What is worth looking in Slime? The most interesting places.


Sliema is located on the north coast of Malta and is the most important center of shopping and recreation. It also lives about 13 thousand people, but a lot of tourists come here every year enjoy the beauty of nature and relax in first-class hotels. If you are lucky to be in Slim, here's what sights can be visited and see.

Parish church of the Virgin Star Seas (Parish Church of Stella Maris)

What is worth looking in Slime? The most interesting places. 58380_1

What is worth looking in Slime? The most interesting places. 58380_2

The church was built in the 19th century and was originally only a small church, where only local residents went. Gradually Slise began to flourish and turn into a lively resort town, so the decision of the city administration church was decided to rebuild and reconstruct. The new Roman Catholic temple was impressed with his beauty, but how the cathedral looked after an extensive reconstruction, unfortunately, we will not be brought to consider - the church suffered a lot during the hostilities of World War II. Only at the end of the last century it was repaired. Thank God, paintings, frescoes and icons of those times lived to the present day. The name of the church also has the background. The terrain of the sea is called in Slime from the IX century - she was a patroness of all sailors who went out into the sea.

Church of the Virgin Mountain Karmel (Our Lady Of Carmel Church)

What is worth looking in Slime? The most interesting places. 58380_3

Today's church building occupies a rebuilt building of the end of the 20th century. The old focused with the Earth during the bombing of the Second World War, unfortunately. Later, the church was decided to restore, and the same architect was engaged in the reconstruction that the carmelite church was built in Valette. Church of the Virgin Mountain Mountain Carmel is a luxurious facade in a pseudo-styled style, with a beautiful facade with bas-reliefs and stucco. Concrete vaults inside are separated by a local stone. The old building was built in the 18th century by the monastic Catholic Order of Carmelites, which settled on Mount Karmel in the XIII century. They could be found in black rows with a hood. The Carmelite Church is one of the most beautiful, and no less beautiful is its location, because the church leave the facade to the bay. This is a delightful place where you want to go back again and again.

Watchtower of St. Juliana (Watchtower Of St. Yulian)

What is worth looking in Slime? The most interesting places. 58380_4

The tower among other similar towers was built to protect the coast, they all worked on the signal system and were used as sentient. For example, in the event of an attack, the fire was lit on this tower, sent from the other tower seen it and lit the fire on their tower - and so about the invasions of enemies immediately the whole island and everyone was ready. A weapon was kept in the towers, which helped at first to restrain the attacks of enemies. It must be said that these buildings accurately saved not one thousand lives. It is amazing that, in spite of difficult times, the tower is perfectly preserved and today is a popular tourist attraction.

Embankment Tower Roud (Tower Roud Embankment)

What is worth looking in Slime? The most interesting places. 58380_5

All major shopping centers and shops of famous brands are on this picturesque embankment - that is why it was called an elite street. It is not difficult to guess, almost all on this boulevard is very expensive. But for those who are not going to buy anything, you can advise to go to the bars and clubs, which also a lot here. Well, those who do not love the noise and gams, you can simply advise you to take a stroll along the Tower Road - this place is extremely picturesque - the surroundings of Slise and Havan Marsamcht, arriving cruise ships and heat carriers.

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