, especially this business flourishes with the onset of heat, when people sleep with open windows, because it's no secret to anyone that Indian air conditioners - a thing is antediluvian and very specific, sleeping with such a miracle of technology does not seem possible, Guests of hotels and gestures swallow the windows that you need to throat. Monkeys will be seen in the windows on any floor and collect in the room everything that "badly lies", that is, phones, clocks, wallets, ladies, small strings, surrender the owner in exchange for bananas and other delicacies. That is why, settling in the hotel, you must definitely pay attention to the presence of decisions on the windows - this simple window accessory will protect you from unpleasant surprises.

Tips for those who are going to India 5841_3

About trust. I will tell the case. As always, it was necessary to walk at the entrance to the temple complex. And pass shoes. In India, shoes are either left at the entrance (for some reason the film "Millionaire from Slums" is remembered), or for storage of a certain young man, who in response you will not give any number / toll, and just promises to look at your sandals, and you then Give him a denyuzhka. Since it was at the very beginning of my journey, then the prospect of parting with his shoe forever for nonsense or misunderstanding me was not at all, so I firmly assimary to put sandals in a backpack and pick up with me. The old song that you cannot carry any of the natural materials, here absolutely not to the place: my sandals are made of synthetic materials, like almost all modern sports shoes. The argument would not end with anything good, apparently, if Canadian could not intervene in him, who turned his whole monologue to his monologue: "You are in vain, MEM. They are good and kind people, you must trust them, because you are in their country. You will be very difficult to travel further if you do not believe them. Understand, it's not even in shoes, but in trust. Submit their rules, there is nothing terrible. You will see, they will not do anything bad if you yourself will be kind and open. Just trust them, and that's it. "

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