What should I see in Marsaiskale? The most interesting places.


Marsaiskala is the most interesting Maltese town. Its name, sounds like a "Sicilian port". A relatively young resort, uses not small among local aborigines. The total population of this resort township is nine and a half thousand souls. Do you think little? Well, for residents of megacities, such a population may seem just ridiculous, but for Malta, this is a completely decent figure. In the summer, the number of residents increases significantly, because owners, so-called summer apartments begin to go here, in order to spend their holidays at this resort. Marsaiskala, although the city is small in the square, with a not too rich history, but it is also available on that and just bored on the beach, you do not have to. The most interesting places that are in Marsaiskala, I will try to describe you.

Fisherman Marsashlokk . Fishing village, covered with sea winds, is not far from Marsasc. Visit this village, it is at least only because of one atmosphere, which literally hovers in the air. The village can not boast of impressive dimensions, but he has already become famous. He became famous, thanks to an important historical event that happened here in the month of 1989. Guess? It was in this village that Mikhail Gorbachev's significant meeting took place with George Bush. The result of the negotiations was the long-awaited ending of the Cold War. This meeting is called the "Summit of Sea Disease", and all because during the negotiations who were on board the warship, the sea was not a comic storm. The village is also known for its market, which is the largest in the whole island. In the market of this village, all what your soul will be sold, but first of all, he certainly specializes in fish.

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Along the entire shore of the fishing village, numerous cafes and restaurants, in which you can taste delicious dishes of their fish. Right with a cafe or restaurant, you can enjoy a picturesque picture - an incredible number of multicolored fishing boats, swaying in the tact of sea waves. I want to give a small council regarding the market. In addition to fish, there are a large number of a wide variety of souvenirs on the market, very decent quality, so you will not regret if you get at least one as a memory of visiting these places.

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Blue Grotto . It is a beautiful place, is a little south of the city of Marsasc. Its name, the grotto received not from local residents, but from British soldiers who called him by the analogy of the other grotto, which is located on Capri.

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Walls of grotto, as well as its caves, reflect the bright colors of the underwater world.

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If you wish to visit this amazing place, then take into account the moment that tourist excursions lasting about thirty minutes, there are only when there are no strong waves on the sea, therefore visiting the blue grott, and completely depends on the weather conditions.

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Marsascla Bay . Bay, is a favorite place of rest islanders who live in the south. Here you can just enjoy the picturesque and fascinating scenery, and relax on the beach, which is equipped with all the most necessary from the point of view of the beachheads.

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Church of Our Lady Pompeii . Very famous temple among pilgrims. Why this church is so popular, you will learn just below. The temple was erected in 1892. Above the creation of the project of this shrine, the architect Giuseppe Diakone worked, and the edge of the erection, he gave the Bishop of the Piece of the race in September 1890. In those days, this fishing village has had only two chapels and that is why the bishop decided to build a real parish church for his flock. The building of the temple, completely repeats the outline of the Latin Cross, and the interior decoration is performed in the impeccable style of the baroque. At the very beginning, I wrote about the popularity of this temple, so in 1900 in the Walls of the Temple delivered the statue of Madonna with a baby in her arms, to which the believers of Catholics gather every year in the eighth of May.

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Church of Our Lady Mercy . The construction of the temple was at the beginning of 1641. The initiative in the construction of the shrine, showed the parish priest Don Francesco Piskopo. A reliable expiration date is unknown, but there are two versions. According to one version, the construction of the church was completed in 1660. According to the second version, the end of construction, is 1969. What would not be an exact date, I think that this is not so important, since one of the Maltese proverbs, it says that the church has a property, never end. The temple for all its existence, repeatedly rebuilt and expanded. Andrea Bukhakar was introduced the most significant contribution to the development of the Church, which in 1738 at the expense of his personal cash savings, arranged a solid reconstruction. At the same time, the facade of the church was changed by the architect Giovanni Bonavia, who decorated it with decorative elements, attached two bell tower, and also worked on the inner marble trim and on the creation of the script. Madonna with a baby, who is the main altar, wrote in 1715, the artist Alessio Erardi. By the way, the bells of the church are the only ones in Malta bells that work from the drum mechanism. Such an unusual innovation was added by the Salino Demanuela watchmaker in 1913.

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Saint Foma Bay . This bay is fully justified, it is considered the best place for swimming in Malta. Why? Yes, simply because the insidious civilization has not yet reached these seats. The beaches of this bay can be called almost wild. Resting here, you are fully connected with nature. The coast of the bay, mostly stony, but there are also magnificent sites with a clean soft sand. It's not difficult to get to the bay, because it is fifteen minutes of walking from the spa town, which is actually about.

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Be sure to visit this bay, being in these places and you will not regret seeing the indescribable picture that will open in front of you in all its beauty.

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