What excursions worth visiting in Narbonone?


Languedoc-Roussillon simply affects the number of places that can be visited, falls in love with his pristine beauty and admires natural wealth.

Arriving to Narbon on vacation, you should not be limited to acquaintance with one city, you can use the opportunity and try to see as much as possible. The first step to be taken to learn about the excursion facilities of the region is a trip to the local tourism bureau. You can take a map of the city for free, a brochure with events carried out in Narbon and the surroundings, as well as with a description of the most popular excursion routes. I can say right away that it will be easier to get in the organized group to Carcassonne, to ride in Barcelona (to the Spanish border only about two hours on the autobahn) or make an exciting journey through the castles of Qatar, lost in the mountains. Prices for excursions are very acceptable and fluctuated within 40 - 90 euros per person, depending on the route. You can also offer a leisurely walk through the southern canal (more precisely, on its segment) on a boat or a pedestrian or cycling route in local natural attractions.

If you doubt whether to go with the French-speaking group (although it may be very convenient, even in terms of moving), you can familiarize yourself with the offered booklets and go somewhere yourself, by car, bus or train. So, where can I go, being in Narbon?

You can start with nearby interesting places and attractions. First, it is located on the coast at a distance of 12-14 kilometers from the city of resort Narbonne Beach (Narbonne Plage) and San Piero. (St. Pierre La Mer). You can get there from Narboni on a city bus, the cost of a ticket in the summer in which there is only 1 euro. See, of course, in terms of history there is especially nothing. But you can walk along a beautiful embankment, go into numerous cafes or shops, visit the port with yachts and boats, located just between them (Narbon-Beach smoothly flows into San Pierreo), as well as make a fascinating pedestrian walk in the mountains, from where the indescribable View of the coastline and the sea. Also next to San Piero there is a unique natural monument - the lake hidden in the mountains, which is essentially a natural siphon, capable of descending into Earth at any time and appear again (deducted in the local newspaper).

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More interesting in terms of historical attractions may be lying nearby Grussan (Gruissan, FR. Gruissan). This is a rather ancient village that emerged on the site of ancient settlements of people. In its surroundings, you can find caves with objects left by primitive people thousands of years ago (for example, Cava Cave), to visit the oyster farm or admire the vineyards, and also touch the medieval history, while rummaged on a row toward the rock with the ruins of the fortress built to protect boundaries In the 13th century. In addition, the vineyards belonging to Pierre Richara are not far from the Grussan, so if you are lucky, you can even get to the presentation of his wine, where you can buy a cherished bottle with an actor autograph. On the dates of their holding can be found in special booklets, which are distributed right in the Narbon, and there is such a bottle of about 20 - 25 euros. Well, finally, in Grussan, you can just walk along the old streets, go along the embankment or ride on the ship. You can also get to him from the Narbon on the same flight bus for 1 euro, and the road from the city lies on a very picturesque area and takes no more than 15 minutes.

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In addition to the surroundings of Narbon, it will be interesting for sure to travel and in the historical places of the region. Perhaps the most famous city on the way from Narbonon in Toulouse is Carcassonne (Carcassonne) - a recreated medieval city, hitting which you can feel in the Knight's novel. Passing through the gate in powerful fortress walls, travelers are in the present Middle Ages and can stroll through the old streets, go to a beautiful temple, inspect the preserved houses, visit one of the museums (I remember the most medieval torture museum), to buy interesting souvenirs and just interesting and Fascinating time.

Not so well-known and popular among our tourists, but very interesting and memorable is the route by Qatar castles - Hidden in the mountains, fortresses of medieval exiles who want to change something in the existing church device and pursued by the official Catholic church. True, some of them are so lost in the mountains that it is better to go there with a group, but if you are not afraid of adventures, you can visit at least the most accessible ones on your own. Personally, I really remember the town Minerv (Minerve), sheltered on a harsh rock among mountains and shrubs. It looks sad on it from the height of a lonely wall of the medieval tower, in which in the 13th century was burned beyond the failure and confrontation of the church of 140 of his residents-Qatar. You can get to the city in a high and powerful arched bridge. But what is interesting - if you come here in the summer, then looking from the bridge down, you will not see the water - it rises only in winter, in the summer drill drill. Therefore, if you are not afraid of sharp impressions, you can go down and walk along the river bed to the entrance to the cave filled with winter water and hidden from human eyes.

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Having stopped in Narbonne, you can also ride and are not so far greasy cities. Of course, Marseilles - Pearl of the Mediterranean coast of France, the world famous port and city, proud of its richest history and traditions. This is an ancient city Montpellier Famous thanks to picturesque boulevards, unusual architecture and its universities. This is Franco-Spanish-Arabic Bezier , striking not only by the gothic cathedrals, unique southern canal gateways or bright holidays, but also by its colors.

It should not also forget that Narbon is just two hours away from the French-Spanish border, so you can easily drive into one of the border Spanish towns to look at the culture of another country. From the Spanish cultural and historical centers are closest to Girona and Barcelona.

Speaking about excursions that can be made, being in Narbonne, do not forget and unconventional options for us. It can be a visit to one of Kav "- wine plants, which are quite a lot in the vicinity of the city. There you will not only get acquainted with the process of collecting grapes and production and storage of wine, but also will be allowed to taste local grades and buy a couple of bottles with you as a souvenir. You can also go on an excursion to the oyster farm or a mini-plant for the production of cheese. In any case, positive emotions and bright impressions are guaranteed.

In general, being in the region in which Narbon is located, it seems that each meter of land stores its historical trail, their memories that you want to open and with which you want to get acquainted.

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